Tag Archives: life

November 16th

Well….I thought I was going to be home last night but G called and we ended up hitting Logan’s for a while…well..more than a while…didn’t get home until almost midnight but it was fun…needless to say, I feel a little crappy today but I think I’ll survive it. It was kind of a busy day for me yesterday and that was good…I did find a Kubrick movie that I’ve never seen on Netflix and watched most of it…have about 10 mins left and will get to that after coffee…man, didn’t even get out of bed until about 5 minutes ago so that’s why I’m running late today….not much to do today…no cooking or anything until Ada later..I’m not thinking yet so I’ll stop here..more later…

Okay, I’m back and I’m not going to add a new one…that may be cheating since this is really just part of what I should have added first thing this morning…I did go out and get a haircut a few minutes ago..it was getting quite shaggy looking and I don’t really need anything helping me look older..I already look old enough…I’ve had an infestation of those little flying black bugs lately and they are a pain in the butt…I have taken the environmentally conscious tack against them by leaving the little spiders in the corners of my bathroom…they seem to kill about 20 of them each daily and it gives me something to look at…I just want to know where they come from…it’s getting warm enough to go out for a ride so I’m going to end here…I hope to have a topic for later today, if one strikes me while I’m on the bike…

November 15th

Well…yeah, I know, I didn’t come back yesterday to build on the number 500…but I have an excuse…we did have a short SF with K and V and when I got back I just didn’t feel like writing anything else….and after re-reading, I really didn’t have anything to add. So, I just came back here and watched the rest of the Napcar race and took it easy. I did get a lot of stuff done yesterday, though, and have to keep going on that today…along with getting started on the t-day cleaning in case the boys decide to come over for dinner. I did skip riding yesterday; it was just too cold and windy to want to go out but today looks better so I’ll be out after lunch. Not much else to do today…no Monday with G since she has a charity function for the org she works with but I’m broke anyway so that’s kind of a good thing. I do have to go out for supplies today to finish up the work I started yesterday and I think it will be good for the car….my longest trip in the last two weeks was out to Ada but most of them are about a mile and it is not good for the old wreck to never get up to operating temp….so, I’ll run over to the other side of town this morning while I’m waiting for the temp to come up far enough to ride in shorts. Yep, still in shorts and it is starting to get stares…only another week to go, though, so I’ll have to get the jeans out and see how they fit…more later…

November 14th

Well…another night at home but I feel good this morning and didn’t spend any cash so that’s a good thing…shared the Michigan game with T yesterday by text and that was a hoot…made her pot roast recipe and just pigged out; I’m still on the eating more thing to try to get my metabolism running again and I think it may be working some…I have gained some weight but that’s okay since I’m not as tired as I was…waiting for the F1 race to start and have the coffee brewing along with the newspaper waiting…it’s kind of strange at this time of the day…with the possibilities of the day still making me smile and the energy tank filled even though my sleep was kind of crappy…up at 4:30 and back down again…not much to do today…no SF planned so I think those are about over…more changes but I am kind of numb to them now…especially since there’s not much more to change….

Oh, this is number 499…I will have the 500th post later today but I don’t know what it will be like…you’ll have to come back to see…more later…

November 13th

Well… running a little late this morning since I’ve picked up the newspaper habit on Saturdays, too…and I’ve been getting a chuck roast going in the slow cooker using T’s wonderful recipe…tried one the last time with a bunch of shortcuts and it was not the same…so, I’ve just used the oven recipe line for line…we’ll see how it comes out later. It was a kind of weird looking morning when I went out to get the papers with a kind of hazy, foggy look to it…had to stand and just take it in for a minute which I’m sure just cemented my rep as the weird, crazy old guy…one that I don’t really mind because I am that guy. Stayed in last night to try to save some cash but I might go out for a while to watch some of the Wings game later…but I probably should just stay in since I have about 60 bucks left in my pocket with no prospects of making any for a while. Not much to do today..going to watch the Michigan game later and then just continue the cleanup here since it feels good to accomplish something…and I will have some topics for later…

Oh, and F1 qualifying is on right now so I’m gong to go back to the couch and watch…

November 12th

Well…this is going to be short one…out with G last night and feel like crap…so I’m going back to the couch for a while to heal the wounds a little…more later…

Okay, I’m back after coffee and feel almost human again….spent a boatload of cash last night and now it looks like I’ll have to take the next week off from spending anything…but that’s okay since I have to continue to clean this place up and I bought enough food yesterday to get me through until late next week…but no more out until something breaks and I get some cash coming in. I may even see how long I can go without spending anything…except for my papers and coffee in the morning…can’t give up everything. And, that means you may get more of these since I’ll be here with not a lot to do.

