Proud to be an American again….

Well…sitting here watching the inauguration and it just struck me that I am proud to be an American again….after 4 long years where I couldn’t say that, it is a relief to know that dignity is going to be restored to the presidency and I don’t have to be ashamed of the things that trump and his idiot followers were doing in our names…we now have a new president and first family who I am going to enjoy getting to know….what a relief….

Watched the news today…

Well…I think I’ve watched more news this morning that I have in the past 4 years…and I still can’t get enough of the stench being cleaned out of the WH and the idiot boy finally being gone…and the genuine smiles on the faces of everyone involved in the inauguration…even the repubs appear to be happy that trump is gone and is not there to pout and stew in the background….and we don’t have to look at the grifter trump children anymore…good riddance….

It’s almost over…

Well…just two and a half hours to go for our national nightmare to be over and I have started to watch the news again…something that I just couldn’t do for the past 4 years and I have even allowed myself to grin a little today…there really is something palpable about what is happening today, that normalcy is going to come back and we won’t have to grit our teeth every damn day for the latest outrage from idiot boy….now to make my day even better we will hear of the first indictments of trump and his family announced around noon…not going to hold my breath but I know it’s coming so I guess I can wait a while for that and just enjoy the fact that a decent man is going to be president in under 3 hours….I wonder if I have the ability to write good things for a change? I will still criticize Joe when it’s needed but I’m sure he won’t do anything out of malice so I’ll be critical of policy….Joe is too good of a person…god, it feels good to write that about a president….good riddance to the worst person in the world….more later….

January 20th

Well…running late this morning and I just can’t get started….for some reason my eyes are so dry they hurt today and that is weird..but, my heel is feeling better from the start today and I hope that means that it will be pain free later in the day…not big pain but I think I’m going to have to learn how to walk on that foot again since I’m still limping when I don’t need to….I think I’m going to have to put some eye drops in this morning it is so annoying and I wonder why that is…it’s sure not normal…I think I slept okay but I sure don’t feel like it right now…I did get my gas bill yesterday and it is the highest it’s ever been with how cold it’s been…127 bucks and I hope it doesn’t get higher….didn’t get a damn thing done yesterday and today is going to be the same with the inauguration happening at noon and then Man U playing this afternoon….I should clean today but my motivation level is so low right now it’s hard to even pick up my coffee cup but we’ll see how it goes in a few minutes….I wonder if I can take a day off to just enjoy what’s happening? I guess we’ll see since the Wings are on and I don’t want to move right now….more later…

It’s all about the money…. case anyone thinks that moscow mitch has grown a conscience over the past week by criticizing trump and his incitement of treason, just don’t…the only reason that mitch is saying one word is that the big donors who were just fine with trump until the capital attack have started to tell him that the money taps are going to be turned off for every one of the traitors who tried to overturn the election by objecting to certifying the EC votes…and that means 10 repub senators could lose in the next election and that would keep mitch out of power as he is now and he just can’t take that….so, the noise that mitch might allow the repubs in the senate to vote to convict trump is all about the cash and is not in any way related to a change of heart or doing the right thing…it’s just another one of mitch’s calculations of what is best for mitch….nothing more…

A few thoughts…

Well…have a few things I want to talk about but don’t have the motivation to do a whole one of these on the topics…so, it’s shorty time again…poor Mike Lindell, (aka the my pillow guy)…after spending a couple of months scheming with trump and his cronies to steal the election, the fallout has started…Bed Bath and Beyond and Kohl’s have decided they want nothing to do with an un American moron so they are dropping his pillows and other stuff from their stores…and he is being sued by Dominion…the voting machine vendor over his lies about them stealing the election for Joe….could be he is going to lose his company…nice job, Mikey. Sad, sad trump appears to be having a trouble finding anyone to come to his “sendoff” tomorrow morning as he slinks out of DC…the invitations read that anyone invited can bring 5 plus ones….but the only people  who will be there are the ones whose reputations are already ruined by association with the idiot boy…I might just tune in just to see how sad it will be. Cripes, trump has even lost McConnell…and turtle is out with a statement today that the attack on the Capitol was trump’s fault with help from others in government…he’s looking at you, Cruz and Hawley…you have both flushed your careers down the toilet by attacking our country and it couldn’t have happened to bigger assholes….hmmm…what else? I am going to take some time off tomorrow to watch the inauguration and to see the start of the cleansing that this country needs….and to see human beings back in control of our government…can’t wait….

