Category Archives: Politics

Patriots pay their taxes…

Well…in typical repub fashion, just like ole Mitt, the repub senate candidate here in Michigan paid much, much less in taxes by percentage than almost anyone…even me who is living on his retirement. Over the past two years, somehow through accounting nonsense and loopholes, ole Terri land paid under three percent of her income in taxes versus the 4.6% that you and I pay…and the other thing is: how do you have a net worth of over 30 million dollars and only report income of 44 thousand dollars like she did last year?  And, why did she separate her “income” from that of her husband, who works for the Land family real estate business? Is it to make it appear that she is just another poor working class person here in Michigan?  I am disgusted with these rich asses who think they need just money to make them qualified to represent Michigan in the US senate…just like the DeVos family who tried to buy the governorship a few years back, ole Terri has spent almost 3 million dollars of her own money trying to buy this seat…along with the help of the Koch brothers who have spent millions through their shell companies to help with her purchase. I will deal with the policy differences between her and Gary Peters later…but knowing she is rich, and paying less in taxes than you and I should be enough to disqualify her in the eyes of rational voters…just hope there are a few here in Michigan.

Still no politics…

Well…I have been waiting for the congress to get back into session to give me some topics to write about but nothing yet…there is an interesting primary fight still going on in Mississippi for the repub senate nomination…the establishment repub won but the tea party candidate is screaming voter fraud since a bunch of black people crossed over and voted for the least crazy  candidate….not the tea partier…in an open primary where this is permitted…but, the sore losers that they are, the tea partier just can’t believe he lost so the lawsuits are flying…but the whole thing is just a grift to get the rubes to give up more money so McDaniel can pay himself back for the loan he gave his campaign….after all, if you are a repub the profit motive is your god and you need to make a profit off everything….oh, I guess this one is about politics…so, change the title to some politics….

I predicted this…

Well…in the wake of the wrong headed HL decision by the supreme court, I predicted that this was not going to be where this blatant attack on women would end…and, I was right…as of yesterday, there have been over 100 companies who have applied to no longer cover birth control due to religious reasons…what I want to know is what are women going to do about it? I think those of us that think that women can make their own decisions about their health need to start making these companies pay for this naked aggression by boycotting anything they make, any service they provide, and being loud about it…starting with Hobby Lobby…the creeps that run that company should be made to pay….religion belongs in church, not in business and any business that starts this crap should be cut out of any government contract that they may apply for….we on the left need to start pushing back…after all, the majority of the country agree with us…geez…

I can’t believe it…

Well…have been ruminating over the HL decision now for a few days and have seen the true idiocy of the right come out…why do we who have no religion have to follow some ancient superstitions that other people believe in? Where is our freedom and liberty that the right is always screaming about? Oh, I guess it’s THEIR freedom and liberty to force that superstitious nonsense on the rest of the country…and this was really brought home by a tweet by Erick Ericson, on of the supposed great thinkers on the right that said “my religion trumps your right to have recreational sex”… sick is that? And, explain to me how that is different from the Taliban or other religious extremists and their edicts that try to control the behavior of the women that live in those countries?  One of things I see here is that the religious extremists are trying to carve out their exemptions to law since they are losing the war….the country is leaving these idiots behind and they know that their bigotry and disdain for the rights of women are going to be on the losing side within a few years; we are going to look back and see this as the death throes of the political part of the religious right…all we have to do is vote…if women turn out we win, if minorities turn out, we win….if rational people turn out, we win…so let’s not wait any longer…let’s win this year and start returning this country to facts…not superstitious nonsense…geez

The bible is the new “get out of jail free” card…

Well…with the ridiculous ruling that came out today from the supreme court, a few thoughts came to mind as to what the true effects are going to be…and they will not be limited to contraception coverage as the court has asserted…and, I think they specifically mentioned that this is the only exception to set the ACA up for other challenges in the future…after all, how long will it take for a christian scientist that owns a corporation to  sue since they still have to cover transfusions that their religion specifically forbids? What this court has done is given every religious, or supposedly religious, idiot the right to not follow any law because…bible? Want to discriminate against gays?  Bible. Want to not promote any women? Bible.  Want to not pay taxes? Bible. This ruling is a virtual get out of jail free card for the bigots and religious idiots to continue to hate anyone who is not white and christian…geez…can this country get any worse?

