Tag Archives: Climate change

Just some musings…

Well…it has been a nice day so far with having a surprise lunch with T…but that’s not what I wanted to talk about…what do I want to talk about? Oh…are Americans getting more stupid every day or have they always been this way? that little question was spurred by an article that I just read saying that the percentage of people that believe in global warming here in the US has jumped by almost 20% since the weather has gone screwy this year…no, I’m not sure if any of these events is a harbinger of climate change; some of it may be but it strikes me that this is like the naysayers who point to blizzards as say “where’s your global warming now?”. Hmmm….oh, I want to deal with the conspiracy theory that says that business won’t hire until Obama is defeated and that is what is driving the poor employment numbers. You may remember that I proposed the same theory a while back (somewhat tongue in cheek), but it was supposed to be taken as comedy….but now, it appears that the idea is getting some traction in the media…I hope not, since it is demand, demand, demand….that drives hiring and until demand increases, or the forecast of demand increases, you would be an idiot to hire anyone…so, let’s keep to the science of economics, not to wild speculation…even if wild speculation is much more fun….