Tag Archives: life

October 20th

Well… a come from behind victory in pool last night and had way too much fun..so, I feel kind of crappy today and I think it’s probably one of the last times…I’ve gotten used to feeling good when I get up and this is just not fun. Not much to do today….I think I’ll just watch a movie and veg…and I will get to a new topic later when I feel better…

Okay…got the workout and ride in and feel quite a bit better…even had lunch and got the cable modem set up…I can’t believe how fast the movies load from Netflix…I think I’ll be a hermit for the next couple of days and get caught up on movies that I haven’t been able to watch with the dsl….and, I really don’t have a topic for right now but I am going to try later…I do have a whole chicken in the slow cooker that smells really good but won’t be done until about 4 or so…and my son is coming over to set up the wireless router that he is giving me around 3:30 or so…then, maybe out with G for a couple but I am going to take it easy tonight…more later

October 19th

Well…there are a couple of new ones that are dated the 18th since I started them yesterday and just finished them this morning..so look down and you’ll see some new stuff…and you night even see some more new ones today, depending on how I feel…but I am working up some outrage that I need to vent somewhere. It was quite a busy day yesterday but another Monday that G skipped…I guess I’ll just have to start finding other things to do..it’s the same change thing that I’ve talked about quite a few times before but this one kind of puts a coda on what was left of the relationships from the old group. But is this to be mourned or to be celebrated? I think we can become too dependent on our routines, on the comfort of the known, and it is not always a good thing especially when the routines become a substitute for living your life. Just some musings…don’t make too much of them…

Not a lot to do today…I think there is pool out in Ada but I also have to buy the cable modem so I can dump the dsl and get that hooked up…plus, cleaning this joint up…there are spiders everywhere again and I need to get the webs vacuumed up and the bathroom done….so, boring as it is, that is the life right now…more later…

October 18th

Well…it did end up to be a bore of a day yesterday..but I guess that’s my fault since I invested time in watching the Lions instead of putting the bike on the back of the car and doing something….the weather was nice anyway….it’s kind of weird that I have been quite happy for a couple of weeks and then it just goes away…not doing anything differently either…I was even going to write a post about being happy…good thing I waited…and things are back to normal so that post won’t happen…don’t have a lot to do today but I do have things to do at G’s today so the bike ride will have to wait until later….I am going to go out for coffee since I really do need that…and I also need to start finding more things to do…yep, that will include fishing, Tom, but I have a bunch of stuff to do this week…going to buy a cable modem so I can dump the dsl and get service that I’ll be able to use to watch Neflix online…but the son has to come over before he moves to set up the wireless router and I think that looks like Wed…it will be weird to have web pages load faster than 15 seconds…that’s about it…I do have a topic for later that is quite depressing but reading “Bushwhacked” by Molly Ivins has crystallized some thoughts that have been brewing for a while…more later…

October 17th

Well…an okay day yesterday but fighting the boredom is getting a little harder…especially when Michigan looks so bad..but the Wings broke the 2 game losing streak (well, a loss and a tie) so that’s a plus..still can’t see the games here but when they get back to the normal 7 or 7:30 starting time, I’ll have to go out to watch a few. It’s only 7:48 and I have almost everything done I wanted to do today..I do need to clean this joint up some since the maint guys are coming tues to work on the furnace so I don’t die of carbon monoxide…not a lot else to do today…might have a short SF but am waiting to hear from K about it…and there is the Lions, I may need to watch to see if last week was a fluke…yeah, we all know it was but there’s that damn Lions optimism coming back again…almost delusional in it’s scope I’ll admit. No races since it was run last night…and I have a comment on Nascar and the half-full Charlotte track…boring, boring race…I wonder if it’s the races or just me that finds it boring…especially when racing used to be one of my favorite things in the world and now I can take it or leave it….so, look in sports later and I’ll solve all of the ills of the sports world…in one fell swoop…I’m going to go back and read the paper again like I used to since the morning run through is usually just a skim…but, you know it’s quite rare that I have a topic for Sunday….more later…

No outrage, not now, anyway…

Well…it’s been kind of a long day even though I haven’t really done anything except cook, eat, and watch football…the Sate game was a good one once they got going but Michigan is stinking up the place through the first half. I did make a new rib recipe that was just great and I had about a pound and a half of them…have been sitting here kind of uncomfortable ever since…but damn, they were good. Might have to go back out on the bike to work them off but probably not…don’t I get a day off? Don’t know if I’ll watch much more of the game…have been flicking back and forth to the movie “Giant” and I think it has more attraction with how badly Michigan is playing. Might even start a book from the new bag I got from T this week…who knows?