January 19th

Well…man, I feel like crap this morning and I think it’s from the stress from having to move…I did sleep all the way til 6:37 and had some really weird dreams late that had a gas station, my Fiat, sheep, and gamblers in it that was strange….and it had the same theme of not being able to find my car that I have quite a bit and that’s not pleasant…one good thing is that my heel has finally started to show improvement and I can walk a little better…it still hurts but it’s not the searing pain that kept me from putting any weight on it for weeks….and it’s usually worst in the morning so maybe I can go painless later in the day….didn’t get a lot done yesterday but the bike ride and I’m not sure of riding in the muck is good for me or the bike….have had to wash it down the past two days after the grit got in the idler sprockets on the shifter and started to make lots of noise and screw the shifting up…but I don’t think I’m going to ride today with the high temp of only 27 and that’s too cold for me…and I need to do the grocery run this morning…might go out to Hastings to look at a house but we’ll see….more later…

73% less misinformation…

Well…cripes..if you didn’t understand how toxic and damaging the idiot boy’s lies were, you just have to look at the study done after trump was thrown off every social media platform after the January 6th attacks that found that misinformation on the web declined by 73% as a result of that ban…yep, lies and misinformation dropped by 3/4ths just by shutting the asshole in chief up. I know that after the twitter ban, personally I felt better not having to hear about anything that idiot had to say….but we also have to realize that he wasn’t alone…millions of people retweeted the ravings and lies that came from all of this morons administration and the weak minded of them believed it all…and still support trump and his lies…so, what do we do about them? Surely not try to understand them because I don’t give a damn about anyone who stops thinking and joins a cult like trump’s that is directly against what this country  stands for…and no healing, either…every damn one of them has to be rooted out and made to pay for the damage they’ve done before we should even listen to these assholes anymore…it’s their turn to understand the damage they’ve done and they need to fix it….geez…

Less than two days…

Well…with less than two days to go until we are rid of the idiot trump, I can’t be more excited for the inauguration of normal people to be president and vice president….and on this day of service and MLK day…the difference can’t be more striking…Joe and Jill are working at a shelter in Philly while trump is holed up in the WH trying to sell pardons on his next to last day. It is going to be nice to hear the president speak and want to listen to him again since I know it won’t have any hate or stupidity in his speech….or it won’t have how great Joe is or how nothing is his fault in it either….and it will have the truth in it instead of the constant lies that trump spews…can you imagine having a press conference from the WH where the press sec actually answers questions from the press and you can assume it’s not lies again? I have been waiting 4 long years for this and it can’t come too soon…to never have to see or hear about any of the trump family except when they are perp walked to prison….that I would watch….

January 18th

Well…not sure what is going on but I used to jump out of bed when I heard and smelled the coffee maker working and got on with my day…but lately, I just roll over and try to go back to sleep…and that worked this morning and didn’t get out of bed until 7:25 and that’s why I’m running so late today…I think I slept okay but don’t feel like it right now…just have no energy and still feel like I have a cold and it’s been about a week and I am tired of it…I did get a bike ride in yesterday but it was a short one…I am going to go back out and check the trails this morning with the rain yesterday…I do need to get more miles in since I’m gaining weight like crazy even with not eating much….spent most of the day yesterday trying new searches on zillow trying to find a house and that is really depressing since I didn’t find anything….looks pretty likely that I’m going to have to rent somewhere and that is depressing, too…oh, well…not much to do today….need to keep up packing for the move and get a ride in but that is about it…too depressed to do much else but I’ll get over that….more later…