November 1st part two..

Well…another boring night drinks with G since she isn’t feeling well and this will make 4 days in a row home….I do have to start finding new things to do… was on the phone with my daughter for a while and may be going to Aruba next summer if the kids mom doesn’t want to go….hmmmm…tomorrow will be 5 days home since we are moving Ada back to Wed for this week….I think there is something like a little black hole in this just keeps sucking me in and keeping me here….I have been avoiding the news today and will probably keep doing that tomorrow even after I vote…looks like lunch with T tomorrow which should be fun but I am getting some whiskey for tomorrow night…and probably watch movies to stay away from the disappointment the I’m gong to feel…and feeling like crap going out to Ada has been done before…successfully, too….no more later…it is 8 after all….

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