A supernova…

Well…let’s get away from politics for a minute and talk a little astronomy…on the 19th, an amateur astronomer saw a supernova in the galaxy M101…and. as you know, since the galaxy is 21 million light years away, it actually happened 21 million years ago and the light is just getting to us now…it is the closest supernova to Earth in almost a decade…it has continued to brighten over the past few days an will probably get almost bright enough to see with a small telescope which I wish I had…that would be so cool to see the light first hand…supernovas happen when a star runs out of hydrogen and start to fuse other elements like helium and oxygen until the star gets to trying to fuse iron that the star doesn’t have the energy to do so the star collapses and then explodes to make a supernova…and that process can happen very quickly…in some stars it only takes minutes for the entire process…so, pretty cool to think about other things than politics for a change…

Got my tank filled…

Well…I have the one task I was planning to do done, and now I have a full tank of gas that will last me a couple of years…and the guy that filled it got the adapter off and I’m glad he did since it is a left hand thread and I would never have known that…we talked a bit and found out he used to have a Miata that he traded for a motorcycle…it cost a little more than the cheapest place but it’s less than 5 minutes from here so that’s cool…still was only 20 bucks to have it filled and the convenience is worth the extra few bucks…so now my brother is coming over to drop off some equipment I lent him a while back and we’re going out to lunch…that should be interesting…more later…

May 23rd

Well…it is really weird to wake up with no sense of urgency to get things done….have a few days of enforced rest that I have to endure and I’m not sure how to do that…yeah, I know most people would love that but it’s just not me…but, I’ll live through it and maybe might just enjoy it….the sun is really red this morning from the Canadian wildfires and it looks pretty cool but I know a lot of people are suffering from the smoke…haven’t smelled it here but it’s close…got enough work done yesterday before the biopsy that I really don’t have much to do today…going to go out and try to sort out the propane tank stuff this morning and if I can, I may cook some chicken on it later today…but it looks like I’m going to have to refit the hoses too and that will take some doing….still pretty damn sore from yesterday but it’s starting to get better and I hope that continues…I did sleep okay last night with only waking up once and not getting out of bed til 7 and that makes a solid 8 hours but I don’t think that made up for the deficit from Sunday night…that should happen tonight…not much to do today…just the propane tank errand and then I’m taking it easy for the rest of the day….more later…

Biopsy is done…

Well…finally, the biopsy is done and I’m home sitting on my couch with a big glass of ice water watching some Indy practice…this one hurt a lot worse than the first one and I was gritting my teeth all the way through it…and there is residual pain that I didn’t have the first time…I will be off the bike for a week the way it feels right now…should have the results next week and I can’t wait…

May 22nd

Well…damn, that was probably the worst sleep I’ve had in a year…went to be at 11 but just laid there tossing and turning until I got out of bed at a little after two…then back in bed for more tossing and turning until almost 4:30 and then up at 6:13…I am worn out and there will be a nap after the biopsy this afternoon…damn, the heat is still running on May 22nd and it is only 45 out there and I am so tired of it…froze my butt off in bed last night and woke up shivering and I still feel cold…but I need to get on the bike by 8 to get a ride in before I mow the lawn…and I may try to do a second ride if I can get the lawn done by 10:30….I’ll be off the bike the rest of the week with the pain…made the mistake of getting on it three days after the last one and that really hurt…didn’t get much done yesterday but I’ll be racing this morning to have everything done before I jump in the shower and make lunch around noon to be at the appointment at 1…at least there is no wind out there today so the rides will be okay…I think I’m going to buy a new tank for the grill tomorrow and get it filled so I can start using it…a grilled burger would taste good or some pork chops later in the week…not much to do today…not going to be a fun day today and even with being good last night I feel worn out already…more coffee and more later….

Did you really need any more evidence?

Well…no matter how many times the idiot trump screams “no collusion” about putin’s efforts to get him elected, there is overwhelming evidence that he and his campaign worked with Russia to steal the 2016 election…and that Russian help continues to this day with the release of new “sanctions” being put on some Americans by Russia…and the list reads like a trump enemies list…I mean Letitia James who is prosecuting trump in NYC? Or Brad Raffensberger who wouldn’t go along with idiot boys scheme to “find” votes in Georgia…and the list goes on and on…man, Russia used to be subtle with it’s interference but now they don’t care who sees it or how ham handidly they do this stuff…if you needed any more evidence…and I don’t think you do, that trump is still in the bag for Putin, this is it…geez…

Crap, this is harder than it looks..

Well…have beenĀ  looking for a topic since I got off the bike at 11 and I am not having any luck…this is harder than it looks…after doing almost 11,000 of these, coming up with topics has gotten pretty hard lately…and I don’t want to talk about the idiot trump anymore until they lock him up for the rest of his life…but, I’m going to keep trying this afternoon so I could surprise you with something new…stay tuned…

May 21st

Well…man, up at 6:23 this morning and have 50 minutes to get on the bike to get two rides in today…but it’s still too cold to go out so I guess I’ll have to wait…and you know I’m not good at that…didn’t get a lot done yesterday and today will be the same with final qualifying for Indy this afternoon….and there is a nascar race on later…I am getting a little anxious about the biopsy tomorrow and knowing this week if I’m dying or not….just getting so damn tired of this crap and treatment hasn’t even started yet…had two meals yesterday and I am feeling so guilty of eating so much so I may just skip eating today…I don’t know why I’m even taking care of myself at all if the biopsy results are bad…some of the seeds in the garden annex have come up so it will be interesting to see what they are and if I actually get any veggies from them…the first flowers are getting ready to bloom out back and I can’t wait to see them….still don’t understand why the tomatoes are dying in the garden and I may not get anything from them this year…I don’t need the stress of looking at them gradually turning white….not much to do today….need to get on the bike soon but it’s only 49 and that’s too darn cold…and I’ve only had one cup of coffee and need a heck of a lot more than that….more later…

China is killing countries…

Well…read an interesting article the other day about how China is killing many poor countries economies by lending them money for infrastructure projects that they know countries like India, Sri Lanka, and many African countries can’t afford to pay back….some of this debt service is taking up to 80% of tax revenue and that is not sustainable for any country. Because China is so secretive about their foreign aid, the IMF who would would normally step in to help restructure the loans so they don’t default can’t since the loans are structured so China gets the money first and the countries take a back seat…some of the African countries have run out of money to pay for food or fuel and people are starving to death…but that doesn’t matter to China, it is all part of their project to destabilize countries across to world to increase their influence…but some economists think that if all of the countries default and stop paying their loans, it is going to crash China’s economy, too…so who do we root for here? Anything that would put some brakes on China would be a good thing…geez…

May 20th

Well…damn, I forgot to set up the coffee maker yesterday so now I’m waiting for coffee and I don’t like it one bit…and it looks like another wait day to get on the bike since it’s only 49 out there and I need it to be 52 or more…woke up at 4 today but didn’t give up and stayed in bed til a little after 6…man, I’m worn out today with only one meal for two days in a row and my damn gout is flaring up for some reason…thought I’d had enough water with drinking all day but I have to do better after the coffee that is brewing….it’s a big race day today with Indy qualifying and the truck race from North Wilkes so I need to get the rides in as soon as the weather allows…didn’t get much done yesterday but I do need to feed the garden today and try to keep it alive…the garden annex at the rear corner of the house has started to sprout and I have cukes, parsley, and lettuce up so far…not sure if the chives and beans will sprout but I’ll take whatever I can get with the garden trouble this year….not much to do today…just need to get the rides in and the garden work but I think it will be an easy day…more later…