Tag Archives: Donald Trump

It’s official…impeachment has started…

Well…as of yesterday, it’s official…the impeachment inquiry has started and not a damn day too soon. I’m not sure why no one else has noticed it…even after Jerry Nadler went on both CNN and Rachel’s show yesterday and said bluntly that what the Judiciary committee is doing right now IS an impeachment investigation and that he predicts articles of impeachment will be filed before the end of the year….and he is not hanging his hat on only that investigation but has sued Don McGahn in federal court to compel his testimony to his committee and has also sued to get an unredacted copy of the Mueller report along with the underlying grand jury testimony and evidence. So, it appears that things are gathering speed to get a full accounting of trump’s criminality…and that is in addition to every bank that the idiot boy did business with turning over all of the records pertaining to how and who trump did business with in Russia…it appears that bringing in Bill Barr to protect the moron in chief is rapidly becoming a moot point as the House is getting information that trump has been trying to hide since the Russians installed him…and there is more and more to come…I’m waiting for the meltdown from idiot boy that will happen this weekend with him being on “vacation” and having all the time and adderal he can use…the meltdown is going to be epic…I would end this as I have for a couple of years with impeach….but I don’t have to anymore…it’s happening…about damn time…

Under the radar…

Well…taking the day off the house today and that is really needed…so that gave me the chance to read some news today and found a couple of  stories that appear to be flying under the radar of the big news organizations…with the repubs in charge of the confirmation process for Brett Kavanaugh in the senate, they were able to hide almost all of the records of his time in the WH and of his confirmation hearings where it is clear that he lied his ass off both for the SC and for lower courts but the dems couldn’t do anything about it…but now, as the House gets involved, the Judiciary chair, Jerry Nadler has requested the rest of the records from the National Archive….while the repubs in the senate had been able to hide almost 95% of the records as they jammed Kavanaugh through, they can’t do a damn thing about this request and it may just lead to an impeachment inquiry for little beer loving Brett. The other story that is not getting the attention it deserves is the fact that many banks have started to turn over their records concerning trump and his ability to still get loans from Deutsche Bank even after no American bank would deal with him, and his relationships with many, many Russians who were involved in money laundering…and these records are going to both the NY AG and various House committees who are investigating the trump crime family. I’m not sure how long we are going to have to wait to see what is in these records but I have the feeling that, with trump being a criminal his entire life, there will be more bombshells of just how big of a criminal he is…impeach…

trump screws the pooch again…

Well…just read that the idiot trump has stopped listening to any of his economic advisors when it comes to trade with China and is going to go with his “gut” in announcing new tariffs that will be imposed on sept. 1st…and guess what the stock market did with that bit of idiocy? Down almost 800 points yesterday and China told idiot boy that they are not going to be bullied by the moron in chief and cut off all agriculture purchases from the US since trump broke his promise to not impose any more sanctions if the Chinese would ramp up it’s purchases…as they were doing but I guess someone on fox news told trump that in talking to the Chinese he looked weak so of course he had to try the same type of bullshit that worked with contractors when his casinos were going broke…bluster and bullshit. trump is so far out of his league in dealing with China that I think they are just screwing with him until he is voted out next year and the adults take charge again….I just hope he hasn’t tanked the entire world economy by then…impeach…

An Adderall addled POS….

Well…sniffy mc sniff face was at it again today when he gave a press conference on the murders in El Paso and Dayton and I don’t know how anyone could believe that he was not high with all the sniffing and the tongue movements that look just like someone who is near the end of a coke binge…and he just finished his 215th golf outing where he crashed a wedding and the pictures of his eyes from that one looked just like someone who has been high for a few days…and then the comments he made today are just more of the same repub bullshit where he blamed everyone and everything but the damn guns that are at the center of all of these murders….I mean, every other country in the world has mental illness, video games, drag queens, and every other scapegoat that the repubs have trotted out…but they don’t have mass murders and the reason is they don’t have guns every damn where…and they don’t have racists in chief who egg on white supremacists to violence against black and brown people every day…and they don’t have a *president who disbands the FBI department whose job it was to identify these terrorists and stop them from murdering…but those terrorists are trump’s base so he can’t have them being exposed…when is there going to be enough to remove this Adderall addled asshole from our lives forever? Today would not be too soon…impeach…

Are you suprised?

Well…we all know that trump is an idiot and his trade policies are those that would be done by a 7 year old that was home schooled by goats…and has caused untold pain through the farm country by destroying markets that farmers had spent decades building…and today, with the farm welfare that is being doled out by trump that you and I are paying for, and that is supposed to help all farmers who have been affected, we see that most of the bailouts are going to the big corporate farms who have given millions to elect the asshole in chief. The report shows that the top 10% of farms in size got over 50% of the bailout money while the family farms who have been most damaged by idiot boy’s tantrum got less than 5,000 dollars each…while some of the big farms got almost 3 million dollars and are lobbying for more of our tax dollars to be paid directly to them…like the Venezuelan crony of trump’s who got millions just for buying up farms in this country and not even farming. Sounds a bit like welfare to me. As trump the idiot rails against American cities who need federal help for infrastructure and renewal and pledges not one dime to them to help, he doled out 16 billion dollars to his corporate farming buddies to continue to buy their votes and keep them donating to his election campaign. I can’t believe that this was not the purpose of the tariffs in the first place…to have just another method of looting the treasury for trump and his cronies while family farms are closing by the thousands and not one damn thing is done for them. I do have a hard time having sympathy for them, though, since they saddled this country with trump and still support him even though their farms are gone….not too bright in my book…impeach…

Is this lie enough trump supporters?

