Tag Archives: life

had to pass this along….

Well…the world has officially gone crazy…read in the news this morning that there is a brewery on Scotland that is making beer that sells for $765 a bottle but that is not the best part…they only made 9 bottles and the bottles come wrapped in dead animals. Yep…dead squirrels, weasels, and rabbits that have the bottles sewn inside and you pour through their mouths. I’ve been on this earth a long time but I think this is one of the weirdest things I have ever seen…more later…

July 23rd

Well…another night out with G last night but I don’t feel nearly as crappy as I thought I would so maybe today I’ll get to some topics that you want to read…I do have a comment on the ongoing efforts by the repubs to scrub ole GW’s image and blame all of the lingering effects of his policies on Obama. So that one will be later this morning after I get groceries and coffee…I think I may have to stop going out for a while….two days in a row and I am quite run down both mentally and physically. No plans for the weekend yet and that may be a good thing…I can use the rest…more later…

July 22nd

Well…another Wednesday out yesterday and I feel like crap today….my eyes are even worse than normal and the computer screen is kind of blurry even with my glasses on…so if there are misspellings it’s because I can’t see, not that I can’t spell…not going to do much today as you could probably already tell….I did write quite a bit yesterday so I think I’ll take the morning off…come back this aft and I promise there will be new stuff for you…

July 21st part two…

Well….as you can see from the previous posts, I have been a little outraged today but I think the outrage is justified given the things I’ve seen. On a more pleasant note, I got past 1000 miles for the summer on the bike today…about 6 weeks earlier than last summer so the goal of over 2K for the summer appears to be within reach…yay! It is damn hot today…have been trying to not use the air for a couple of reasons….I don’t like air that much; I’d prefer to hear the sounds and smell the smells of summer but since they are working on the church behind my place, I have to keep this place closed up or the beeping from the heavy equipment will drive me nuts. I never run it in the car….there’s nothing better than the wind in your hair…well…part of it is the air doesn’t work to well anymore…after all, the car has almost 300K on it….maybe more later…

July 21st

Well…it’s another Wednesday and I feel okay today since I took the day off from booze last night and just relaxed. Looks like the normal things for Wed…going out to Ada later to shoot pool but I have some more farming to do today so I should get going on that…..nope, going to wait until after coffee to do anything…I don’t know why I feel so compelled to do everything so fast when I have all of the time in the world; even after being out of work so long I still have the built in need to get things done quickly and move on to the next task…I think I’ll change that today. I’m going to make a conscious effort to slow down and enjoy things today…even slow down my driving…as you know, I’m a professional speeder who lives at 20 over all the time…but I must be pretty good at it…no tickets since 74…yep, probably longer that most of you have been alive. So…going to take a leisurely shower and try not to speed read the papers when I get out to Kava…might even have two coffees today…breaking the routine…more later…

July 20th

Well…it was kind of a busy day yesterday after starting off quite slow….did go out with G last night and lost 15 bucks playing Keno. Today I have to get this place cleaned up…yeah, I know I’ve been saying that for about a week now but I will get the spiders cleaned out of the bathroom and clean my shower. Have to go out and get some supplies, too, since I have to do some farming later. Whew…my brain is not really working right now…so I’m going to end here….more later…

July 19th part two…

Well…had a pleasant surprise today when T called and wanted to have lunch after coming back from her vacation..it’s always nice to talk to her and we do a lot of laughing…thought today was going to be kind of a bore but I had the inside mirror fall off the car again so I had to fix that along with taking care of some more duct tape that has peeled off the A-pillar on the way over to Greydon’s yesterday….at least it gave something to do. and, I think I have G later for a couple of beers if she feels like it so I need to take a short nap since I’ve been up since 5 again…and the perfect movie to do that to is on…2001, I love everything that Kubrick did but this one has a slow pace to say the least and is perfect for lying on the couch and drifting off to….so, that is what I’m going to do…not much happening in the world for me to comment on so I guess it’s going to be time tomorrow to start laying out my philosophy about politics and life in general….have been thinking about that for a while but who knows if I’ll get to it…I guess I should, huh?

July 19th

Well…had a sunday funday for the first time in a quite a while that was fun….but it is really hard on me to start at 3:30 in the aft and continue all night…just getting too old for that I guess….so I’ll spend another day feeling kind of crappy…it was weird to come home after the storm and find my patio chairs scattered around the lawn and branches down everywhere…over on the north end, it barely rained. Not much to do today….have to go over and get some supplies but that is about it…and clean this place up…I think it will be bathroom day later since I have a new crop of spiders that are everywhere…hmmmm….that’s about it for now..I should have a good post for later…

July 18th

Well…it’s 9:07 and I have everything that I wanted to do done….this is going to make for a boring day but there are some races on later so that will be okay. I think this post is going to be kind of stream of consciousness since there are just so many disjointed thoughts in my head right now. The first one is just weird….you know how I think “Dark Side of the Moon” is perfectly suited to riding early Sunday morning? Well…when the phrase “run, rabbit, run” came on, one did come out of the bushes and ran….I laughed out loud at the sheer absurdity of the moment.

Damn…all of the thoughts that I had on the bike have abandoned me….so I’m going to stop here for now and read a few newspapers online…more later….