Just wanted to let you know that there will not be any other postings today unless there is a miracle and I get an idea…but that can wait until tomorrow…I am leaning toward going out to get the makings for a manhattan since I can feel some boredom coming on…maybe not….I am getting used to feeling good in the morning…

October 16th

Well…I know, I’m late this morning but I had to go out to FF to get some barbecue sauce and newspapers…making a new rib recipe that I got from G and forgot to get the sauce thurs. So, I’m sitting here waiting for the coffee to get done so I can read the papers and just relax until it gets warm enough to go out on the bike…and caffeine fueled bike riding is kind of fun…like I have a supercharger for my legs and, If I have too much, I’ll need to ride to burn off the excess. On the trip over to G’s this morning, there were some trees that were the reddest things I have seen in quite a few years..I may have to put the bike on the back of the car tomorrow and go out to do some color touring north of Lowell at the Fallasburg and Townsend parks…I think they even have a bar out by Townsend that might be fun…but I don’t like to have beers on the bike….makes it too much work. Not much to do today…I’ll bet you thought I wasn’t going to get that in, but I did and there really isn’t much to do but watch football…since Michigan isn’t playing Michigan State today, I can root for both of them…that’s about it….more later….no, really, more later…

October 15th

Well…it was a busy day yesterday and that was kind of nice for a change….and it looks like more of the same today, have to do the dreaded grocery shopping before the coffee shop but that’s okay since they have finished the construction on Kalamazoo and it will be easier to get there. Okay, I know it’s a boring life…I do have a movie from Netflix coming and with no booze yesterday, I feel good again today…I think I’ll do the no booze thing all weekend…but G is giving me a blender so I may have to make some frozen drinks to test it out….a margarita might be fun for later…I guess I’ll have to look for some recipes…but the grocery tab is so much lower without booze….I told you these would be kind of rambling for a couple of days…but, I do have a topic about the “elites” that the repubs are always harping on for later…or maybe something else if it strikes me….

October 14th

Well…kind of a busy day yesterday with lunch with T and the out with G for beers after that…but I still feel bad about not getting more posts out…this is probably one of the few times I can remember that I have a case or writer’s block and I just have not had any inspiration to write something new. I do know how to get out of it and that is to just write so you’ll be seeing some stuff that might be kind of rambling over the next couple of days….I am a little concerned that I have been happy lately and I seem to do my best work when I’m not, so I may have to do something stupid that will make me unhappy…but that is only the pattern that has worked so far…maybe I’ll try to change it…who knows? I do have a lot to do today…bet you didn’t see that coming…have already gotten the slow cooker going and I have to run a ton of errands this morning so I can help C load the truck for the move this aft. I did take the day off from the bike yesterday and it made a huge difference in my legs…no pain today for the first time in memory….so, that’s about it…I will have topics for later…

I know….you came back…and I’ve been lazy..

Well…I know…I’ve been a little lazy today…no big topics so far but I had lunch with T that went a couple of hours and I need to have some time that is not here in front of the computer…and I’m leaving in about an hour to meet up with G so I may not be able to get one out today…I will promise that I’ll put out a couple in the morning tomorrow before I have to go help C load the truck for his move…I’ll probably have to watch Keith tonight to get some inspiration since there wasn’t anything in the paper that got me going today…but, there are some topics that I have been talking about doing for a while that could be the fallbacks..who knows…I can understand if you don’t come back…but I’d like you to…some of this stuff has been worth it, hasn’t it? If you’re going to say no…please don’t…more later…

October 13th

Well… a long day yesterday…won at pool and put the eight ball in on the break for only the second time that I can remember….the last time was when I was around 18 so you can see how rare it is for me….had fun out there but when I went out to watch the Wings game at the new bar out here, it was like a scene from “Real housewives of Gaines Township” with a couple of bleached blondes just bitching and yelling when the computers went down and it took a few minutes to get their check paid. It’s been a while since I’ve seen that kind of behavior out of anyone…but the privileged class thinks it’s okay to treat people like crap. Not sure if I’ll go back there since they don’t have Keno and I like the people at the Mex place better.

Not much to do today…I do have lunch with T to look forward to and then maybe out with G later….and the normal stuff but I am kind of hoping that it will rain so I can take the day off from riding to get the pain out of my legs….more later…