Well….how much lower can the asshole trump go before even on of his supporters goes “nope, no more” and abandons this racist? It’s clear that being a raging racist is not enough after idiot boy’s tweetstorm against Rep. Cummings this weekend…that I think was driven by the fact that  Cummingshas just subpoenaed Ivanka and Jared’s communications that were done with private e-mail accounts while doing government business…and trump is getting so unhinged that he has to attack everyone…but that is not what this one is about…today, in a signing ceremony at the WH for the 9/11 responders fund bill…that no democrat was invited to even though dems were the ones who wrote and introduced the legislation, and Jon Stewart spent the last two years pushing every day…trump lied his ass off and said that he was in the street on 9/11 helping the first responders who were risking their lives trying to save people…trump was nowhere near the street that day…in fact he was on a radio show bragging that after the WTC fell, he had the tallest building still standing in Manhattan…and then sat on his ass in trump tower bitching that he saw thousands of Muslims celebrating in New Jersey after the attacks. Hey trumpsters…is this lie enough…is standing on the WH lawn in front of the real first responders and saying he could be called a first responder enough? What a delusional piece of shit…impeach….

It’s started…

Well…no matter what Nancy Pelosi says, the impeachment inquiry has started in the Judiciary committee with it’s request to a federal judge to release all of the Mueller report and it’s underlying material including basically everything including the grand jury testimony and evidence…and they specifically name the idiot trump in the filings referencing his or anyone else’s criminal acts including basically everyone in idiot boy’s orbit and specifically Don McGahn who has ignored the subpoenas issued to him by this same committee. Now, never in the history of this country have the courts denied the fact that the House has the power to investigate a president and has denied them the means necessary to do that….it is their right under Article 1 of the constitution and even trumpster judges will get slapped down if they try to involve themselves in this clearly political process that has no place for the judicial branch at all. So, it has started, and the meltdown by the idiot in chief should be coming soon….and there is not a damn thing he can do about it…impeachment…is finally here….

A couple of things from Mueller….

Well….the idiot trump’s claims that the Mueller report was a “total exoneration” for him was exploded in the first few minutes of Mueller’s testimony in the House when he was asked if trump was “exonerated” by the report and Mueller simply said “no”….removing one of trump’s most used talking point where he shouts “no collusion, no obstruction” every time he opens his mouth….and this was reiterated later in Mueller’s testimony when he was asked if trump could be charged with obstruction after he left office and he said yes…and this was a stupid repub who asked the question, I’m sure since he thought Mueller would give him a different answer….and Mueller basically said that trump lied to him when he answered written questions about wikileaks saying that he had no knowledge of the stolen e-mail dumps that were coordinated with Assange by Roger Stone but which Rick Gates testified that trump told him about the dumps after trump talked to Stone…so lying to federal investigators is also a felony..and I wonder what the count is up to now….it appears to be 14 felonies that trump committed just while in office…is that enough now dems? When are you going to impeach this criminal? Now is the time to save this country…impeach…





Did you just see that?

Well…have been working hard today trying to get ready to start painting wed but just had to comment on the idiocy that just flooded out of the WH with the idiot trump talking to the press with the Pakistani PM sitting next to him…he starts off by bragging to the PM that he could end the war in Afghanistan in 10 days but that he would have to kill 10 million people and he “doesn’t want to do that”…he bragged that he could kill every man, woman, and child there by committing genocide but that would “win” the war there easily in 10 days or less….and the unhinged rant continued when he rambled on about something on the ocean floor that reporters could put on “scooby” gear and go down and take a look at…whatever IT is…he never got around to telling anyone what IT is…and then he finished up with saying he would campaign for the Pakistani PM the next time he was running for office…you know, I am really tired of this know nothing asshole polluting the country…and any elected official from the US is barred from campaigning for officials of other country by the law here…but trump wouldn’t know that, his is just to damn ignorant to know almost anything…and I am tired of writing about him so I am going to stop here and try to take a nap….I think we need to invent new terms for how stupid trump is…dumber than a box or rocks just doesn’t describe it anymore…impeach…

Don’t get too frustrated…

Well…with the announcement from the SDNY that there won’t be any more charges coming to anyone in the campaign finance violation case that Michael Cohen went to jail for…yeah, I know…my reaction to that is that the fix is in from Bill Barr in his role as protector of trump, not as AG….and that raised my frustration level quite a bit but, after thinking about it for a while, there may be something else going on. It is clear the both donnie jr, and Hope Hicks were part of the scheme and there is plenty of evidence to convict both of them…but, what happens if they get charged? Yep, idiot boy trump will just pardon them and obstruct justice some more with it…but, what I think the SDNY is doing is waiting on the charges until both Barr and trump are out of office so idiot boy can’t do anything about it…the statute of limitations will not have run out by then and they can then roll all of them, including trump and indict the lot of them for the multiple felonies the evidence shows they committed…I sure hope that is what’s happening and not that Barr has subverted justice again and protected a bunch of criminals just because of his fealty to trump…impeach…