Tag Archives: life

February 4th

Well…damn, I wonder when this crappy sleep will end…feel so worn out this morning that I may have to try to take a nap later….almost shut everything back down and tried to go back to bed but I know there wouldn’t be any prospect of sleeping so what’s the point? Had and okay day yesterday and even got some stuff done…got my kitchen floor scrubbed and it finally looks good again…I do need to get at the counters and the oven tomorrow but don’t think I’ll get much done with pool this aft…I did get my Feb top down run in yesterday when I went over to the car wash to get quarters for pool and there were some huge puddles from the melt that splashed over the windows when I hit them….looked like riding in a boat…going to try the weight machine today before I get on the bike since my shoulder feels okay…the pain has been receding slowly the past few days and it didn’t get worse even with using it hard to scrub the floor yesterday so it should be okay…only did one run on the bike yesterday and will probably do only one today…I’ll get back to the normal routine tomorrow….not much to do today…going to just ease into the day and have some more coffee before reading the news…more later….

February 3rd

Well…running a little late this morning…for what has become the new normal and it felt good to not get out of bed until 6…slept pretty crappy again but I’m not going to bitch about that when it’s over 40 outside already and the car started up fine…which it should at 40…feel a little sore today and I’m not sure why that would be other than scrubbing the bathroom yesterday…oh, and two runs on the bike so maybe there is good reason? Didn’t take anything for my shoulder yesterday and I think I won’t today, either if it it keeps up with just the low grade pain that I have now…I think it should have healed by now since I hurt it before christmas but I think I just keep re-injuring it…but that won’t keep me from working out tomorrow…still going to go down on weight, though, just to make sure I can get through the workout….I sure hope the ice melts off the streets before Tuesday when it is going to turn cold again…and stay cold for the rest of winter…doesn’t look too bad for temps with lows staying in the teens and every day we get closer to spring….not much to do today…need to clean the kitchen to keep the momentum going from yesterday but that is about it…and Man U plays at 9 so I need to get on the bike soon to be done by then….more later…

A better day…

Well…the way I felt this morning, I was expecting today was going to be one to be endured but it has surprised me by being a better day than I could have hoped…have been able to get motivated to get the bathroom cleaned and to get on the bike two times so that is a good sign…and I don’t feel as depressed as I did when I got up and I’m not sure why that would be…I have been able to keep busy with soccer and now rugby on so that could be part of it…and my son got the tv from this week to download to plex so I have a lot of stuff to catch up on for tonight…and a funny thing happened during the Everton match this morning when a black cat ran onto the pitch and then just ran around for 7 minutes while everyone just stood around and watched it and the tv cameras gave us lots of closeups…some of the players just walked around behind it until it took off up one of the tunnels and the match restarted…quite funny…and a better day…

February 2nd

Well…another 5 hours of sleep night and I think the cumulative effect of that is wearing me out…I have been exhausted lately and I know it can’t be normal to be getting up at 5 every morning with getting to sleep at 11:30-12…oh, well…at least my legs and shoulder don’t hurt this morning so I guess I’ll take that…but I did have to take something for my shoulder and neck last night and I need to stop doing that soon…started feeling depressed again yesterday and I’m not sure if it’s the weather or what but it’s still here this morning so today may be a day to just survive it and not feel bad if I don’t get a lot done…it’s been quite a while since I’ve felt like this and that makes even writing this a chore that I am struggling with…didn’t get a lot done yesterday but I will try to clean some today if I can get myself motivated to do anything…and that is not looking too likely right now…more later…

February 1st

Well…woke up at 5 again this morning but did try to go back to sleep and, as usual, it didn’t work and that left me with another night of less than 6 hours of sleep and it is starting to wear on me…and my shoulder hurts like crazy again this morning for some reason so I’ll take the day off the weight machine and rest it until Monday….the warm up has finally started to happen with it being a balmy -1 this morning but I’ll still use the battery box to start the car today to keep the strain off the battery….it barely started at -9 yesterday morning and I didn’t take it anywhere so the battery probably isn’t charge up all the way…I have been having trouble keeping track of what day it is this week with thinking that today is sat and yesterday was Fri…I think that was from doing the grocery run on Tues…it’s weird how changing my routine has that kind of fallout….didn’t get much done yesterday but the two bike rides…I just noticed that my legs don’t hurt this morning and that’s the first time since I started using the trainer that I’ve been pain free…strange…not much to do today…going to clean some and run one errand but that is about it….still not too motivated with the weather being so wearing….more later…

