Well…woke up at 5 again this morning but did try to go back to sleep and, as usual, it didn’t work and that left me with another night of less than 6 hours of sleep and it is starting to wear on me…and my shoulder hurts like crazy again this morning for some reason so I’ll take the day off the weight machine and rest it until Monday….the warm up has finally started to happen with it being a balmy -1 this morning but I’ll still use the battery box to start the car today to keep the strain off the battery….it barely started at -9 yesterday morning and I didn’t take it anywhere so the battery probably isn’t charge up all the way…I have been having trouble keeping track of what day it is this week with thinking that today is sat and yesterday was Fri…I think that was from doing the grocery run on Tues…it’s weird how changing my routine has that kind of fallout….didn’t get much done yesterday but the two bike rides…I just noticed that my legs don’t hurt this morning and that’s the first time since I started using the trainer that I’ve been pain free…strange…not much to do today…going to clean some and run one errand but that is about it….still not too motivated with the weather being so wearing….more later…