Well…have been working hard today trying to get ready to start painting wed but just had to comment on the idiocy that just flooded out of the WH with the idiot trump talking to the press with the Pakistani PM sitting next to him…he starts off by bragging to the PM that he could end the war in Afghanistan in 10 days but that he would have to kill 10 million people and he “doesn’t want to do that”…he bragged that he could kill every man, woman, and child there by committing genocide but that would “win” the war there easily in 10 days or less….and the unhinged rant continued when he rambled on about something on the ocean floor that reporters could put on “scooby” gear and go down and take a look at…whatever IT is…he never got around to telling anyone what IT is…and then he finished up with saying he would campaign for the Pakistani PM the next time he was running for office…you know, I am really tired of this know nothing asshole polluting the country…and any elected official from the US is barred from campaigning for officials of other country by the law here…but trump wouldn’t know that, his is just to damn ignorant to know almost anything…and I am tired of writing about him so I am going to stop here and try to take a nap….I think we need to invent new terms for how stupid trump is…dumber than a box or rocks just doesn’t describe it anymore…impeach…