Tag Archives: life

November 6th

Well…running a little late this morning but there’s no reason for it…I feel pretty good and I wanted to make coffee and read a couple of newspapers before I got to this. It was a normal type of night last night…stayed in and watched the Wings game…they looked pretty good but I would like to see a little more offense from them…the D looked great though and Hank and Pavel were looking mid-season form so it’s going to be fun to watch. Was supposed to go out with C for a couple but didn’t hear from him but that might be a good thing…saved some cash and got up feeling great. Not much to do today…Michigan plays at noon and I am going to watch that one even though I think a bunch of 8 year olds could play better defense. No food to cook since I ran the cooker yesterday and have lots of leftovers…still trying to reset the metabolism after I’ve been an idiot and let my calorie intake fall to under 1200 a day which basically just shut down everything..it is harder than it looks to get back to 2K a day and keep it healthy. Still getting the stares when I go out in the morning in shorts to get my papers…only 3 more weeks and I’ll get the jeans out again…but it looks like a nice week this week and it won’t be too much of a bother to keep shorts alive…I do have a topic or two today…have to get to the whole Keith thing today…and maybe some politics..or sports..who knows?

November 5th

Well…another day of feeling like crap yesterday but it’s much better today…at least for now but I do have the grocery shopping to do since there is only a bag of frozen peppers in the freezer and I don’t think it’s enough to get through the weekend. I did have HH with K last night and that was fun…I need to get out of here more but I don’t want to spend any cash right now…so, a conundrum…I just love that word…not much to do today, as always, but C may be coming into town to hang out so that may be something for later. And, of course, cleaning, but I’m not too motivated to do that..we’ll see. I do have some topics for later but I’m not sure what they are yet..you’ll have to come back to see…more later…

November 4th

Well…late night last night…it was a hard fought battle in pool that came down to the last game that I won…then, back here to watch the Wings game…feel like crap today and might just skip the coffee shop since I’m running late and can’t get going; both in the body and brain as you can tell. But, I guess I don’t have to keep to the normal schedule, do I? Not much to do today…have had a Netflix movie in the mailbox for a couple of days and should get to that…and I should start reading about the political changes that are happening so I can get to the commentating…but that does not sound like fun right now…nothing sounds good so I’ll stop here for now…I will be back later…

November 3rd

Well…I was going to start the day with a post that went on about the political changes that we are going to see but it’s not ready in my head yet. So, I’ll just do this one….crap…not thinking again today…don’t know if it’s the BV but it is something. I did avoid all of the political reporting last night and just watched comedies….and did not sleep for crap…up really early and I think I want to take a nap already. Not much to do today..out to Ada later and that should be fun…okay…no flow to this stuff this morning so I’m going to stop…more later…

November 2nd

Well…I won’t politicize this part of my post today…I’ll keep it just life stuff and thoughts…another night at home but that was okay….and I was not completely successful staying away from politics and the news. I do need to get out and vote this morning but I don’t know if the address change form renewing my license in July will have an effect…if so, I’ll have to move to another polling place. Luckily, it’s in sight of this place so that will be easy. Not much else to do today…there is lunch with T that I have been really looking forward to and the normal morning routine. I did make G’s rib recipe again yesterday and I am still amazed at how good they are…and 4 lbs of ribs really go a long way when you are eating alone….as the day goes on, I’ll relay any changes in the darkness…okay, that was political but, I’m a political person so what did you expect? More later….

Oh, I do forget to pass this along…have been trying to reset my metabolism by eating more…1200 calories a day is just too little when I burn off about 900 from my fitness routine…it is really weird to eat 2500 a day but I am going to revel in it for the week or so it takes to get things back to normal….and it feels a lot better….but it is strange to gain weight on the limited diet…there hasn’t even been any beer since last Thurs…

November 1st part two..

