Well…cripes..if you didn’t understand how toxic and damaging the idiot boy’s lies were, you just have to look at the study done after trump was thrown off every social media platform after the January 6th attacks that found that misinformation on the web declined by 73% as a result of that ban…yep, lies and misinformation dropped by 3/4ths just by shutting the asshole in chief up. I know that after the twitter ban, personally I felt better not having to hear about anything that idiot had to say….but we also have to realize that he wasn’t alone…millions of people retweeted the ravings and lies that came from all of this morons administration and the weak minded of them believed it all…and still support trump and his lies…so, what do we do about them? Surely not try to understand them because I don’t give a damn about anyone who stops thinking and joins a cult like trump’s that is directly against what this country stands for…and no healing, either…every damn one of them has to be rooted out and made to pay for the damage they’ve done before we should even listen to these assholes anymore…it’s their turn to understand the damage they’ve done and they need to fix it….geez…