July 8th

Well…damn, up at 5 again but I think I slept okay but feel just a little slow….and my toe doesn’t hurt for the 4th day in a row and that is good news…okay, it hurts a little but just twinges and I’m almost back to walking normally…but the idea of it flaring again is in the back of my mind all the time and I think it will take a month or so before I stop thinking about it…and my foot is still puffy so that doesn’t help…I am liking my new schedule of getting a bike ride in then working around here for a couple of hours before getting back on the bike for the second ride…got the garage washed and ready to paint over the past two days but it appears that waiting to paint was a good idea…there are supposed to be scattered showers this morning and then there are t-storms off and on for the next couple of days and I need a couple of days for the paint to dry so it looks like the painting will wait til next week…and I need a few hours to mask it off…holy crap…it’s raining! I can’t remember the last time it rained and this is welcome…going to screw up my schedule for the day but I think it will stop before 7:30 and then I’ll get out on the bike….okay, it’s sunny out there and it’s raining…pretty cool…and the rain is already stopping…darn…….not much to do today….just going to do the grocery run after I ride and that will do it for the day…oh, one more comment…I follow Joe Walsh’s twitter account and he announced that a 2018 Eagles concert was on last night so I tuned in and just couldn’t get past the fact that Glenn Frey wasn’t there…Vince Gill doing his parts? Nope…it just wasn’t the Eagles to me and I turned it off…oh, well…more later….

This is gonna be good…

Well…with the first excerpts of the idiot trump’s niece’s book dribbling out prior to it’s release next week, all I have to say is this is gonna be good if it’s anything like the first revelation that trump paid someone to take his SAT’s for him so he could use the scores to help get into Wharton College…that makes sense since one of his professors there said trump was “the dumbest student” he had ever had in his 40 years of teaching…..this after all the birther bullshit where idiot boy questioned how Obama got into Harvard  and spewed almost daily how Obama should have to show his “records” since he truly believed that no black person could ever be smart enough to get in on his merits. Now we know that trump certainly didn’t get in any college on his own merits…other than his superpower of cheating at everything he does. One question I have is how rotten do you have to be that your entire family hates you? That is exactly what we are going to see when the rest of the book is released…that his own damn family, who are no paragons of virtue other than Mary, hate his guts for his lying, cheating, and stealing and who all say he has no principles at all….but, we all knew that before 2016 but morons in this country, along with Putin, elected him anyway…what does that say about the modern repub party?

July 7th

Well…you know, I would really appreciated it if we could get some temps for a few days that are not 95 or hotter…this is starting to wear on me and I know my foot would love it being cooler…it appears that this is going to be the third day in a row with very little pain in my toe and the redness is even better too…I’m pretty sure that it is the result of water, water, water and I am going to keep that up for the near future so I can get my walk back to normal and I don’t put stress on the rest of my foot…slept okay last night with just moving the fan a few inches so it blew on me all night…I thought it would be annoying to have that wind all night but it made sleeping tolerable and I can use a little sleep…I did get some work done on the garage yesterday prepping it for paint and discovered that there are blocks all along the back of it that were buried in the dirt that was allowed to collect there…chopped out the remaining stumps that were in the way too but now I have to try to figure out what to do with the piles of dirt that are back there…but getting the cleanup and the prep work done are going to take longer than I thought so painting tomorrow is not going to happen…should be able to paint next week and then move on to the siding on the house….not much to do today…okay, I wonder why I even say that anymore…I have tons to do and still need to get any work done in the morning  since it is still going to be 95 today and I am not going to set myself up to do damage by working in the heat….have to be smarter than that…I am old after all….more later…

