So far, so good…

Well…just a shorty on the ongoing US/England match….it’s 0-0 at the half but it has been a good match so far with us getting some good chances…I think even better than England and Pulisic rattling one off the crossbar so close to going in that I jumped off the couch…if they keep playing well and I do that again, I’ll probably hurt myself…wouldn’t that be funny….okay, second half coming up…back later with good or bad news….if we win today, all we have to do is tie Iran Tuesday….fingers crossed…

Okay, this sucks…

Well…I give up…have been looking for a topic since I got off the bike at 11 and there is just nothing that I want to talk about…so, I’ll talk about something else…it really does suck getting old…as I sit here, I’ve just moved the heating pad from my back to my right thigh and knee that I hurt on the bike this morning…but I got two good rides in so I guess that’s something…I am still wondering what happened to lower my outrage meter to the point that I’m not pissed enough about things to want to write about them…but that doesn’t mean that I’m going to stop looking for a topic as I sit here and watch the US play England that is starting in 17 minutes….don’t have a lot of hope for the US getting into the knockout round if they lose today but I’ll keep watching and rooting for our guys…after all, this could be my last World Cup…I am getting old after all….more later?

November 25th

Well…damn, didn’t get out of bed til after 7 this morning but I don’t feel like I slept at all…and that seems to be the pattern lately and I can live with it…what else can I do? Had an okay day yesterday but didn’t get much done and today looks to be about the same…need to get two rides in before the US/England match comes on at 1…I know we don’t have much of a chance with all of the England players coming out of the premier league and them winning their first match 6-2 and we only drew our first but we need to win it to get to the knockout stage….but I should talk about this in a separate one….still pretty sore from the ride yesterday and I have pain that has hung on since I got off the bike yesterday and that is not normal….I did figure out that if I put heat on my back after I get off the bike it won’t seize up completely but that’s a pain to do….I wonder if heat would help my thigh? Yep, my right thigh still hurts from yesterday…crap, I’m old….not much to do today…I’ve decided that I’m going to make turkey soup Sunday since I have everything I need for it in the fridge and I just found a new package of noodles in the food storage tote so I’m all set…and I haven’t used the instant pot for turkey soup yet so that will be new….damn, it’s getting light and I need to get going….more later….

Got two outdoor rides in…

Well…darn…got pretty loaded last night and felt like crap when I got on the bike for the first ride but I got through it and the second ride and that made me feel a lot better and I don’t feel too badly right now…and I saw a bald eagle perched in a tree alongside the lake and he was there until the out leg of the second ride…so he must have sat there for over two hours not moving at all….the new sand is disappearing from the beach and it must have shrunk by 50 feet or more…I’ll bet it will be back to normal width by the end of winter…and now it’s raining out here so I’m glad I punished myself and got both rides in by 11…more later…

November 24th

Well…it’s so damn depressing when you discover that riding the bike is what is causing the back pain that has been plaguing your life for more than a month….oh,well…so it looks like I’ll be using the heating pad after I get off the bike from now on…had an okay day yesterday but didn’t get a lot done other than the rides and cooking my t-day meal a day early so I can take today off and watch soccer and football…but to do that I need to get on the bike here in a few minutes and I sure don’t feel like it….I wonder if I should have the heating pad on now before I get on the bike? That may be something to try at some point…the turkey I cooked yesterday came out okay but I am tired of turkey…but I am going to make soup since I have all the ingredients here and that will take up less space in the freezer than the carcasses do….and I think I’ll make it in the instant pot since it shortens up the work time and comes out good…at least it does with the ham soup I’ve made before….not much to do today….just can’t get going but I need to right now….the Lions play at 12:30 so that is the target time for being done with everything today and I’m not sure if I can get there or not…it’s 7:46 right now and I really could use a day off….more later….

