Well…a day of watching the Lions lose again and the Napcar race yesterday and I think it’s time to go out and do anything versus just sitting here…but I’m trying to save cash so that puts me in kind of a bind…oh, well…it was a nice day and I did get out on the bike for a long one and hope to do another one today since it’s going to be near 60…not bad for November. And, I only have 40 miles left to get to 2K..yay! I’m also creeping up on 500 posts since I started this and that is some kind of a milestone but I don’t know what kind…I wonder if putting them all together would make a new book..after all, Keith did it with excerpts from his show. Not much to do today…I think I’m going to start getting the car cleaned and ready for winter…have to do the glass inside and out since dirty windows bug the hell out of me and it’s better to do it when it’s relatively warm….that’s about it for now…more later…