Well….finally, an attorney general has noticed that the slush fund that was the trump foundation was being run like a personal piggy bank for the trump family…and they are all being sued by the NY AG for it. This all came about because David Farentold of the Washington Post smelled something foul and dug into public records of the foundation to find self dealing and huge misuse of funds with trump buying all kinds of stuff for himself and his family…and the kids, who were all on the board so they could each suck up some of that sweet graft, didn’t do a damn thing about it when it is the boards job to make sure the law is followed. The kicker here is that, not only are they being sued, but the AG has referred the case to the IRS and the FEC to see if there were any laws broken there. So, I am laughing my butt off about this today….they are going to rue the day that their idiot father was installed as president by Putin….I really do think that the whole family will look great in orange jumpsuits….impeach…
Oh, and this one makes 6,300 of these I’ve done since this thing started…yow….
Well…you have to hand it to the super geniuses that are running the dumpster fire that is the Trump campaign for thinking out of the box…their campaign is so bigly stupendous that it can’t be contained in the US…and when those super geniuses sat down to figure out how to milk the most money from the rubes with the least amount of work, I’m sure one of the super geniuses thought that there are conservatives all around the world so why not ask them for money? So, earlier in the week, the super geniuses sent out a fundraising e-mail to conservatives all over the world to try to fill up the empty coffers that their fearless leader thinks is just not important enough of a task for him to do. Just one teensy little problem with the e-mail…it is illegal to solicit or take campaign contributions from outside the US….but Trump is so bigly stupendous that he thinks the law doesn’t apply to him….or these “best people” are just to damn stupid to even tie their shoes in the morning…either one shows that Trump is not even remotely qualified to be president….or anything else but to be king of the grifters…geez…
What you never want to be….