October 19th

Well…there are a couple of new ones that are dated the 18th since I started them yesterday and just finished them this morning..so look down and you’ll see some new stuff…and you night even see some more new ones today, depending on how I feel…but I am working up some outrage that I need to vent somewhere. It was quite a busy day yesterday but another Monday that G skipped…I guess I’ll just have to start finding other things to do..it’s the same change thing that I’ve talked about quite a few times before but this one kind of puts a coda on what was left of the relationships from the old group. But is this to be mourned or to be celebrated? I think we can become too dependent on our routines, on the comfort of the known, and it is not always a good thing especially when the routines become a substitute for living your life. Just some musings…don’t make too much of them…

Not a lot to do today…I think there is pool out in Ada but I also have to buy the cable modem so I can dump the dsl and get that hooked up…plus, cleaning this joint up…there are spiders everywhere again and I need to get the webs vacuumed up and the bathroom done….so, boring as it is, that is the life right now…more later…

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