Well…reading and watching the news yesterday solidified in my mind what you will get if the repubs are voted back into power in the mid-term elections. Their latest bit of craziness manifested itself with the vote yesterday on the 26 billion dollar house bill that would provide aid to cities and states and allow them to keep 150,000 teachers along with as many police and firefighters on the job until the economy recovers. To pay for the bill (which the repubs have said is a requirement for any new spending) the bill closes tax loopholes that rewarded companies for sending jobs overseas which you would think is a good thing, right? Nope, not to the repubs..only three repubs voted for the bill (it passed anyway) with the house repub leadership coming out in criticism of the bill as an unneeded tax increase that would slow down the economy. This really shows who they are trying to protect…not the 300K people that will still have jobs..but their corporate donors who have purchased their votes and who have benefited from laws that were dictated by business and passed by their lap-dog repub buddies. If we vote these guys back in, we only have ourselves to blame. Geez…