Tag Archives: bike

May 2nd, part two…

Okay…maybe having three cups of coffee on Sunday morning is not that good of an idea…kind of vibrating as I wait for the sun to come out so I can get out on the bike and burn off some of the caffeine. One of the things that has recently made a spot in my brain is the fact that I am now the age my father was when he died. Did he think about the same things that I do now? Never really knew who he was since I grew up in a time where there just was not a lot of depth to relationships in general; even familial ones.

I’ll talk more about that at some later date…hey, that’s a little onion peeling don’t you think? I’ll score that as some revelation….even though there’s not much there.

What’s the rest of day going to be like? Hmmmmm…of course, Pink Floyd for the ride then probably just try to clean this place up a bit, it’s a small place but haven’t had any motivation lately…then out for the game later; maybe sit in the sun for a while…I know, tough day…;-))

Oh, topic for later…I will probably get into how I feel about my age and health and what it means to be getting older…

April 30th

Well…nothing really earth-shattering today, it has been a good day so far…worked out for the 5th day in a row and took a long bike ride this morning. The bike is working so well I was grinning like an idiot all through the ride and put in about 15 miles; the weather was so nice even at 10:30 that it was hard to come home. Will probably go out again for a leisure ride with no sprints to just look around and take some of the paths that are less traveled.

I know I promised that the onion will start to be peeled but it’s still rattling around in my head and I can’t make sense of how I want to present it. I probably should just make it free form and write about what pops into my head. Might be making it more work than it has to be. So, again, I promise more tomorrow.

Monday, April 26th

Well…this is the first, or really the second or third episode of what I want to have as daily entry of things that happen in my life. You’ll be able to tell by the titles which will all be dates to start but may have sub-titles if there is a theme that I think is important. Or maybe not important; that’s up to you to decide.

Had to take the bike in today to get the shifter fixed…oh, you should know, there will we quite a few entries about the bike since it is one of the things that bring me joy in this life…I used to call it “the Corvette” but now I really don’t know if that truly fits anymore. Tried the new bike carrier so I didn’t have to ride it over to Village Bike stuck in one gear; I know it’s only about a half-mile but had to see if the weird shape of the thing would fit on the carrier. It’s a Motobecane 400ds with full suspension, disc brakes and 24 speeds (when they work) and it makes me grin every time I get on it. I was kind of in shock when they gave me the estimate of how much it would be to fix, since I am used to getting estimates to get the Mazda fixed and we all know that even something small on a car has the potential to get into 4 figures. This time it was a pleasant surprise…no more than 30 bucks to re-cable and adjust the shifter! I had to stop myself from grinning like an idiot when I heard that ( to keep the price from going up) and the tech thought it was no big deal. Hope to get it back Tuesday and get out for at least 10 and maybe 20 miles; but it will probably rain….that would be my luck or lack of it.

Oh, I do need to fill you in on yesterday…went out to watch the wings game with C and T at Vinny’s but with a stop at Peppino’s downtown to see K and K. It ended up being a long day but fun, too, and I was really good…only had two shots of BV and had much luck at Keno. Won 32 bucks which paid my tab and left 8 bucks in my pocket…it IS kind of nice to get paid to drink. If you’ve looked at the other post for today, you’ve seen that the Wings REALLY stunk up the place in Sunday’s game but we have one more try Tuesday but game 7′s scare the crap out of me…one lucky bounce can ruin your season.

Hmmm….oh, since this is Monday, going out with G to LC to have a few and catch up, hope the Keno luck holds up and can get through another night with no money out of pocket….oh, no money out of pocket anyway! It’s G’s turn to buy….talk to you tomorrow…;-)) There may even be some introspection and musings on what it means to be the old guy with young friends…but you’ll have to come back to find out…

Not the best Thursday

Well…this has not been the best thursday…after having too much to drink last night, and feeling like crap today, the bike finally stopped shifting completely. Damn…can’t get it fixed until Tuesday, so I think I’ll probably go nuts without riding. Let’s hope that it will rain every day until then or snow, I’ll take either. Well…not snow, Michigan winter is too long as it is..

No politics today but there was something about Ed Rendell that I wanted to write about but I forgot what it was…maybe tomorrow.