What a pathetic little man…

Well…as the idiot trump tries to use his go to racism to get re-elected, that pathetic little man has now attacked Bubba Wallace in a tweet calling the noose incident in the garage area a “hoax” and screeching that Bubba should apologize for his part in getting rid of the confederate traitors flag from nascar events and for elevating the idea that black lives do matter in the nascar community. Look, there are people giving trump a pass today on this racist piece of crap he spewed out of his twitter hole but I won’t…he knew exactly what he was doing…playing to his dwindling racist base and trying to use the bullshit tactics that helped putin install him. Let’s get the facts straight here….Bubba didn’t find or report the noose, that information was brought to him by nascar management and it was nascar management who called in the FBI, Bubba had nothing to do with it and not once did he do anything to exacerbate the problem…and nascar made the decision to ban the traitor’s flag not Bubba, in response to their recognition that nascar had a racism problem. I think the idiot trump is just going nuts because he had lots of support from the brass at nascar back in 2016 and that support has evaporated as it becomes widely known that he is an incompetent racist who is responsible for the deaths of over 100,000 Americans by his abdication of his responsibilities to go and play golf and have hate rallies. If any other *president had attacked a private citizen this way the calls for his resignation would have shaken the roof of congress…but the repubs give this moron a pass on all of his egregious behavior…but the voters won’t…tick tock…

July 6th

Well…that just sucked….up and down all night last night and feel like crap this morning…and I was an idiot and ate some nuts that I know I don’t tolerate anymore so I’ll be paying for that all day…and my toe feels like it’s going to start hurting again even though it doesn’t right now…it just itches which it has never done before…I don’t remember a streak of weather like this in a long time…it has been over 90 for more than two weeks now and looks like there is another two weeks before we get a break…and that is just damn tiring…I did get two rides in again yesterday and I am going to try to do two today but I just have no energy right now so I’m not sure if I can manage it….I did pick some beans from my gardens yesterday and I am going to cook them today for lunch…pretty sure I didn’t plant enough of them since I cleaned off the plants of 5 inch ones and only got enough for one meal….I do know that when I get my house I need to do a better job of conditioning the soil since my plants seem to be somewhat stunted and my green pepper plants never developed any fruit….but that is the learning process that this garden is supposed to serve…and I will get tomatoes by the end of the month and that will be cool….didn’t get much done yesterday but I am going to work on the back of the garage today so I can get it washed and painted this week…so that may keep me to only one ride today but we’ll see…I do need to clean the stairs to the basement today since that door is the one I use most and I drag lots of dirt in from working outdoors that collects on the landing and then I track it into the kitchen…and that is annoying when walking barefoot in the summer….still have too damn much to do….more later…

This is weird…

Well…okay, this is a little weird…my foot stopped hurting yesterday morning and it still doesn’t hurt today…and most of the redness is gone from my toe…how the heck did that happen? The only change I’ve made over the past week is to drink a lot more water…oh, and I only did one ride yesterday so maybe that had something to do with it? This one is going to be a little confusing since my foot is still puffy…it just doesn’t hurt anymore…I wonder if it’s going to fall off? I do know this is a welcome change and another strange thing is I was ready to use up the rest of the gout medicine I have Saturday but decided that the ibuprofen was working well enough so I’d save it for a bad pain day…and then it just stops hurting….I’ll take it though….now I need to get the pain in the rest of the foot from favoring the toe to go away and I’ll be back to as normal as I can be…

