Tag Archives: sarah palin

It’s religion again

Well….I’ve been advised by friends to stay away from this topic (thank you G) but how can I when I feel that religion is the cause of much of the strife that occurs in the world today. The latest outrage is Matt Stone and Trey Parker getting death threats for a South Park episode that portrayed Muhammad in a bear suit (and it was actually Santa). You have got to be kidding me…then, Comedy Central censors that episode giving the Islamic terrorists, yep, I called them terrorists, just what they wanted! We let those idiots have their free speech, first amendment rights to threaten people and then CC folds up and won’t express their own. This is not an Islamic republic or monarchy or theocracy and the Islamic world has got to get used to it. I’ve really had enough of any and all religions trying to tell me how to live…and I don’t see any difference between these Islamic idiots and the Christian idiots like Sara Palin…stay the hell out of our lives! Geez….

I don’t understand

Well…one of the things that I am having a hard time understanding is why anyone keeps listening to people, (commentators, politicians, etc.), who have been proven to be wrong so many times. Back when I was growing up, people took pride in identifying the idiots and then not paying any attention to them. These days, it appears that it is a requirement for political life to try to be as unreasonable as possible. In what other era would an empty vessel like Sarah Palin be able to make 12 million dollars in less than a year with a resume like hers? And to top that, people also take her political views seriously when they are shallow and simplistic at best…I think we see this because simplicity has become a virtue and nuance the enemy of success in the political arena.

I think we need a new era of reasonableness in daily life and politics in the country…not the threats of forming militias (like in Oklahoma) to “protect” themselves from the federal government. Last time, that didn’t work out too well for the south…geez….