Tag Archives: life

August 12th

Well…I was right…I do feel like crap today but it’s my fault and I accept the blame….I think I have to do this from time to time to remind myself that whiskey at home is not a good idea…but the best thing to do to recover is go to the beach…so I’m putting the bike on the back of the wreck and heading out to GH to sit in the sand and go swimming….then over to the Tip for beers and a burrito for lunch if I feel better by then….owwww….so you may hear more from me later or maybe not…

August 11th

Well…another night of no booze at home but that string will be broken today…feel pretty good this morning but have to go grocery shopping since the freezer is empty and eating an ice pack is not an option. Did get a bunch more veggies from C’s garden and thanks to him for helping me eat more healthy. Don’t think I’ve had this many veggies in my life and I need to get more creative before I get tired of them. Maybe butternut squash with butter and parmesan for lunch today? Who knows…

It’s Wed so out to Ada today and it has to be better than Sunday with the thousands of screaming brats running around…and I predict I’m going to win at pool today…well, I thought that Sunday, too but that didn’t work out too well. I don’t like losing four times in a row…yeah, not really…I think we’re both getting better and that is fun…so, that’s about it for now…not going out on the bike this morning to beat the rain…just don’t feel like it…more later…

August 10th

Well…long day yesterday but you will be happy to hear that, for the third day, no booze at home…I did go out with G last night and we almost had our first argument in over a year…I think we were both crabby and out of sorts so that should not have been surprising….I think I’m going out for my ride early this morning since there is a heavy fog here and that is always fun on the bike…skipped yesterday and feel kind of guilty about it but I had so much to do that I just couldn’t fit it in…more later…

Oh, did have some outrage yesterday but feel much better today….

August 9th

Well…going to be a busy morning today….but I feel okay since no booze last night…waiting for the storm to hit…rumbling like crazy and it’s getting dark again so that could be fun…no bike ride today, or at least this morning but I probably won’t feel like it later but I might…I promise at least one pertinent topic later on today since once the morning is over, I’ll be done with everything I need to do…more later …

August 8 part two..

Well…out to Ada today to shoot pool with Tom and it was all I could do to keep from killing all of the brats that were running around the place….where the heck are their parents…they were just running wild and it is something the I never allowed my kids to do…geez…and to top that off, tom won for the 3rd time in a row…I’m going to have to pay attention next time and really work at it…but the shot to win this time was a good one so I don’t feel too bad….I know, I didn’t give you anything topical today, and probably won’t until later tomorrow since I have a lot to do at G’s tomorrow morning…work, work, work….but you never know…I may get my brain dried out and have a thought or two…

August 8th

Well…got the bike ride in at 7 this morning…needed to get it done before the storms come which is happening right now….really, really, weird dreams last night that included these gems…the Tardis (you Doctor Who fans know what that is) baby rhinoceroses, my daughter getting killed by a falling missile, helicopters, and fog, lots of fog. You’ve heard this before I know, but I look forward to my dreams and when the good ones happen, I need to write them down…usually here. Have a lot to do today…going to go out to Ada later for free pool and booze…well, the booze is not free but Tom got a check so he is going to pick up the tab today….so that is kind of a Sunday Funday…not much else right now but I do have some stuff to say about the predictability of political commentary today…or, maybe not…not sure right now….more later…

August 7th

Well…did go out for a while last night to meet up with K and V at Logan’s…it was my first Friday out in a long time and had a little fun. Not much going on today…feel a little crappy (yeah, I know, I was going to take it easy on the liver) and I’m trying to motivate myself to get on the bike this morning but not having a lot of luck. That’s about it for now….more later…

August 6th part two…

Well…it’s been a busy morning and I had fun texting T back and forth while she waited for her friend to show up for their ladies day out…she make me laugh like a fricking hyena all the time…hmmmm…Oh, I guess I should do a weekend update but there is nothing to update…no plans at all so far but I would like to do a Sunday Funday if I can drag a few people out but it looks like everyone is out of town and I might just have to amuse myself…which I do all the time. I do have to clean and get some farming done…as always and the weather has gotten so nice it will make that easier….I think I may have the allergies coming back since my head is plugging up and I have no energy… but that could be the whiskey, too…I’m not sure. Not sure if I’m going to write another one today but I might if something stirs me up a little….

August 6th

Well…stayed home last night but still feel like crap today..too many mans last night…going to have to take a few days off soon to give the liver rest…and I’m tired of feeling crappy every morning…but on the bright side, I did get 5 posts out yesterday so you did have something to read…not much to do today but go over to get some supplies that I need. I did try some pickling yesterday that I think is going to come out okay…going to pickle some zucchini and peppers today and then eat some of the stuff I did yesterday…yeah, I know, you’re bored so I’ll stop here…more later..I hope…

August 5th

Well…it’s been a nice morning and there have been enough good things happening to make even me smile a little…very nice people out on the trail made the bike ride more fun than normal and I want to thank my fellow trailers (is that a right use of the word?) for their courtesy when they see the crazy old guy come flying up the trail..especially the woman that walks the Great Dane every day….a dog so big that it could stand with it’s front paws on my shoulders and it’s head would be over mine…she always stops and restrains him and throws in a smile….thank you for making my day just a little better. Did get the grocery shopping in and I’m going to try my hand at pickling this aft…have some cukes, green onions, and peppers that I’m going to try….but, right now, the pizza is in the oven and I can smell it so I’m going to have lunch…I will be back with the earlier topics right after lunch…