Well…when you listen to any of the Trump kids, you can see that the stupid from dad doesn’t fall far from the tree. Just today, Donnie junior was opining on why wages have been stagnant for workers and made the assertion that it was Syrian refugees coming here that were the problem. Donnie, Donnie, Donnie….wages have been stagnant here since the 70′s not since the Syrian crises began in 2011…and we have only taken in a few thousand..compared to the 145 million workers in the US, the number of refugees is a not noticeable tiny little blip that can’t possibly have the effect that Donnie the stupid younger thinks. But that is the thing with the modern repubs, they are the party that has no relationship with the facts…and facts are facts, not the opinions they think are facts…oh, and it is people like little Donnie’s father who trash unions, stiff small businesses, and offshore jobs who have depressed wages here…not some small handful of refugees….sad….