Well…it’s only halfway through the month and I’m already thinking about being behind so I thought I’d do one more right now and then the world cup one later….I am still stewing about the Hobby Lobby decision that gives employers the right to control their workers when not on the job…and it is so against the first amendment that I think the 5 catholics on the court that made the decision should be impeached….but, not only for this case, there is also the citizens united case that gave corporations free speech rights to spend as much they want to buy elections, and that overturned a hundred years of precedents…and, these are not aberrations, they are the ideology that these guys are pushing…that the rich and corporations are just a little more equal than the rest of us…just like the pigs in “Animal Farm”…..a cautionary tale that everyone should have read in high school…and that specifically had the point that inequality destroys societies…but these guys just don’t care, they have a vision of the rich running and ruining everyone’s lives and they are doing their best to make sure that happens…geez…