Well….just waned to do a shorty on a little bit of good news if you want to see the criminal trump perp walked out of the WH….the latest addition to Robert Mueller’s team that is investigating the trump crime family’s many, many transgressions is an elite IRS team that investigates financial crimes…like money laundering….and guess what they already have in their possession? Yep, the idiot trump’s tax returns…and, if he is anything like the rest of the rich in this country, he cheated on his taxes and that will be another count against him when he is finally charged with the multitude of crimes he has committed. Of course the idiot’s protectors in the repub party have already started to bleat that the IRS is biased against trump and you can’t trust them to be honest…I just hope that all of of the repubs out there go down with the idiot when the end comes….impeach…..