Oh, I do want to say Happy Birthday to Neil Young who turns 65 today….keep it up Neil…your last album was great and I can’t wait for the next one! More later…

November 11th

Well…today’s the day…I’ll get to 2,000 miles this afternoon and I don’t know if that really means anything…it does to me since what other goals do I have? It was nice to get the wreck cleaned up yesterday…oh, that was a goal, too I guess. Does everyone’s life get small as they get older? Not going to deal with that today…or maybe I will later…who knows? Up early again this morning and feel like I’m walking in concrete…and that’s not good when I have the grocery shopping to do and maybe out for a couple with K or G but that’s about it. I do need to get into the bag o books that I got from T but the Hulu thing has been taking up that time…the novelty is wearing off, though, and if the weather goes bad as it is supposed to do, I’ll have lots of time to read. Hmmm….I will have topics for later…not sure what yet but there has to be something in the 4 newspapers that I read…if not, what’s the point?

November 10th

Well…another night out in Ada, another win at pool and I don’t feel too bad today…and that’s good because I do have things to do today…yay! I need to get the car ready for winter with a complete cleaning from top to bottom…it has been bugging me to no end that I’ve let it go to as dirty as it is. I may have to take a week or so off going out since I’m running out of cash and I don’t want to use the credit card…so I’m glad I have Netflix and the bag o books that I got from T that I have been ignoring, it will help me see if I can go through a whole week without spending anything…I may have to buy groceries, though, to make that happen…we’ll see. Other than that, not much to do today..but I am going to try to get the last 20 miles in this aft after I get the car done…then everything over that will just be a bonus…might even get to 2200 or so…more later…

November 9th

Well…another Monday and another time that G blew me off…so I guess Mondays out are now going to be by myself..I did go out to watch part of the wings game to Peppino’s and they how have Keno so that made it a lot better…when the game went to OT though, I came home…and Hank won it on a deflection so that was cool. Last night was probably the crappiest night of sleep I’ve had in quite a while..up at 3:30 and then back up at 5…ugh….feel like crap today but since I never have anything to do..I can just take a nap later…and not a lot to do today..out to Ada later for pool…but that is about it…more later…

Okay, it’s later and I’m in the middle of watching “Dexter” but thought I’d come back for a minute and put down a couple of thoughts..or maybe just one, nope, the thoughts just left me…this is getting really frustrating…but I do have one about Boehner and the healthcare debate…but I don’t know if I want to go there today…I think today is more about musings than rantings…and there have been some things happen that I am still working out…the weather is nice, though and i may want to do the last thirty miles today…after Dexter, that is because it needs to go back in the mail today…more later…

November 8th

Well…a day of watching the Lions lose again and the Napcar race yesterday and I think it’s time to go out and do anything versus just sitting here…but I’m trying to save cash so that puts me in kind of a bind…oh, well…it was a nice day and I did get out on the bike for a long one and hope to do another one today since it’s going to be near 60…not bad for November. And, I only have 40 miles left to get to 2K..yay! I’m also creeping up on 500 posts since I started this and that is some kind of a milestone but I don’t know what kind…I wonder if putting them all together would make a new book..after all, Keith did it with excerpts from his show. Not much to do today…I think I’m going to start getting the car cleaned and ready for winter…have to do the glass inside and out since dirty windows bug the hell out of me and it’s better to do it when it’s relatively warm….that’s about it for now…more later…

November 7th

Well…I need another cup of coffee…be back in a minute….okay, I’m back…I have been somewhat prolific this morning…this is the third one so I’ll say look down again…there are two others you haven’t seen. Not much of a day yesterday…just kind of going through the motions but I did get the kitchen cleaned….I hope I have all of the clocks reset with the end of DST…we’ll see in a couple of minutes…I did find the instruction booklet for the one in the car so I’ll tackle that one later. It was nice to have a running conversation via text with T yesterday…she always makes me laugh and we are both such big Michigan geeks…the Wings lost last night but they went two for three on the west coast swing so that’s not bad…but any time you let a team score 6 goals against you, there are problems with the defense….not time to be concerned yet, though.

Not much to do today…haven’t been on the bike in two days so I am itching to get out when the temp gets over 40…and there is the Lions, I guess, oh, and formula 1 at 10:30 so that will be something. Need to go check on some clocks so I’ll end here…more later…

I’m back for just a second….finally remembered that HULU exists..thanks, Tom, and signed up for it…it is nice to not have to remember to tape anything (yeah, still not into the DVR yet) and to be able to watch some stuff that I’ve never seen because it’s on opposite the few shows that I regularly watch…but we’ll see how much I use it…kind of like my twitter account…okay at first but a bore after a while…