Well…just a shorty on the news that just came out that the trump foundation will be shut down due to repeated criminal activity….now, let that sink in for a minute…during the election all of the breathless coverage of the Clinton Foundation went on and on as fox news and the right screamed lock her up continually even as there was no finding of any wrongdoing…and they ignored the fact that the trump foundation was little more than a personal slush fund that was committing crimes every damn day on trump’s behalf…and guess what? The Clinton foundation goes on today, doing good work around the world with the best rating for honesty and transparency by every charity rating agency…while there will be criminal charges to the entire trump crime family that ran their “foundation”….just another of trump’s frauds that has been the definition of his life…impeach…
Tag Archives: Trump Foundation
The trumps get sued…
Well….finally, an attorney general has noticed that the slush fund that was the trump foundation was being run like a personal piggy bank for the trump family…and they are all being sued by the NY AG for it. This all came about because David Farentold of the Washington Post smelled something foul and dug into public records of the foundation to find self dealing and huge misuse of funds with trump buying all kinds of stuff for himself and his family…and the kids, who were all on the board so they could each suck up some of that sweet graft, didn’t do a damn thing about it when it is the boards job to make sure the law is followed. The kicker here is that, not only are they being sued, but the AG has referred the case to the IRS and the FEC to see if there were any laws broken there. So, I am laughing my butt off about this today….they are going to rue the day that their idiot father was installed as president by Putin….I really do think that the whole family will look great in orange jumpsuits….impeach…
Oh, and this one makes 6,300 of these I’ve done since this thing started…yow….
More Trump foundation…
Well….yeah, I know…have been doing too much on Trump lately and I promise this will be the last one this week…or, I’ll try to promise it but he is just so ridiculous and it is fun to pick at the idiot…the latest one that just broke is more of the self-dealing that has been rife in his “foundation” since it’s inception. It seems that to get invited to speak at repub gatherings, ole Trump gave “donations” to the organizations that were sponsoring them….yep, they hated him so much that he had to pay to get to speak in front of repubs….and he got personal benefit from it which is against the law. I just don’t understand why Trump gets to just keep on going when one of the myriad scandals of his would have torpedoed any other candidate….there is blood in the water, though, and now maybe it will mean the end of Trump…I sure hope so…geez…
Trump Foundation update…
Well…I am laughing just a little with the latest news on the illegal slush fund called the Trump Foundation…just this morning, the AG of NY filed a cease and desist order telling the foundation that it can no longer solicit donations since it has never filed the correct paperwork or financial disclosures necessary in NY. So, here we go again…another shady deal from the Donald to go with the hundreds of others he has done across the world…now, the AG just needs to follow up on the illegal use of the foundation’s funds for personal gain by the Donald….the response of the Trump campaign was typical…not disputing that they didn’t follow the law and then personally attacking the AG for doing his job…this won’t end well for Donald…
What does it take to disqualify Trump?
Well….you really need to read about the Trump foundation in the articles done by David Farenthold from the Washington Post where he reveals that the foundation is not a charity foundation at all, but a private slush fund that Trump has been using for personal gain, illegally. Payments to political organizations to go after the NY AG who is going after the fraudulent Trump University, buying portraits of himself to hang in his hotels, and to pay off lawsuits are just a few of the illegal things that Trump is still using his foundation for…now my question is…where are the IRS and FEC and why aren’t they doing their jobs to bring this criminal to justice? To show you just how crooked the Donald is, he held a golf tournament at one of his golf courses that had a hole in one contest that paid out a million dollars to anyone who got one. Well…of course Donald had to rig it….in the contact, it stated that the hole in one had to be of at least 150 yards…so what did Donald do? He made sure that the tees were at 149 yards so that he could renege on the contract if someone won….the problem was that a rich guy won and sued him for the million dollars…the suit was settled and where do you think the 150K to settle it came from? Yep, another illegal payment from the Trump Foundation…now, with the way that the media is letting Trump get away with all of his lies and fraud, I am truly starting to believe what Trump said…that he could stand on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone and people would still vote for him…what a sad state of affairs….geez…
This isn’t equivalent…
Well….with the news media trying it’s best to gin up some scandal about the Clinton Foundation, they are ignoring a real, true scandal happening at the Trump Foundation…a scandal that, if it happened by the efforts of the Clintons, would spawn a least a dozen congressional investigations. The particulars of the Trump scandal is that they actually laundered money through the foundation to bribe the AG of Florida to drop her investigation of Trump U….and the Trump folks admitted they did it and paid a fine…now, how are these two things equivalent? The Clinton Foundation gets the highest ranking by two different organizations that rate non-profits for it’s work and transparency, while the Trump slush fund makes illegal donations (bribes) and gives money to Trump’s cronies and the media treat it if they are doing the same things….who are running these news organizations to have them act this way? I am really tired of this crap going on….where the repubs can do whatever they want and never get called on it and then the media (I’m talking to you AP) fakes “scandals” that supposedly involve dems and run with those stories….geez…