Well…had a pleasant surprise today when T called and wanted to have lunch after coming back from her vacation..it’s always nice to talk to her and we do a lot of laughing…thought today was going to be kind of a bore but I had the inside mirror fall off the car again so I had to fix that along with taking care of some more duct tape that has peeled off the A-pillar on the way over to Greydon’s yesterday….at least it gave something to do. and, I think I have G later for a couple of beers if she feels like it so I need to take a short nap since I’ve been up since 5 again…and the perfect movie to do that to is on…2001, I love everything that Kubrick did but this one has a slow pace to say the least and is perfect for lying on the couch and drifting off to….so, that is what I’m going to do…not much happening in the world for me to comment on so I guess it’s going to be time tomorrow to start laying out my philosophy about politics and life in general….have been thinking about that for a while but who knows if I’ll get to it…I guess I should, huh?