Need to get caught up…

Well…as you can see, I’m still behind for the month and can’t let it get worse so I think I’ll just meander a little and see what happens….I find it so sick that he repubs are thought of as the ones that support the military…at least they wave the flag a lot and SAY they do…but the evidence is different…just look at what is happening in Texas where the idiot Perry deployed the National Guard to try to stop children fleeing from violence in their own countries from crossing the border…well…these guardsmen are hitting food pantries along the border since they don’t have enough food to eat or money for that matter…since they have to take money out of their own pockets to buy food and then wait weeks for reimbursement….I can’t understand why people still believe the repubs on anything when they are responsible for this kind of crap all around the country…geez…

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