Well…another boring night here..no drinks with G since she isn’t feeling well and this will make 4 days in a row home….I do have to start finding new things to do… was on the phone with my daughter for a while and may be going to Aruba next summer if the kids mom doesn’t want to go….hmmmm…tomorrow will be 5 days home since we are moving Ada back to Wed for this week….I think there is something like a little black hole in this place..it just keeps sucking me in and keeping me here….I have been avoiding the news today and will probably keep doing that tomorrow even after I vote…looks like lunch with T tomorrow which should be fun but I am getting some whiskey for tomorrow night…and probably watch movies to stay away from the disappointment the I’m gong to feel…and feeling like crap going out to Ada has been done before…successfully, too….no more later…it is 8 after all….

November 1st

Well..another month starts and with the election coming, I just want to cover my head and sleep for the next two years. But that’s not for this part of the post….I’ve been sleeping pretty well while I’ve been sick but now that I’m starting to feel better, it’s back to the same old fitful stuff that is normal. Oh, well….I had hoped that a new pattern had emerged but it doesn’t look like it. There wasn’t a lot to do yesterday…you didn’t see that one coming, did you? But, I did get the living room cleaned up and all of the spiders are gone…at least in here but I have to keep that up today and finish then move on to the kitchen. Not looking forward to that….

My back has been killing me with the pain running down my left leg when I sit or bend over but it’s nothing new and I guess I can just live with it until it gets better….not a lot to do today…looks like it’s going to be cold so no bike ride until this aft…maybe out with G later but I’m not sure…but that is about it. I will have a topic for later, of course, this being the last day of political rationality that we’ll see for the next two years…more later…

Trail weirdness part 37…

Well…just a short one to relay some trail weirdness today…it was a little cold but tolerable when the sun was not behind the clouds…but, not cold enough for what I saw…a guy changing into a Santa Clause costume on the trail…nope, no joke, he had his bike parked and was finishing off putting the beard on when I went by….no other costumes, even though it is Halloween. But, isn’t that weird enough? It made me smile at least and I forgot how cold it was for just a couple of minutes…

October 31st

Well…another month gone and not really anything to show for it…it hasn’t been that bad, though, I’ve had a lot of nice bike rides and have gotten cable internet that is really fast so that is a plus…I’m not going to get into the maudlin stuff of time passing, etc. You and I both know I’m getting older but everyone does so it’s not really any revelation. I do feel a little better today but had a slight setback yesterday afternoon where I felt crappy again. Must be a bug of some sort…

Not a lot to do today…had the huge disappointment of both Michigan teams losing yesterday but it was not unexpected…and having Fox sports back for the Wings was a plus…and they played well finally…it was cool to see Pavel back at his best and Ozzie having at least a reasonable game. Not much to do today…might have a SF if K didn’t go out and have to much fun last night but she is a youngster so she should be able to go two days in a row, right? There is also the Lions and Talladega on this aft so I won’t be totally bored even if SF doesn’t happen. So, on that note, I’m going to get to the other online papers that I read on Sunday mornings….might even find a topic for later…who knows?

October 30th

Well…I hope I didn’t depress you with that last one but it was something I had to say…and you’ve seen me that way a few times so you really shouldn’t be surprised…but I am going to move into hunker down mode here for the next couple of years…and I do have hope that maybe, just once, people will surprise me and do something good with a bad situation…but just a little hope…I am a pragmatist after all. Oh, great news…Fox and Dish folks have settle their differences and I have my Red Wings back…but I have mixed emotions about it because it was forcing me to to go out amongst people to see the games…and I’m alone enough as it is…but, I will indulge in Ken and Mickey tonight here since the Michigan game is on at the same time and it’s kind of nice to hear the commentary. Going to make a pork loin roast in the slow cooker today…and then just clean this place up some…have another spider invasion since the weather has gotten colder and it is somewhat unnerving to have them in every corner again. That’s about it for now…I have a couple of topics gestating in the brain….oh, and I forgot to pass on that I am feeling better today…I think the bug is passing and taking the weekend off from beer is going to help…more later…