Tag Archives: Donald Trump

It’s all pretty simple…

Well…if you’ve seen the news at all lately, you’ve seen the idiot trump’s meltdown over the weekend and everyone is trying to figure out why now? I have an idea and it appears to be connected to the latest bombshell that Deutsche bank is being investigated and is cooperating with at least two congressional committees, and various NY prosecutors who are looking into the trump attempt get Deutsche to lend him money to buy the Buffalo Bills. The undercurrent here is that trump regularly inflated and deflated his net worth to get loans and not pay taxes and that is part of what is going on…but, the big question that came up yesterday in the news was “why did Deutsche Bank continue to loans money (to the tune of over 2 billion dollars) to idiot boy after the had already defaulted on at least one loan from them along with a bond issue that Deutsche underwrote? Now, I think it’s all pretty simple why they did it…the Russian oligarchs who were using Deutsche to launder money made them a boatload of cash while doing it told them to…and trump was one of their most important conspirators here in the US and the Russians needed to keep him afloat to continue the scheme…after all, if he went bankrupt again and lost all of his properties, the new owners probably wouldn’t allow the Russians to continue to buy condos etc. which is the preferred method of laundering money into the US. So we really do know why trump is freaking out…the noose is closing and he knows it…and there is not a damn thing he can do about the state charges of bank and income tax fraud that he is staring down the barrel at…cripes, at this point, the Mueller investigation is looking more and more like it just may be irrelevant in taking down trump…it will be nice for understanding how the Russians stole the election for trump, but not necessary to ensure that trump spends the rest of his life in prison after he is gone…impeach….

Trump’s freaking out…

Well…as most of you are,  I’m just damn tired of the supposed president going off on his twitter freak outs…look, every frickin time he does it, he demeans and diminishes the office so the entire world is now laughing at us…and I would probably laugh at the baby in chief, too, if it wasn’t so damn serious. This weekend, idiot boy has been on a deranged twitter rant almost all weekend, attacking Saturday Night Live and threatening them with an FCC investigation, going after the deceased John McCain for turning the Steele dossier over to the FBI, going after both GM and the UAW for GM’s closing of the Lordstown plant and threatening to take the plant away from them and give it to “new car companies who are flooding into the US”…and that has continued all day with idiot boy ranting away about his approval rating and Hillary for some reason. Now, does anyone else see a pattern with this behavior? Every time idiot boy has gotten some bad news that is going to be revealed soon, he goes off on these crazy assed rants…trying to distract everyone from what is coming and trying to get the media talking about anything else. What’s different now is exactly what I’m saying…more people than me have noticed his so predictable pattern and it has started to override the noise coming from trump to the point that the rants do nothing but get ridiculed and have less effect every time…I can’t wait to see what the new piece of information is that has idiot boy so freaked out….impeach…

No trade for you…

Well…more fallout from the idiot trump’s trashing of the environment just dropped in a article a few minutes ago where the EU has stated that there will be no more trade talks with the US due to trump’s environmental policies…specifically, his withdrawal from the Paris climate accords. Back when the withdrawal happened, I warned of the costs of this ideology driven decision that made the US a pariah in the world, and now those costs are starting to be uncovered with the sane world saying they won’t go along with any interaction with the US due to the stupidity of trump and his cronies….I wonder how Putin feels about that? How trump has isolated and diminished the US and has given away any persuasive power that we once had as a fact based country and has played right into Putin’s hand? Now, the EU has had enough and can flex the power of being on the right side of environmental issues while the rest of the world tunes out as trump blusters and berates the world like the wannabe dictator he is.  How’s all that winning now, trump voters? Impeach…

Pallin’ around with pimps and spies…

Well…is this enough, repubs? Is having pimps and spies hanging out with trump at his Florida golf course enough? How classless can you allow trump to be before you frickin do something about it? The latest, if you haven’t heard already, is that a Chinese woman who owns a string of massage parlors widely know to be hotbeds of sex trafficking has been a regular invitee to Mar a Lago and there are photos to prove it…and trump and his swamp buddies know exactly what she and her husband do for a living and are perfectly fine with it. To make things even worse (how the hell can it be?), these same two Chinese nationals have also been selling access to trump and his cronies to Chinese “businessmen” (or spies since the term is really the same) through the Florida golf course whenever trump is there. Now, I’m not really being alarmist to say that there is spying going on here, in fact, trump and his cronies are so compromised by these activities that they are vulnerable to blackmail, and we can see how that works with trump and Putin….and the Chinese are no less aggressive in using this information to get what they want…making it look like they are just being “friends” with trump and his cronies. So, what is it going to take repubs? trump only thinks about himself and ways to make money off his “presidency” and I’ll bet he is getting kickbacks from these two Chinese nationals for these “meetings”…how can you continue to support this criminal? Impeach…

We all know what he’s hiding…

Well…just stopped laughing my butt off at the latest story of the idiot trump trying to hide his grades in school…the college stuff was bad enough when he had Michael Cohen send threatening letters to the schools saying they would be sued if they released them…but the latest one….man, what a frickin baby the idiot is…it came out today that the administration of idiot boy’s HIGH SCHOOL had been threatened by some of trump’s rich friends to not release his grades there or their donations to the private school would end and it would be bankrupted…and they even went so far as trying to get the actual transcripts from their records so there would be no copies left. Now, I wonder, wonder, wonder why the idiot wants to keep all of his transcripts secret…is it because he was just too smart and doesn’t want to be embarrassed by being called a genius? Nope…that’s not it…it’s because the narcissist in chief just can’t stand that he’s not the smartest one in the room…and to have actual records confirming that would be too big a blow to his well constructed fantasy world. Remember that one of idiot boy’s college professors called him the “dumbest damn student” he had ever had…but, we all know that by just watching the moron in chief every day….and hiding his records isn’t going to change that…impeach…