The court gets it wrong again…

Well…as we all expected, the supreme court today gave religious employers the right to discriminate against women by granting corporations religious rights. Yep, you heard that right, corporations now have religious rights and are allowed to single out women for discrimination by not having to cover their contraception in their health plans…and the court was naked in it’s discrimination specifically stating that it only applied to contraception, not any other health service that the plan would cover…so, men continue to get everything covered but women can go to hell. I have had enough of the supposedly religious in this country getting their way all the time with help from this court who regularly discard hundreds of years of precedents to make law for their right wing masters…geez…

Hobby Lobby tomorrow…

Well…not sure if you have been following this case that has been decided and will be released tomorrow where a corporation, Hobby Lobby, that is owned by religious zealots, has an objection to having to provide contraception in it’s health care plan and has sued to be exempt. Yep…they want this corporation to now have religious rights to go with the free speech rights that were granted them in Citizens United…what’s next? If this is decided in HL’s favor, basically all federal and state laws have been voided if you assert that you have an objection for religious grounds….want to speed? The Bible has no mention of speed limits so you don’t have to follow them….want to stone someone to death for sleeping with the neighbors wife? Says you can in the Bible so the laws against it made by man no longer apply…you get where I’m going here? If the idiot supreme court goes against 200 years of precedent and gives HL these rights, there is no law that can’t be challenged on religious grounds…we’ll just be another theocracy run by Christians…and I won’t want to live here…geez…

Water is a human right….

Well…just read that, with the blessing of our wonderful governor, Rick Snyder, the city of Detroit is going to start shutting off the water to people who can’t pay their water bills…and the estimate is that there will be 3,000 homes and businesses per week…yep, per week that will lose their service…and now, since our gov won’t do anything, there are organizations the have had to appeal to the UN to get the US to adhere to the treaties we have signed that say you just can’t do that, that water is a human right and that it can’t be shut off for profit. But, that is what Detroit is doing…as part of the “grand bargain” to try to save Detroit that was just signed by Snyder…the Detroit water department has to cut it’s costs and one way that they will do it is by not supplying water to people who can’t pay. What the hell kind of country do we live in when you can continue to give tax cuts to the rich so there are no tax revenues left to fix the schools, fix the roads, or provide life saving water to the citizens? This is the repub dream in action folks…if you can’t pay, you die…geez…

Do they think we have time machines?

Well…I am getting a little worn down by the stupidity on the right these days…it seems that everything that happens is a scandal, especially everything that the government does while Obama is president…and now, with the crashing of a hard drive at the IRS, there is a brand new fake scandal the the right is pushing….they really do think they have found the smoking gun here…and that the IRS is hiding things from the house committee that is investigating the “scandal”…using the recycling of the crashed hard drive of an IRS official as “proof”…the only problem is that the hard drive crashed and was recycled in 2011…three years before the “investigation” started…so now, do these repub idiots think we have time machines? Do they really think someone planned for this crash and made it happen because the knew they that at some point in the future, there would be a made up “scandal” and that all of the incriminating evidence would be contained in the one single hard drive?  It is getting really fatiguing listening to these idiots and their continual conspiracy theories that are never true…geez…

Minnesota wins…

Well…there was an interesting article in the Free Press today that compared the difference of two midwestern states…one run by dems on dem principles, and Michigan run by repubs on repub principles…want to guess which one is doing better…I mean after you get your car out of the huge pothole it just fell into here in Michigan. Of course, it’s the one, Minnesota, run on facts and sound economic principles…not Michigan that is run on ideology and wishful thinking by the crony capitalism that is the repub party. In Minnesota where tax rates on corporations are much higher than here in Michigan, they have enough money to fund their schools, fix their roads, revenue share with their cities and do the infrastructure spending that will pay off in the future with higher growth rates for all their citizens. One thing you have to note is that even with higher corporate tax rates, there is no big exodus of jobs…in fact, their unemployment rate is 3 points lower than Michigan and they have not hollowed out their middle class. Here in Michigan…taxes were raised on retirees, cut for corporations and you can see the results whenever you drive your car….as the roads pound it into dust since there is no tax money to fix them….cities crumble as revenue sharing tax money is given to the rich and corporations, and not one job is created except for more accountants for the CEO’s that have to figure out how to spend all of the new money the have gotten from those tax cuts. All the while these tax cuts hollow out the programs that benefit workers and make Michigan competitive…but the repubs just don’t give a damn about that since workers are just “takers” that take food out of the mouths of the rich. I think everyone needs to read of the failures of the repub economic policies and call them out on it…I have had enough…geez…