Well….had a heck of a time getting the car started at 9 below this morning but finally got the booster hooked up and it started with lots of struggle…but, that’s not what this is about…hit another milestone of sorts today when I got to 200 miles for the first time in January…took two rides today to do it but it was worth it…at this pace, I may be able to get to 600 miles on the bike this year even before I get out on the trails in April…and that would put me on pace to hit my goal of 4,000 miles this year which would make it the second most miles in any year so far. Riding on the trainer is so different from being outside, though…when I’m out and get 10 miles out of twenty, I know I have to ride it back another ten miles so I don’t think about how far I have to go…it’s automatic…but, on the trainer, I am tempted to stop when my legs start to hurt since I can just stop…so I’m finding it takes much more discipline to ride indoors than out….but staying warm in the winter outweighs all of that….and that is 80 of these for the month…a new record!