This is kind of overwhelming…

Well…I think there is a problem with me having some time on my hands lately…I have been sliding back to watching more news than is healthy for me…or for anyone for that matter…but it seems to be important with all that is going on in this country right now…but, that doesn’t make it any less overwhelming when new scandals explode every day….I think I need to try to pace myself and limit the amount of news that I watch or read daily…but, that is me…I’ve always been a news junkie and wanted to know what the heck is going on…not sure why…on a daily basis, not much of the news has any impact on my life and really never has so I can’t explain it…but, I can remember waiting for the newspaper to come when I was about 7 or so and watching the nightly national news shows with Cronkite and Huntley and Brinkley from even earlier than that…so I wonder if it’s something in my DNA that makes me want to understand what is going on?  All I know is that this is an interesting time and I am being sucked back into the news that I have been avoiding since idiot boy got elected….and I’m not sure how I feel about that…we’ll see…

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