Well…hey, we have a new talking point coming out of the most incompetent and corrupt administration in US history on it’s coronavirus response and it is the epitome of bullshit….with now over 140,000 Americans dead from trump’s ignoring or quitting on any response to the virus…oh, by the way…he’s out golfing again today as cases explode in Florida and Texas to the highest daily total of new cases…again…but that doesn’t matter to trump’s toadies…their new talking point is that trump has “stepped forward” (whatever the hell that means) since we didn’t have the worst case of 2.2 million deaths by now….so now, murdering 140,000 Americans is a success? The only reason that we haven’t seen a million dead is for the efforts of governors across the country who listened to the scientists and made the hard decisions of lockdowns and requiring masks to stem the spread….Like our governor here in Michigan who made the hard choices early but even with that, we still lost 6,000 Michganders and had almost 60,000 cases here…and it’s easy to see what would have happened if we would have had a repub governor and trump suck up in charge…just take a look at Florida and Texas whose combined daily infection totals reached almost 50,000…yep, in one damn day they had as many cases as Michigan did in months…but trump “stepped forward” and through his heroic efforts more than 100,000 additional Americans are going to die….or possibly even 150,000 since the morons in red states are spreading the virus back to the blue states who busted their asses to do the right thing….so let’s let this trial balloon crash and burn like it should…and maybe instead of “stepping forward” trump should just step down instead….