Well…not sure if you’ve heard or not, but the idiot trump’s lawyers are arguing in front of the DC court of appeals today as he tries to get blanket immunity for all of his crimes since he was president once…and one of the judges asked the lawyers a hypothetical question that if it’s true, then Biden could use this to have trump shot today…and the lawyer answered “yes”…and then the lawyer tried to argue that to have any charges leveled against him, any president would have to be impeached and convicted first before anything could be done…and that is not anywhere in the constitution so they are trying to make up new powers for the office of the president…but it sounds like the appeals court isn’t buying it and they shouldn’t…the founders lived under unaccountable kings and never wanted that to happen here…so do the right thing appeals court and laugh these guys out of the building…geez…
Tag Archives: Donald Trump
Trump is senile…
Well…just one more shorty on some ranting that the idiot trump did during a speech yesterday…and no one has been able to figure out what the hell he was talking about…while he was ranting, he stopped and said that he could defeat magnets by dropping them in water…that they don’t work in water…just like the cancer causing windmills, this is just another bit of evidence that idiot boy is not all there….of course magnets work under water…didn’t he ever read…oh, yeah he can’t read so maybe someone can show him some magnetic ship mines from WWII…or draw him a crayon picture which is all he can understand he is just so damn stupid….
The idiot trump is blocked two states now…
Well…a news story just came out that Maine has joined Colorado saying that idiot boy can’t be on the ballot there and, of course, the right wingers have gone crazy about it…howling that the 14th amendment is too old and we don’t have to follow it since it only applied to confederates…hey righties, the 2nd amendment is lots older than that and you all think it was handed down by god and it MUST be followed…you know how I feel about it…it was an insurrection and idiot boy led it and the 14 amendment is clear that people who tried to overthrow the government can not ever serve in government again…and the right gets even more disingenuous when they howl that this hasn’t happened to any other president…hey, guys…no other president tried to overthrow the government or had 91 felony charges against him, either…I have no faith that the SC will follow the law and disqualify the idiot so we all need to get out to vote…geez…
Off the ballot in Colorado…
Well…I think we all owe a big thank you to Colorado for the SC decision that the idiot trump is disqualified from getting on the ballot there since he led an insurrection against the US…this is exactly what article 3 of the 14th amendment says…that you can’t hold any office in the US if you attack it or help others attack it…and the context is that this part of the amendment was written specifically to keep people who supported the south in the Civil War from getting into the government…not much different from what idiot boy tried to do…I’m sure this is going to be appealed but the language of the amendment clear…and of course idiot boy is freaking out, calling the ruling “undemocratic” when the courts decision is just upholding the constitution against an asshole who plotted and planned an insurrection…I guess the ketchup is hitting the walls again at his tacky golf club…now we need to rest of the blue states to follow suit…we only need 3 or 4 and even if the repubs nominate him, that will be enough votes to keep him miles away from the WH….geez…
Mr. Smith goes to the SC…
Well…with the continued bleatings from the idiot trump’s that since he was president, he is totally immune from any type of prosecution for any laws he has broken…and it doesn’t matter how many times the ploy is knocked down in court, he continues to use it in every venue where he is being tried to delay the trial as he has in every one of the 4,000 lawsuits he has filed during his lifetime. but Jack smith has other ideas and has filed a brief with the supreme court to ask them to rule on whether or not being president confers immunity to stop these delays…now, this could be a mistake with the right wing supreme court willing to make stuff up as it goes along and ready to break the constitution whenever they can…but I know for a fact that there is nothing in the constitution that gives that immunity and for them to give it to idiot boy would be another reason to reform the court and return it to it’s traditional role of ruling on laws, not making the law like htis ruling would do…geez…
Compare the two…
Well…just thought of a short topic to talk about this evening…not sure if you had time to read any news today but if you do, take a look at and compare the Thanksgiving statements from Joe and the idiot trump and try to tell me that Joe is losing it compared to the orange menace…Joe’s was soothing and nice while idiot boy’s was full of hate and attacks and really didn’t make much sense…if anyone can read idiot boy’s and think he should ever be president again you need some psychiatric help…and I never want to hear from you again…
He’s a frickin fascist…
Well…you know, the media has been trying it’s little heart out trying to not call a spade a spade when they talk about trump and his minions who are still trying to take over the country…but this time it’s in the shadows and funded by all the right wing billionaires…but that’s not what this one is about…one of the things that media won’t do is call the idiot trump that fascist that he is…so it was left to independent media to do it…and the neat trick is they didn’t just say it, they lined up lines from Hitler’s speeches beside what trump said in a speech over the weekend and they are word for word identical…right down to idiot boy call Americans that hate him “vermin” the exact term that Hitler used against his enemies…I guess we shouldn’t be surprised when it is know that idiot boy always kept a copy of “Mein Kampf” on his nightstand and would read it incessantly as he litsten to Hitler’s speeches…so is he a facist? Hell yes…and he need to be called that…geez…
He just isn’t very bright..
Well…not sure if you’ve read anything about the idiot trump’s performance yesterday testifying in his business fraud trial but damn, from what I read, it was nailing the rest of the nails in his coffin…not just because he admitted to doing everything the government alleges but along with that he attacked everyone from the judge to the prosecutors to the AG…and this moron just doesn’t understand that this judge holds his fate in his hands since this is not a jury trial…he is so dumb that he didn’t even ask for a jury trial where he may have been able to get some of his moron followers on it…and there is one thing to remember and that is that this judge has looked at the evidence and ruled that yep, the people running trump’s company have committed fraud and this is just the penalty phase where he could be on the hook for up to a billion dollars…if he has it…the prosecution knew that trump basically gave up the game in his testimony yesterday so they rested the case…or they are only going to call one more witness and that is the evil daughter who will be on the stand tomorrow…but you can bet she didn’t know anything or did anything…that company seems to run fine with the people running it not knowing anything that was going on…geez…
Mark Meadows has flipped on idiot boy..
Well…damn I read this this afternoon and it just slipped my mind until now…it was announced today that former trump chief of staff Mark Meadows had taken and immunity deal to testify against the idiot trump…yep, this is the guy that was in every meeting that was held about stealing the election and can testify directly to what trump and everyone else said during that plot…so this time trump really is cooked and this explains the hail Mary filings his lawyers made in this case over the weekend trying to get the case thrown out…that is never going to happen so next year we’ll get the big trial that should put trump trump in jail for the rest of his life…we can hope anyway…geez…
It’s now espionage…
Well…I’m sure you’ve heard by now of the news that the idiot trump shared nuclear sub secrets with an Australian businessman who then blabbed those same secrets with almost 100 people across the world…yeah, he did it…but now we know why idiot boy did it and that has started an investigation of espionage against the idiot and the businessman…and the whole thing keys on the fact that the businessman gave trump millions of dollars and trump wanted the money to keep flowing so he blabbed secrets to him to make sure that happened even though he lost the election…the money started flowing to trump right after the Russians installed him as president and the businessman joined the idiot’s tacky Florida club…and it just kept flowing as the businessman wormed his way into the idiot’s inner circle…and the kicker here is that the businessman knew the entire relationship was transactional…that he knew that he could keep access only if the money kept flowing and even told his friends that he was buying his way in…so now the question has to be answered “what was trump going to do with all of the secrets he stole?” It is obvious he was selling info to this businessman, so who else was he doing it to? I don’t have any faith that anything will happen to idiot boy for doing this…after all, nothing he has done has put him in jail so why would anyone think this time will be different? Geez…