Well…I am just laughing at the caliber of person that the repubs are calling leaders these days starting with the crook Darrel Issa who is leading the witch hunt against the IRS…let’s look at this idiots history and it will make you laugh, too. First, this guy was arrested and charged with stealing a Maserati a few years back…then, there was the suspicious fire at his business that fire investigators said was deliberately set…and the fact that ole Darrel didn’t get the entire claim paid by his insurance company says that they believed that ole Darrel had something to do with it. Now, this guy is calling Jay Carney a liar? Look, I can understand why the IRS looked at a bunch of the tea party non-profit applications….they were buried in them when the tea party nonsense was at it’s peak…and if you know anything about the repubs behavior, you know they don’t think the rules apply to them so to look at these folks would be a good idea. The last thing to remember is that there wasn’t one of the apps rejected…not one, so how is that targeting? I think the best thing to do would be to ignore ole Darrel and maybe he’ll crawl back under the rock he came from…what an idiot…geez…