Tag Archives: Michael Flynn

This is pretty funny….

Well…just a short one on a funny little piece of info that came across the internet…the traitor Michael Flynn is really, really trying to trade his testimony for immunity from prosecution and no one is taking him up on it. Now…what this means is that the people doing the investigations don’t really need his testimony to put a case together….think on that for a minute…this is a damning little clue that there is something big that they already have on trump if they don’t need testimony from one of his henchmen…tick, tick, tick….if I were you, trump…I’d be heading to the Cayman Islands right now….impeach…

The first domino falls….

Well….reading some news reports this afternoon and it appears that the first domino on the way to trump has fallen….Michael Flynn is reported to have a deal with the FBI and is singing away to try to save his sorry ass….this is always how these criminal enterprises  unravel….they catch one guy breaking the law and cut him a deal to get a lower sentence if he reveals the rest of the criminality of the mob…and trump’s mob is full of criminality all the way up to treason…and the deal for the next singer is not going to be as good so I think there will be many more in the near future. I laughed the other day when I read one of Keith’s tweets that basically said to trump…”flee” but now I see that may have been pretty good advice and he should take it….this isn’t going to end well for trump, pence, bannon, or any of the other people who conspired with Russia to steal the election….I still want to see trump walked out of the WH in a perp walk…impeach….

A little hope…

Well…I didn’t watch the repubs huge crash and burn on healthcare “reform” with too much glee…I guess I’m numb from the nastiness of these assholes trying to take health insurance away from 20 million people and give even more of the country to the rich who already don’t pay their share….the grinding threat of these idiots making life worse for most of us that aren’t in the 1% has been taking the life out of me but last night, there was a little bit of hope that came from me watching Rachael Maddow’s show and her methodical reporting on just where the investigations into trump’s criminality stand. Yow…after just 60 days, basically everyone in the trump administration is under investigation by multiple entities from the FBI to the justice department, to international banking organizations looking at money laundering. And one revelation, that Michael Flynn discussed kidnapping a Turkish national who resides here in the US while he was working on the trump campaign….and while he was a paid lobbyist for Turkey is just another in a landslide of bombshells that are to come as more information comes out. I really hope that this will spell the end for the ignorant racist in the WH and take all of his cronies with him….can you say perp walk? Impeach….

The conflict of interest administration….

Well…if it wasn’t sickening enough that trump and his “administration” is rife with conflicts of interest and whose sole purpose seems to be to enrich trump and his cronies, we now know that his disgraced nations security adviser, Michael Flynn, was working as an agent of the Turkish government and was paid over a half million dollars during that time…now, someone with ethics…and that is no one in the trump administration, would think there is something wrong with that…allowing a foreign government to pay someone in trump’s campaign to shape our foreign policy…but trump’s modus operandi has always been “pay for play” and has changed our foreign policy to serve Putin and anyone who ponies up the big bucks….you repubs should be sick that trump is selling our government to the highest bidder…but no, nothing matters to you but tax cuts for the rich and hating on everyone else…what a corrupt bunch of assholes….