Tag Archives: stupidity

Trump really is this damn dumb…

Well…I would find this funny if it wasn’t so damn scary…staffers talking off the record yesterday have found that it now their job to “talk him out of doing crazy things” and they have found the only way to get him to listen to anything is to only give him one course of action since he is just too damn dumb to sort out competing ideas and make decisions…he only wants one idea and then the only thing that concerns him is how the media is going to react…not what the policy implications are…but how the media is going to react. These leaks from the inside show all of us that no matter how stupid trump makes himself look whenever he does an interview, he is really even much more dumb than he looks…shouldn’t there be a minimum IQ for anyone running for and serving as *president?   Impeach…

More on vaccines….

Well…I guess the repubs haven’t gotten to their monthly quota of stupid yet so they all have to weigh in on the vaccines “controversy” that they have manufactured all by themselves…and I want to start with just a month or so ago to show how crazy these folks are…of course you remember the Ebola scare where there was one case in the US and everyone on the right was just freaking about about it…and one of the memes that they were pushing was that it was Obama’s fault that there was no vaccine for Ebola that everyone could get to be safe…fast forward to today and you have all of the repub idiots out there saying it should be a parents choice whether or not they vaccinate their kids…never mind the fact that millions and millions of lives have been saved by vaccines since they were invented…under the guise of freedom, these idiots are willing to have their children die from readily preventable diseases since, according to their great minds like Rand Paul, vaccines can cause “severe mental problems” even though there has never been case of this that they can refer anyone to…they just “know” it’s a fact.  Then, today, we have another great light from the right…some senator from Tennessee or some other backwater of science deniers, go on and on that the current measles outbreak is caused by “illegal immigrants” coming over the border since none of them are vaccinated…but he missed the fact that all of the central American countries including Mexico have vaccination rates that are much higher than the US. So, I guess what all of this means is the repubs are still the party of the stupid; denying science to pander to the stupid in their party and putting many people in danger for it…geez…

They just don’t have the capacity to think…

Well…a weird thought just popped into my head…what if the intransigence of the repubs is rooted in the fact that they just don’t have the capacity to think? What if they are just not bright enough to understand the complexity of this country and that is why they stick to their doctrinaire nonsense? It is certainly easier to stand up and say that you’re “flabbergasted” then it is to put forward a serious plan…I think they just got into this “put Obama out of office” crap and used that as a replacement for governing and they don’t have the intelligence to replace it….I can’t wait for the country to go over the cliff and stomp on these idiots once and for all…they and their ideas don’t deserve any respect and I applaud Obama for finally calling “bullshit” on them…geez…