Well….finally, an attorney general has noticed that the slush fund that was the trump foundation was being run like a personal piggy bank for the trump family…and they are all being sued by the NY AG for it. This all came about because David Farentold of the Washington Post smelled something foul and dug into public records of the foundation to find self dealing and huge misuse of funds with trump buying all kinds of stuff for himself and his family…and the kids, who were all on the board so they could each suck up some of that sweet graft, didn’t do a damn thing about it when it is the boards job to make sure the law is followed. The kicker here is that, not only are they being sued, but the AG has referred the case to the IRS and the FEC to see if there were any laws broken there. So, I am laughing my butt off about this today….they are going to rue the day that their idiot father was installed as president by Putin….I really do think that the whole family will look great in orange jumpsuits….impeach…
Oh, and this one makes 6,300 of these I’ve done since this thing started…yow….
Well….just waned to do a shorty on a little bit of good news if you want to see the criminal trump perp walked out of the WH….the latest addition to Robert Mueller’s team that is investigating the trump crime family’s many, many transgressions is an elite IRS team that investigates financial crimes…like money laundering….and guess what they already have in their possession? Yep, the idiot trump’s tax returns…and, if he is anything like the rest of the rich in this country, he cheated on his taxes and that will be another count against him when he is finally charged with the multitude of crimes he has committed. Of course the idiot’s protectors in the repub party have already started to bleat that the IRS is biased against trump and you can’t trust them to be honest…I just hope that all of of the repubs out there go down with the idiot when the end comes….impeach…..
Well…with it being tax day, I thought it might be fun to take a look at the reason why taxes are so complicated. In many countries around the world the state sends out a form with all of your information already entered into it and all you have to do is sign it…with the record keeping and computer capacity that has made life easier everywhere but here, you would think the US would be able to do that, too…but, no….not when you have the tax preparation industry protecting the 15 billion dollars they make every year doing taxes for individuals. The whole thing tracks back to 1998 when congress ordered the IRS to build a “return free system” for people who have relatively simple returns…but, even before the rules were tried, the tax prep industry started throwing money at legislators trying to get the act rescinded and they have spent almost 30 million dollars trying to keep the tax code as complicated as possible to ensure their profits. It is not like these guys know what they are doing, either…a study done buy the GAO found that 90% of the returns done by “professional” preparers had errors in them….something that is not better than people doing it themselves. I am just so tired of business buying themselves profits that come from the hard work of normal folks just because they can…and I am tired of congress not doing their job to protect US citizens from this kind of crap….geez…
Well…I am getting a little worn down by the stupidity on the right these days…it seems that everything that happens is a scandal, especially everything that the government does while Obama is president…and now, with the crashing of a hard drive at the IRS, there is a brand new fake scandal the the right is pushing….they really do think they have found the smoking gun here…and that the IRS is hiding things from the house committee that is investigating the “scandal”…using the recycling of the crashed hard drive of an IRS official as “proof”…the only problem is that the hard drive crashed and was recycled in 2011…three years before the “investigation” started…so now, do these repub idiots think we have time machines? Do they really think someone planned for this crash and made it happen because the knew they that at some point in the future, there would be a made up “scandal” and that all of the incriminating evidence would be contained in the one single hard drive? It is getting really fatiguing listening to these idiots and their continual conspiracy theories that are never true…geez…
Well…just remembered a bit of information that I ran across yesterday dealing with the IRS “scandal” that has been flogged to death by ole Darrell….the whole thing was a set up by ole Darrell since he asked the IRS to look into tea party groups and they did what he asked…the whole thing was just to create a fake scandal that he could sell to the crazies on the right when he knew from the start there was no scandal…and all of the money spent, the people fired, and all of the time wasted was all just a misappropriation of government resources that ole Darrell should have to pay back…but, what do you expect from a lying car thief, arsonist, high school dropout? This idiot should be thrown out of congress for this crap…and there are many that have been for much, much less…geez…
Well…I am just laughing at the caliber of person that the repubs are calling leaders these days starting with the crook Darrel Issa who is leading the witch hunt against the IRS…let’s look at this idiots history and it will make you laugh, too. First, this guy was arrested and charged with stealing a Maserati a few years back…then, there was the suspicious fire at his business that fire investigators said was deliberately set…and the fact that ole Darrel didn’t get the entire claim paid by his insurance company says that they believed that ole Darrel had something to do with it. Now, this guy is calling Jay Carney a liar? Look, I can understand why the IRS looked at a bunch of the tea party non-profit applications….they were buried in them when the tea party nonsense was at it’s peak…and if you know anything about the repubs behavior, you know they don’t think the rules apply to them so to look at these folks would be a good idea. The last thing to remember is that there wasn’t one of the apps rejected…not one, so how is that targeting? I think the best thing to do would be to ignore ole Darrel and maybe he’ll crawl back under the rock he came from…what an idiot…geez…
Well…the repubs have raised hypocrisy to an even new level over the past couple of days with their insistence that the IRS scrutinizing some right wing non profits is the same as Watergate…and Obama should be impeached….yada, yada…what the hell is it with these guys? I really hate to bring up ole GW since he is better off unseen and unheard, but not one repub said a word when progressive groups were targeted when ole GW was in office…and, the head of the IRS during these operations that the repubs are bitching so much about was a GW appointee….this crap is nothing more than a continuation of the throw everything at Obama with as much pretend outrage as they can muster and hope that no one notices they aren’t doing one damn thing to help put people back to work or to solve the college loan crisis or, or, or…and on and on….what a bunch of idiots…geez…
What you never want to be….