Well….after watching a few of the ads that the dems have put out with Joe Biden being Joe, the thing that strikes me is that he looks and sounds like a president, like a decent guy who does want to do what’s best for the country and doesn’t have a bone of hate in his body…I know we’re just getting into the meat of the campaign but I hope they do something like a split screen with Joe on one side and the idiot boy on the other going off on another of his hateful, ignorant, racist screeds….I do think that would bring home the chaos fatigue that most people are feeling right now…if they are anything like me, they are just damn tired of the awfulness of trump and his cronies and the constant lies they spout every day…and the fecklessness of trump’s coronavirus response which is now getting a new slogan from the trump camp…”you are just going to have to get used to it”…..not we’re digging in and will snuff out this scourge but meh, I’m bored and it’s too much work so just get used to your loved ones dying so I can go golf. Can you imagine this coming out of Joe’s mouth? Yeah, I can’t either and that’s the difference..trump doesn’t give a damn about you or me or anyone else…and Joe would die to protect you…pretty stark difference, huh? Get out and vote….