Well….the day I have been anticipating since I planted my gardens is here! Today, I picked my first crops, 4 Jalapenos, from the plants in my garden so I could make pickled Jalapenos….and I did but added red onions and green peppers to make a sandwich topping that I used on a chicken sandwich with dijon mustard for dinner tonight. Yow, 4 jalpenos and the other vegs in a quart of pickling liquid and they are still damn spicy….and I’m not sure how my body is going to react to them but they tasted good and I ended up sweating from them so I’ll just hope that I can tolerate them this time…not sure what I’m going to do with all of the jalapenos if I can’t eat them but I guess I can give them away…and the green beans are almost big enough to pick some for a meal but I should have planted double the plants I did…I have 5 of them but I can eat all of them that are ready in one meal so I guess I’ve learned something for when I get my own house…plant lots of bean plants…maybe a dozen or so….plant more of everything except tomatoes….I think I’ll have plenty of those….still it’s pretty cool that my gardens have started to give me some good, healthy food to eat….can’t wait for the tomatoes….