April 15th

Well…running a little early today with getting up way too early….feel a little crappy still with my head still plugged up and the cough is still here, too….but it may be getting better…oh, I did win at pool yesterday and the ride out and back with the top down was fun….didn’t get much else done and today looks the same with Man U playing at 10 and then F1 qualifying at 12:30…I am going to bake a chicken that I have had in brine since last night, too, and have a good meal today…..it is supposed to be almost 80 today and that will be nice….I do need to clean the kitchen and bathroom today but I may just pick one or the other….okay…need more coffee and to prep for the bike ride…need to get out by 9 or so to be back here for the match….more later….

April 14th

Well…still have that damn cough today and I think it may be a new bug….I don’t think I’ve ever had one that lasted three weeks so this one has to be a new one….I did get some stuff done around here yesterday but it is just a mop up for the changes that have happened this week…I did get a good bike ride in yesterday and my legs are not sore this morning so I don’t understand that at all….have been so sore all week that I thought it was permanent but today is better so maybe I have some hope….even got some resumes out and that will continue today….I do have one last errand to run today and I need to go back to the grocery store to get some stuff I forgot yesterday…I am making tacos today and forgot tomatoes and cheese…..more later….

If only this were true…

Well…haven’t done a lot today but clean and that left me a lot of time to read news on the internet….and, yeah, I know, not everything you read on the net is true but we can only hope about this one. Just this afternoon, I read an article that said that both German and British intelligence have caught the trump children’s criminal wrongdoing on tape and that the NYAG Scheiderman has a whole parallel investigation on the trumps under the RICO statutes…if only this were true it would just make my day….and the article goes on to state that Qatar also provided more information on the trumps and their rampant lawbreaking…I think these idiots are going to rue the day that daddy stole the election and put them all in the spotlight….get ready for the perp walk…impeach…

Trump spins like a screw…

Well….to watch the idiot trump over the past week or so probably has made your head spin as he changes everything on every issue he has ever spouted from his cake hole…spinning like a screw as he augers in to reality. Now, I guess since trump spouted off about the uselessness NATO  during the campaign and threatened Germany during Merkel’s visit, everything is fixed there just by trump speaking words…or word salad. The same wonderful, miraculous thing happened on Syria, on the EX/IM bank, on China, on Russia, on his tax plan…basically on everything that the rubes who voted for him wanted….so now idiots, do you finally see that trump just played you and doesn’t give a damn about any of these issues except how they affect his cash? It is not his “pivot” to being “presidential”…it’s just the ranting of a delusional psychopath….impeach…

April 13th

Well…running a little late today with having to do the grocery run and getting up a little late….am still sore everywhere and I’ll see about how bad it is when I get on the bike later….not sure why I am so sore but it may be part of the big changes going on….haven’t been on the bike in two days with being so busy and running around and I miss the quiet and thinking time I get out there….the noodles are gone along the trail and I forgot to mention that the other day…hope there is more art out there today….that always makes me smile….had enough money left to get groceries today so I’m good for a couple of weeks…I do need to clean today…had to get a new belt for the vacuum today since the old one was stretched out and thumping…and it fell off the other day….got 2 of them for 4 bucks so that wasn’t bad…..more later….

Just some thoughts….

Well….lots of changes have me a little flustered at the moment…not really flustered but just adjusting to a new reality and that is happening pretty fast…but, that’s not what this is about…I’m not sure if you’ve seen Keith Olbermann’s rant over at gq but if you haven’t, you should…you can get them on Twitter, too, just by following him….had one today that almost every other word was “jackass” and I know you can guess who he was talking about….and about that…when the idiot trump was interviewed the other day about why he ordered the attacks on Syria, all he could do was talk about the cake he had for dessert with XI from China…not that he just killed dozens of people in Syria…mostly civilians…but that it was the best cake…a gorgeous cake….what an idiot…impeach….

April 12th

Well…feeling like crap today and I know why…way too many changes from yesterday and I have a long run to Mt.P and back today to finish things up…slept pretty crappy last night and I’m not sure why…just normal I guess…and I hurt everywhere this morning so there will be ibuprofen before I get in the car….don’t have a lot else to say right now so this on is going to be short….more later….

Holocaust centers?

Well…it has been a rough day for me but it has even be a rougher one for Sean Spicer who today called Nazi death camps “Holocaust centers” in a totaly unhinged attempt to try to justify trump’s attack on Syria since Assad used chemical weapons on his people and Hitler didn’t. Well… Sean…I think you should go back to your history books and look up Zyklon B…the gas that was used to kill millions of Jews in the death camps across Europe…and he did gas his own people…there were hundreds of thousands of German Jews that he murdered. Try as he did, all the idiot Spicer did today was show how much the fascist mindset has grown over the WH like a deadly fungus and now everything is filtered through that mindsdet….the only thing that should happen is that Spicer should quit or be fired…this is not acceptable….impeach….

Ivanka is now president?

Well….if the nepotism where trump’s unqualified children are given important jobs in government wasn’t bad enough, now we have trump’s daughter making decisions on how to use our military. It has been widely reported that the idiot daughter convinced her moron dad to spend over a hundred million dollars to attack Syria just because she saw some pictures of dead Syrian children that were killed in a gas attack last week…now, dead children anywhere are a tragedy that the entire world should do something to prevent, but to give the moron’s daughter the say in how we use our military is just to damn much for me…what the hell are her qualifications? Where did she go to war college? What time did she spend getting a degree in foreign policy? The whole damn thing is just wrong…who the hell elected her? What senate committee approved her? Get off your asses repubs and take back the foreign policy of this country from the frickin amateurs…impeach…..

April 11th

Well…running a little early today and that’s good since I have a bunch of stuff to do today…and I am going to make a little cash so that will be cool….two weeks of groceries are in my pocket so that is one less thing to think about…at least for a few days…I did get a nice bike ride in…well…not really nice with the brutal wind that was blowing but I was out in just a t-shirt at 8:30 in the morning…but that won’t happen today with the being in the low 40′s for a high today…I think I may even take the day off the bike today with the errands I have to run and the work I want to get done around here…and I am really sore from going into the wind yesterday so I think I’ll take something for it here in a while….I may be getting over the bug that I’ve had a for two weeks now…feel okay this morning and I hope that continues….more later…..

What you never want to be….