Jerry Nadler gets it started…

Well…you know that people are starting to sweat on the right when the chair of the Judiciary committee, Jerry Nadler, issued document requests to 60 people to try to get to the bottom of the idiot trump’s obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and other crimes and the response from Jim Jordan, one of trumps most ardent supporters, slid right into anti-Semitism and personal attacks on Nadler. Let’s not forget who Jim Jordan is to put his complaints about investigations into context…when athletes were being abused at Ohio State, where Jordan was a coach at the time, Jordan was told about it and did nothing…trying to protect the abusers. This all tracks back to the lawlessness that the repub party has embraced over the past 20 years or so…that they are supposed to be immune to being held accountable wherever and whenever their lawbreaking has occurred….that same playbook is being run by the repubs right now when they try to say that trump’s crimes before being elected should be off limits since they happened “so long” ago. With the dem control of congress, those days are over and we are going to rebuild the rule of law that applies to everyone….and that includes Jim Jordan and the idiot trump….impeach….

How much more dumb does he have to get?

Well…I think I just gave myself whiplash shaking my head at the latest bit of utter stupidity from the stupident when, after a speech to the CPAC hate group, he announced with the idiotic, smug, self satisfaction of an idiot who thinks he’s smart, that he is going to sign an executive order to guarantee freedom of speech….okay, see shaking your head that hard does hurt. Where to start with this one? I guess now we know idiot boy has never read the constitution let alone understand it…I mean, geez…it’s the first damn amendment…you don’t have to read too far to get to it…and it doesn’t take any interpretation either….you know, I’m am so damn tired that other idiots foisted this moron on us here in the US and we have to live with this stupidity every damn day…okay…this is harshing my Saturday and Pink Floyd is on AXS…so, I’m going to do that instead….

What to write about?

Well..have been feeling a little crappy today and I’m not sure why that is other than I may be getting a cold…have had a headache all day and have just now started coughing and sneezing…but, that’s not what this is about…have been in overload mode for a while now with all of the criminality and stupidity coming out of the idiot trump’s WH but there is one thing I wanted to remind people of as they investigate how the hell Jared Kushner got a top secret clearance. The latest reporting has idiot boy just ordering his chief of staff, John Kelly, to approve those clearances, disregarding every intelligence agency in the country who knew that Kushner is a huge security risk and had no business being able to access top secret material…but, trump ignored the entire process and just gave them to him and let’s remember what happened when the clearance was issued…immediately after, Kushner got a list of all of the dissidents  that were opposing bin Salman in Saudi Arabia and handed it over to MBS so he could then use that list to jail and murder his opposition and consolidate his power. Just after that, Kushner magically got a loan from Saudi allies to get him out from under his bad decisions on a building in Manhattan that was going to bankrupt his company. So, Kusher and trump used the intelligence services of the US for personal gain and to aid a repressive regime in the middle east to murder people…and not one damn repub has said a word about it….but, but, but…Hillary’s e-mails…yeah, sounds pretty ridiculous doesn’t it? All of these criminals need to be locked up…impeach…

Holy crap!

Well…as you can see, I didn’t come back for another one about Cohen yesterday and part of it was there was so much information and bombshells that I wanted to wait to see the summary that Rachel did last night. There are a few things right off the top that jumped out at me…first, Don Jr. is in deep shit for signing one of the reimbursement checks given to Michael Cohen for paying off the women who had affairs with the idiot trump. Oh, and the older idiot signed one, too, and they are both felonies that will be charged at some point. So, little donnie, wipe that smug grin off your face…there is a prison in your future, just like daddy. Another interesting point is that the older idiot must have lied on his written answers to Mueller since he denied knowing about Wikileaks and their role in conspiring with trump when Cohen was in the room when Stone called and told trump that he had just talked to Assange and the stolen e-mails were coming…and trump said great! Another felony….oh, haven’t talked about bank fraud yet. When trying to get a loan from Deutsche Bank, trump and Cohen inflated trump’s assets to get them to approve the loan…and, even though trump didn’t get the loan, lying to get it is the same thing that Paul Manafort was convicted of and will spend the rest of his life in prison for. Is that enough? I think one of the reasons why trump and his cronies lied so much about their crimes is that they are ignorant of how the justice system works and thought that no one could care if they lied or scammed their way through life. This time, they are going to pay…and if trump was smart, which he isn’t, he would be negotiating his resignation to make the charges go away…but doubling down on his stupidity seems to be the only thing he knows how to do…keep it up idiot…impeach…

Michael Cohen…part 1

Well…just want to do a shorty on what we know so far from Michael Cohen’s testimony to the senate yesterday, and by his opening statement for the house committee he is testifying to at 10 this morning. While the senate testimony was private, a comment by senator Mark Warner gives an idea what to expect today when he just shook his head and said he’s never seen anything like it and it is much worse than he knew. Today’s testimony is going to focus on the continuous lies that trump has told to cover up his criminality…but there was one little nugget in there about Roger Stone where he called trump with Cohen in the room, put the phone on speaker, and proceeded to have Stone tell him he was in contact with Wikileaks and the stolen e-mails were on their way…can you say collusion, folks? So, I may do more of these as the testimony goes on or I may wait until it’s over since yesterday’s went over 10 hours and I need to watch Man U this afternoon….