Well…when you listen to any of the Trump kids, you can see that the stupid from dad doesn’t fall far from the tree. Just today, Donnie junior was opining on why wages have been stagnant for workers and made the assertion that it was Syrian refugees coming here that were the problem. Donnie, Donnie, Donnie….wages have been stagnant here since the 70′s not since the Syrian crises began in 2011…and we have only taken in a few thousand..compared to the 145 million workers in the US, the number of refugees is a not noticeable tiny little blip that can’t possibly have the effect that Donnie the stupid younger thinks. But that is the thing with the modern repubs, they are the party that has no relationship with the facts…and facts are facts, not the opinions they think are facts…oh, and it is people like little Donnie’s father who trash unions, stiff small businesses, and offshore jobs who have depressed wages here…not some small handful of refugees….sad….
Tag Archives: wages
The new defense of Mitt..
Well…I was laughing my butt off this morning when I read of the new defense of ole Mitt only paying 15% in taxes on his investment income with the right trying out the line that he followed the law, didn’t he? I agree he may have followed the current law, we’ll wait for the tax returns before I accept that he has, but I think the right and the media are missing the point…what makes investment income different from the income that comes from wages? Income should be treated as income no matter what the source, there should be no privileged income…and the problem as I see it is that that rich have bought themselves different treatment than the rest of us by campaign contributions and the connections of the old boy network here in the US. That is where the rich diverge from the rest of us and is why the 99%’ers are so angry…and the difference is that most of us don’t mind paying our fair share and can’t afford the cadres of lawyers that the 1%’ers use to ensure they pay the very least that the code allows….we need to fix the code that allows this kind of nonsense that makes an unemployed person pay more taxes than a millionaire…
The one reason that people should be for unions…
Well…I know I said that I wasn’t going to do a political one today but this little thing popped into my head and I had to comment on it…to all of you out there that are in the working class and you are against unions, there is only one reason that you need to be for unions….they force companies to share the bounty of profits with everyone, with the hard workers that make the profits possible, not just the executive officers of the company. One of the reasons for the increasing disparity of income in this country is the decline of union membership over the past thirty years; form 25% down to the paltry 7% we have now.And, one of the worst offenders here in the US is Walmart who viciously opposes unionization of it’s North American workforce but allows it in every other country…well, not allows it but many other countries force them to allow their workers to unionize…or they are not allowed to be in those countries…not a bad idea for here, either…so, you tea partiers that have it in for unions and their members, it is you that is helping these thieves steal what is rightfully yours…..how does that feel you idiots?…..geez….