Well…the court opinion we’ve all been waiting for dropped this morning and the ketchup must be flying down at the idiot’s tacky golf club in Florida…in a 57 page opinion, the DC appeals court ruled unanimously that ex presidents have no immunity from prosecution for crimes committed at any time, even when in office…this upholds a lower court opinion that said the same thing and blows every delusional argument from idiot boy’s lawyers out of the water…I mean the complete immunity that the lawyers tried to argue would let a president or ex president even murder someone and couldn’t be held responsible and that is just wrong…so now what happens? Of course idiot boy can appeal to either the whole appeals court or the supreme court but they also can say out of it and refuse the case which will get the trial by Jack Smith back on track and idiot boy is headed to prison…it will probably be another 6 months for that to happen but it will happen…even the corrupt SC isn’t going to give trump a get out of jail free card…I hope…geez…
Tag Archives: Donald Trump
The countdown has started…
Well…today is the day that the judge in the idiot trump’s fraud case promised he would have a ruling and the speculation about the fine runs from 300 million to 2 billion dollars and I really do hope it is two billion…that would mean that all of his buildings in NY would have to be sold along with his tacky golf clubs since he really doesn’t have any cash…and he was reminded this week that using campaign funds to pay his legal bills is against the law and that goes for any settlement money, too…so he can’t bilk his stupid followers for the cash he is going to need…and we have to remember that the monitor that is watching his businesses found what sure looks like a “ghost loan” that idiot boy used to write off taxes and probably launder money…but they can’t find the paperwork anywhere so the judge will take that into account when he rules on the case…and I can’t wait to see the ruling and I’ll come back here for an update when I see it…geez…
They are going to nuke him…
Well…with the discovery of even more fraud by the idiot trump that was discovered by the court appointed overseer in place to keep idiot boy from hiding his assets, I think the judge in trump’s fraud case is going to nuke him…3-400 million dollar fine and banning him and his kids from ever doing business in NY again, and they are going close the trump org to sell off his assets…and that was before he lost almost 90 million dollars to E. Jean Carroll…so, sometime this week the nukes will start to fall on idiot boy’s head and there is not a damn thing he can do about it…and this is before the criminal trials start later in the year…he could finally be silenced…oh, and he attacked Carroll again so there may be another defamation trial, too…if it sounds like I’m gloating you are right…this asshole has been polluting this country far too long…geez…
83 million dollars….
Well…the dumber than a box of rocks trump just found out the cost of him attacking E. Jean Carroll (who he sexually assaulted) for a second time…the first time it cost him 5 million dollars…and this time it cost him 83 million dollars…and you and I know that this won’t be the last time…he can’t help himself and is going to continue to run his big mouth until they take away all of his money if he still has any after the 300+ million he is going to have to pay in his business fraud trial that ended yesterday…finally, he is starting to be held accountable for being the worst asshole on the face of the Earth…and we haven’t even seen his criminal trials yet that really do look like slam dunks that will land him in jail for the rest of his life…I can’t wait for the day when we won’t have to have his toxic bullshit polluting this country…okay, I need to read some news…
Is there any law they didn’t break?
Well…damn, when idiot boy was squatting in the WH, was there any law they didn’t break? Just the other day it was revealed that the WH pharmacy was just a candy store to trump and his minions to the tune of 150,000 dollars…and that included idiot boys favorite adderall, along with valium, oxycontin, and every other drug you can think of…and most of it was dispensed without following procedures or the law that governs pharmacies across the country…but, did we expect anything else from the guy who is under 91 felony charges? Now, Merrick Garland, what the hell are you going to do abut it? Nothing I’m sure….I’m sure there is video of the people coming in and out all day long and this could be an easy case to bring…so get on it….geez…
Dementia Don strikes again…
Well…when did Nancy Pelosi turn into Nikki Haley and why didn’t anyone tell me about it? At least that is what it sounds like if you listen tot he idiot trump spout his gibberish like he did in NH earlier in the week…as he dragged out his tired bullshit…it is now Nikki Haley who was in charge of the military on January 6th and she is the one who didn’t send in the troops instead of Nancy…and the rest of the speech was a word salad that made no damn sense at all…and the repubs constantly harp about Joe Biden losing it and being too old to be president and yet they are going to nominate this moron who every world leader just laughs at…and it’s taken 3 years for Joe and his team to repair the damage he did…so let’s do everything we can to make sure he gets nowhere near the WH…vote! geez….
It’s about time…
Well…finally, Joe Biden is going on the attack against the idiot trump and has chosen a winner of a way to do it…abortion…even in red states, overturning Roe has been a political loser in every election since the corrupt SC ignored precedent and took away women’s rights across this country…and idiot boy keeps bragging to the forced birthers that “he” did it…that he made women second class citizens in many states, most of them red,…when you look at the polls, only about 30% of the people across the country wants abortion outlawed and they feel that it is a subject between a woman and her doctor and no one else…but the tiny minority that wants women to die instead of aborting a dead fetus, like in Texas, have gleefully mad more and more draconian laws that have already killed women and they don’t care…so, I’m glad that Joe is hitting idiot boy hard…women’s rights is a winning issue that we need to use to pound these assholes…geez…
Bad day for idiot boy…
Well…have been reading about the second of idiot boy’s trials for defamation of E. Jean Carroll and he is just not having a good day…it started out with his lawyer pissing off the judge by trying to re litigate the entire trial when it has been decided that yes, trump did defame her again and the only thing this trial is about is how many dollars the settlement will be…and idiot boy was mumbling and commenting through the whole day and the judge wasn’t having it telling trump he was going to toss him out of the courtroom if he kept it up…and his lawyer was whining that she didn’t know how to try the case…and that is not a good thing to say in the middle of it…look, the jury in this has already been told by the judge that yes, idiot boy did sexually assault Carroll and that was decided in the previous trial and that 5 million bucks that trump was ordered to pay in that one didn’t stop him from defaming her again…so he rhetorically asked the jury “how much of a settlement is enough to get him to stop”…and then idiot boy defamed her 22 more times over the weekend…so this jury made up of regular New Yorkers that have seen trump get away with everything forever could drop the hammer on him to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars…similar to what rudy has to pay to the Georgia election workers he defamed…I guess we’ll see…geez…
Not a landslide…
Well…how damn dumb is our media getting? after the Iowa repub caucuses yesterday, predictably. the media went on and on about the “landslide” for trump and are bleating on about him being unbeatable…blah, blah…but let’s take a quick look at the numbers…how the heck can trump only get 51% of the die hard maga asshole repubs? That’s not a landslide to me at all…and let’s also remember that only 15% of all repubs even voted in Iowa…so he got 51% of 15%….which is what, around 8% of the possible voters? If I was on his campaign I would be hitting the panic button about now since 49% of the repubs that came out aren’t buying what he’s selling….which is hate, stupidity, and graft…so, before we give idiot boy credit for what he didn’t do, let’s just relax and see what happens…geez…
Idiot boy’s first trial ended…
Well…just saw it come across the news that the idiot trump’s trial for business fraud ended this afternoon…and the judge who is deciding how much more than the original 250 million dollar fine he is going to have to pay said he will have a decision by the end of the month…the AG has asked for at least 370 million and a ban on any of the family ever owning or running a business in NY again…I for one don’t think the penalty fits the crime at all…they should all go to jail for an ongoing fraud that has been going on for 40 years at least…can’t wait for the criminal cases to get going and take up all of the asshole’s time an shut him the hell up…geez…