Found a topic by accident…

Well…have been looking for political topics all this afternoon and nothing grabbed me so it looks like I won’t be doing one of those today…I think we’re in the post election lull when everyone is jockeying for position when the new congress start the first week of January….I really want everyone to pay attention to what the repubs are going to do…and that will be nothing but investigations of everyone including the dog catcher…and they are flashing that they are going to impeach Biden for something…not that he has done anything wrong but the only thing the repubs will use the government for is to try to damage Biden and help elect whoever their nominee is in 24…and we know that because it’s just what they did against Hillary…and Mc Carthy admitted it and didn’t care who knew…now I have a question: “hasn’t your life been better with Biden and his team running the show?” The list of things he has done for the people of the US is too long to list here but it’s easy to find so go take a look for it and then tell me that a repub would even try to do anything like it….and I really do like that with Biden inĀ  office, it is harder for me to find topics….and that really helps my blood pressure….hey, I guess I did find a topic…cool…

Got an outdoor ride in…

Well…I discovered one thing today…that I really am starting to hate turkey….after making the second one today I knew immediately that it was a mistake to buy the second one…should probably have just bought a chicken instead…oh, well…my taste is off, too….when I made my green bean casserole, it tasted like soap and I could barely eat it….again…oh, well…it was nice enough this afternoon to go out on the bike in shorts and almost all of the trail was clear of ice…one bridge along Muskegon Lake was still covered in a sheet of ice so I had to walk across that and there was a couple of hundred yards of the trail out by the beach that had about a foot of sand on it so I had to walk there, too…it looks like the new sand they put in is not too permanent with it losing over 50 feet in the past two weeks and there are 8-10 foot high piles of sand that have been removed from the road…I wonder how long they are even going to keep it open? I am sitting here with the heating pad on to try to prevent my back from seizing up but it feels really tight but I can hope…I did finally get my garden hoses drained and hung up in the garage today so that about ends the yard work til spring…I may rake a bit tomorrow since it’s going to be another nice day but I only have about 15 minutes to do…okay, Canada is playing Belgium and I want to see that…more later….maybe…

World cup 2

Well…there have been a few surprises in the world cup so far so I thought I’d talk about it a bit…first, the US played well but only came up with a draw against Wales and that means the England match Friday is a must win and I just don’t see the US winning after England won their first match 6-2 and looked good doing it…yesterday there was a huge surprise when Argentina lost to Saudi Arabia and no one saw that one coming…and this morning, Japan beat Germany when Germany was a clear favorite to win the tournament…so they will need to win their next one as does Argentina…if they don’t, they could be out by the weekend and that would be a huge shock…it’s been an interesting tournament so far and Spain/Costa Rica is up next in a few minutes and I have to root for the team from our hemisphere….more later…

November 23rd

Well…running a little late today with not dragging myself out of bed until a little after 6:30…just flipped the turkey over in the brine and the skin over the breasts is pink from the cranberry/raspberry juice I used in the brine….can’t wait til I cook it to see what it will look like…the brine smells pretty good so I hope that translates into a good tasting turkey….had problems with my back again yesterday but it feels okay this morning but that is still damn annoying….I know I’m getting old but to have my body really start failing is depressing…I do need to get the rest of the outdoors taken care of today and I am going to try to get out on the outdoor bike for a ride today but that will not be til later since I do need to get the turkey and the rest of the dinner cooked for lunch first….and there are still world cup matches to watch starting here in 20 minutes or so…and I need to wedge an indoor ride in before I start to cook…going to be a busy one today….but it’s too cold to even think about going outside at 28 degrees….not much to do today….more coffee is needed to jump start the day but I need some quiet time first….going right into work is a little jarring today and I wonder why I keep doing it every damn day….okay, I know why and it’s my well honed sense of guilt….can’t even entertain taking a day off and that sucks a bit….oh, well….more later….

Trump’s tax returns…

Well…just a shorty on some breaking news…the SC declined to intervene in idiot boys suit against the government trying to keep his tax returns secret…so, that means the dems will be getting them before the repubs take over the house in January….what will happen then, no one knows but there must be some there there with the reaction of the repubs where they are threatening to sue to get Biden’s…hey, geniuses…Biden already released all of his returns when he started to run…and then releases every years when he files them…see, it’s all projection with the repubs…since they all lie, cheat, and steal they think everyone does it…but that’s a repub thing…we like to follow the law and ethics on our side….but that’s a foreign concept to the repubs…could be fun if they release them to the public….