Well…sitting here trying to get some coffee down and this little thought just popped into my head…donnie jr. has a problem now that his idiot father has admitted that the trump tower meeting was to get “dirt” on Hillary…the little idiot went in front of congress and lied that the meeting was about “adoptions”…now, we know that the repubs won’t do a damn thing about it since they spend most of their time covering for the most lawless administration in the history of the US….but, November is coming and, after the election, he can be referred to the justice department and charges of lying to congress can be pressed….so, it does look like everyone that has been part of this debacle will go to jail…and it can’t happen soon enough…impeach…
Tag Archives: Donald Trump jr.
Yep, trump really is this dumb…
Well….I am just shaking my head at this one…this morning the idiot came right out and admitted that donnie jr. met in trump tower with Russian agents to get dirt on Hillary…and I’m sure he thinks that just saying that “it’s totally legal and done all the time” will protect him and his demon spawn from Mueller. Yeah, idiot…it’s illegal to take help from any foreign entity to further your campaign….and the dirt on Hillary has value so..yeah, everyone that was there broke the law and then your idiot son called you and told you about it a half hour after the meeting was over…so, you knew about it, too. Now you can see the type of person trump is, willing to throw his own son under the bus to keep Mueller from getting to him…got news for you, idiot…Mueller has all the phone records and your phone number is on it from when little donnie called you…god, can anyone be any dumber than trump? Nope….impeach…
That isn’t how it works…
Well….the dumb doesn’t fall far from the tree when little donnie trump is involved…not sure if you saw the news reports on his testimony to congress yesterday, but little idiot donnie didn’t answer some questions about the lies that were told when the big idiot put together the excuse for little idiot meeting with a room full of Russians…and his excuse…attorney client confidentiality…..yep, he tried that old one just because, as he says, there was a lawyer on the call when he was talking to daddy…..but, that’s not how that works….these folks are so dumb and don’t understand the law at all that it’s a wonder they haven’t ended up in jail already…attorney client privilege is only applicable between a client and his personal lawyer….and it is not a get out of jail free card just because some random lawyer is listening in…and whoever the lawyer was, it was not little donnie’s lawyer so privilege doesn’t apply….it is just so funny how these morons think they are the smartest people in the room and think that if they spout something they heard on “Law and Order”, it’s absolves them of their lawbreaking…that’s just not how it works, donnie…..and now the committee needs to haul his ass back in, under oath, and make him testify…this delusional attorney client nonsense will not protect him…impeach….
Shame on trump and the Boy Scouts…
Well…how much lower can the idiot trump go than the sickening display he put on at the the Boy Scouts national jamboree the other day? While normal presidents do speeches that are uplifting and that extol the values that the scouts adhere to, the idiot trumps speech was nothing but grievance and hate….telling the scouts to boo Obama and that America’s government is terrible…and this went on and on for 35 minutes. By now, everyone in the world knows what kind of speech trump is going to do, so why still invite him to speak to impressionable youngsters that can really be damaged by being exposed to trump? Shame on the leadership of the scouts for allowing their charges to be used as cheap political props by the most amoral person in the US…who couldn’t embody the scout ideal if he worked at it for the rest of his life. The scout leadership has been exposed for the hypocrites they are…they should go back and read the scout motto and see just how far the idiot trump is from being a role model….and then hope they haven’t killed the scouts with their stupidity….impeach….
Mueller has little Donnie..
Well…a nice little surprise came out in the news today…it appears that little donnie’s meeting of pure collusion with the Russians is now under investigation by Robert Mueller….now, if the trump crime family didn’t have enough to worry about before…this should be the last straw…..they should be scrambling to make a deal right now. Here’s the thing…these idiots have gotten away with every crooked deal, every theft of charity money, every outright scam they’ve ever pulled so I can see how they have carefully crafted delusions that they are either not doing anything wrong or that they CAN do anything they want to do without consequences. That is about to change pretty soon…I hope…but, sometimes these things take longer than they should….I know Mueller will do it right….perp walk, perp walk, perp walk….impeach…
They are that dumb….
Well…when I heard the latest excuse for the idiot trump’s collusion meeting with the Russians, immediately this thought came to my head: they are that dumb. The latest from these idiots? If it was illegal to meet with the Russians, why didn’t the Secret Service stop it? First, the little idiot and Kushner were not under SS protection so why would they have even known about it? Second, it is not the purpose of the SS to prevent morons from breaking the law. To use this twisted form of logic, the SS should have stopped Nixon from the coverup of Watergate or ole GW from approving torture. I am just speechless at the inanity of their stupidity….impeach…
Little Donnie is just so damn dumb…
Well…now, we all know that the idiot trumps lie all the time and have been denying working with the Russians to steal the election of more than a year now…but, thanks to the NY Times, we now have proof that donnie junior was actively soliciting help from the Russians. And not just little donnie, but Manafort and Kushner were both at the same meeting…and even before the Times ran the story, the idiot little donnie released the e-mails setting the meeting up and showing that it’s real reason was to get dirt on Clinton to use during the campaign. Now I’m not sure what these idiots definition of collusion is, but this is collusion that raises to the level of treason…betraying your country to the benefit of another….that is exactly what this whole crew has done and is still doing….impeach…
Mueller’s superteam….
Well….have been reading quite a bit about the “superteam” that Robert Mueller has been putting together to investigate the idiot trump and his cronies and their collusion with Russia….and the thing that came to mind is the team is still being assembled as Mueller learns more and more about what went on…and what is still going on in relation to the expanded money laundering probe. Why would he still be adding more experts if there was nothing there? And, with the admission over the past day or so the the idiot junior met with a Russian lawyer to try to get hacked e-mails to use to attack Clinton, it is looking more and more like there really is a there there. One other little tidbit that came to light today came from Keith and I think he’s doing a post on that later, and that is that the day after the trump junior meeting with the Russian lawyer, that the idiot junior said he got nothing from, the big idiot trump tweeted asking about the 33,000 e-mails that he couldn’t have possibly known about unless he was in contact with the Russians….so, the noose continues to tighten…I wonder when the deals will start being made…probably happening already…trump is going down and his rotten administration is going with him…impeach…
If only this were true…
Well…haven’t done a lot today but clean and that left me a lot of time to read news on the internet….and, yeah, I know, not everything you read on the net is true but we can only hope about this one. Just this afternoon, I read an article that said that both German and British intelligence have caught the trump children’s criminal wrongdoing on tape and that the NYAG Scheiderman has a whole parallel investigation on the trumps under the RICO statutes…if only this were true it would just make my day….and the article goes on to state that Qatar also provided more information on the trumps and their rampant lawbreaking…I think these idiots are going to rue the day that daddy stole the election and put them all in the spotlight….get ready for the perp walk…impeach…
Stupid doesn’t fall far from the tree….
Well…when you listen to any of the Trump kids, you can see that the stupid from dad doesn’t fall far from the tree. Just today, Donnie junior was opining on why wages have been stagnant for workers and made the assertion that it was Syrian refugees coming here that were the problem. Donnie, Donnie, Donnie….wages have been stagnant here since the 70′s not since the Syrian crises began in 2011…and we have only taken in a few thousand..compared to the 145 million workers in the US, the number of refugees is a not noticeable tiny little blip that can’t possibly have the effect that Donnie the stupid younger thinks. But that is the thing with the modern repubs, they are the party that has no relationship with the facts…and facts are facts, not the opinions they think are facts…oh, and it is people like little Donnie’s father who trash unions, stiff small businesses, and offshore jobs who have depressed wages here…not some small handful of refugees….sad….