200 miles in January…

Well….had a heck of a time getting the car started at 9 below this morning but finally got the booster hooked up and it started with lots of struggle…but, that’s not what this is about…hit another milestone of sorts today when I got to 200 miles for the first time in January…took two rides today to do it but it was worth it…at this pace, I may be able to get to 600 miles on the bike this year even before I get out on the trails in April…and that would put me on pace to hit my goal of 4,000 miles this year which would make it the second most miles in any year so far. Riding on the trainer is so different from being outside, though…when I’m out and get 10 miles out of twenty, I know I have to ride it back another ten miles so I don’t think about how far I have to go…it’s automatic…but, on the trainer, I am tempted to stop when my legs start to hurt since I can just stop…so I’m finding it takes much more discipline to ride indoors than out….but staying warm in the winter outweighs all of that….and that is 80 of these for the month…a new record!

Okay, there is going to be filler…

Well…sitting here with my 3rd cup of coffee and just noticed that I have a milestone of sorts in reach…I have never gotten to 80 of these in a month but I am only 2 away from it…so guess what? There is going to be filler today! If you’ve been here for any time, you know my use of fillers has dropped dramatically over the past few years since idiot boy has given me so much to write about…and yes, I know, reading about him is probably a little boring for you and it even gets that way for me, too…so, as I wait out the 9 below to get out and start the car, I’ll be doing one more of these to get to 80…can you tell I’m a little bored…already?

January 31st

Well…running really early today with getting up at 5:08 and I’m pretty tired of it…and I am tired of it being 8 damn degrees below again this morning….but I don’t have anything to do today so I don’t have to start the car until later this morning…it started okay yesterday morning at the same temp with the booster box attached so I expect it will start again this morning…didn’t sleep well at all and my shoulder hurts from working on the weight machine yesterday so today will be a day off…I did get two rides done on the bike yesterday and it is much more fun spreading the 40 minutes across two than doing it in one boring stint….will probably do that again today but I will wait to start the car until I stop sweating from it…it’s just too damn cold to go out like that…didn’t get much done yesterday except the errand I ran in the morning but I am going to clean the bathroom today…and maybe the kitchen, too but that may be too ambitious with the lack of motivation I have been feeling lately…more later…

January 30th

Well…that was a little better…didn’t get out of bed until almost 6 and slept okay…for me, that is…and it was my first night with no ibuprofen for the shoulder and it is just stiff today…not really any pain and I know I slept on it for a while so that is progress…I think I have a cold with some coughing and sneezing and generally not having a lot of energy so I think I’ll take it easy again today…the only thing I have to do is clean off the car and get it started later and run an errand if it’s not too bad out there…this weather is taking a lot out of me and doing the grocery run yesterday has me thinking that today is Friday….it’s bad enough normally when the days just run together and I have to think about what day it is…oh, well…didn’t get a lot done yesterday but ride the bike and today will be much the same…I am going to test out the shoulder by working out on the weight machine and then I’m going to do a half hour on the bike…that much time hurts like crazy and it is much more work than riding on the trails where you can rest on the down hills…it feels like my long uphill sprint but for the entire time I’m on it and my legs show it…they feel like rock after I’m done and they hurt…I can’t wait to get back outside and see how easy it is to ride there…more later…

This never happens…

Well…it is damn cold outside and there is good news about the car…it hasn’t leaked at all since I tightened up the hose clamps and I have idled it here for almost two hours since then…but, that’s not what this is about…around 10 this morning, I warmed the car up…again… to run a couple of errands that I wanted to get done but, after hitting FF for my powerball tickets for tomorrow, I started off to get some groceries at Aldi’s but it was snowing and blowing so hard that I turned back and skipped it…and that never happens…usually once I start out in bad weather I can get to where I need to be and back..but this morning, I could not even see where the road was and less than 20 feet off the front of the car…getting groceries was just not worth all that work. There has been so much damn snow over the past few days that I have a 30 feet high snow mountain where the plowers have pushed the snow…yow! This has got to stop soon….and 8 degrees below tonight and 0 for a high tomorrow is going to be brutal….hibernating seems like a good idea…