Well…just stopped laughing my butt off at the latest story of the idiot trump trying to hide his grades in school…the college stuff was bad enough when he had Michael Cohen send threatening letters to the schools saying they would be sued if they released them…but the latest one….man, what a frickin baby the idiot is…it came out today that the administration of idiot boy’s HIGH SCHOOL had been threatened by some of trump’s rich friends to not release his grades there or their donations to the private school would end and it would be bankrupted…and they even went so far as trying to get the actual transcripts from their records so there would be no copies left. Now, I wonder, wonder, wonder why the idiot wants to keep all of his transcripts secret…is it because he was just too smart and doesn’t want to be embarrassed by being called a genius? Nope…that’s not it…it’s because the narcissist in chief just can’t stand that he’s not the smartest one in the room…and to have actual records confirming that would be too big a blow to his well constructed fantasy world. Remember that one of idiot boy’s college professors called him the “dumbest damn student” he had ever had…but, we all know that by just watching the moron in chief every day….and hiding his records isn’t going to change that…impeach…