Trump’s new trial lead balloon…

Well…hey, we have a new talking point coming out of the most incompetent and corrupt administration in US history on it’s coronavirus response and it is the epitome of bullshit….with now over 140,000 Americans dead from trump’s ignoring or quitting on any response to the virus…oh, by the way…he’s out golfing again today as cases explode in Florida and Texas to the highest daily total of new cases…again…but that doesn’t matter to trump’s toadies…their new talking point is that trump has “stepped forward” (whatever the hell that means) since we didn’t have the worst case of 2.2 million deaths by now….so now, murdering 140,000 Americans is a success? The only reason that we haven’t seen a million dead is for the efforts of governors across the country who listened to the scientists and made the hard decisions of lockdowns and requiring masks to stem the spread….Like our governor here in Michigan who made the hard choices early but even with that, we still lost 6,000 Michganders and had almost 60,000 cases here…and it’s easy to see what would have happened if we would have had a repub governor and trump suck up in charge…just take a look at Florida and Texas whose combined daily infection totals reached almost 50,000…yep, in one damn day they had as many cases as Michigan did in months…but trump “stepped forward” and through his heroic efforts more than 100,000 additional Americans are going to die….or possibly even 150,000 since the morons in red states are spreading the virus back to the blue states who busted their asses to do the right thing….so let’s let this trial balloon crash and burn like it should…and maybe instead of “stepping forward” trump should just step down instead….

July 5th

Well…running early for a Sunday with getting up at 5 or so after not sleeping much last night…it sounded like a damn war zone around here last night and it was so loud I had earplugs in and pillows on my head and still couldn’t sleep…going to put a complaint in with the city today to see if I can join with the people trying to get fireworks outlawed in GR…there just is no reason the whole damn neighborhood has to suffer just because some ass wants to play soldier….but, my foot doesn’t hurt even without ibuprofen so I guess that’s something…for right now anyway….it did feel good to only take one ride yesterday but I’ll be back on for two today…and I need to get the first one done before 9 so I can watch the F1 race…I am a little sore from weeding the gardens yesterday but it feels good to see them looking neat and tidy….I may even pick some beans today to try them…have never gone straight form the garden to the plate with beans and I am looking forward to that…can’t wait for tomatoes later in the month….I am going to try to clean up the back of the garage today so I can make some headway on painting the garage siding this week…and I started trying to save the front lawn by watering it yesterday and it looks like I’ll need to keep that up for weeks until the next time it rains…whenever that will be….more later…

First crop!

Well….the day I have been anticipating since I planted my gardens is here! Today, I picked my first crops, 4 Jalapenos, from the plants in my garden so I could make pickled Jalapenos….and I did but added red onions and green peppers to make a sandwich topping that I used on a chicken sandwich with dijon mustard for dinner tonight. Yow, 4 jalpenos and the other vegs in a quart of pickling liquid and they are still damn spicy….and I’m not sure how my body is going to react to them but they tasted good and I ended up sweating from them so I’ll just hope that I can tolerate them this time…not sure what I’m going to do with all of the jalapenos if I can’t eat them but I guess I can give them away…and the green beans are almost big enough to pick some for a meal but I should have planted double the plants I did…I have 5 of them but I can eat all of them that are ready in one meal so I guess I’ve learned something for when I get my own house…plant lots of bean plants…maybe a dozen or so….plant more of everything except tomatoes….I think I’ll have plenty of those….still it’s pretty cool that my gardens have started to give me some good, healthy food to eat….can’t wait for the tomatoes….

Joe sure looks and sounds like a president…

Well….after watching a few of the ads that the dems have put out with Joe Biden being Joe, the thing that strikes me is that he looks and sounds like a president, like a decent guy who does want to do what’s best for the country and doesn’t have a bone of hate in his body…I know we’re just getting into the meat of the campaign but I hope they do something like a split screen with Joe on one side and the idiot boy on the other going off on another of his hateful, ignorant, racist screeds….I do think that would bring home the chaos fatigue that most people are feeling right now…if they are anything like me, they are just damn tired of the awfulness of trump and his cronies and the constant lies they spout every day…and the fecklessness of trump’s coronavirus response which is now getting a new slogan from the trump camp…”you are just going to have to get used to it”…..not we’re digging in and will snuff out this scourge but meh, I’m bored and it’s too much work so just get used to your loved ones dying so I can go golf. Can you imagine this coming out of Joe’s mouth? Yeah, I can’t either and that’s the difference..trump doesn’t give a damn about you or me or anyone else…and Joe would die to protect you…pretty stark difference, huh?  Get out and vote….