Tag Archives: life

July 17th

Well…see, you got some outrage early today but it started bubbling when I was out on the bike and I had to get it down before I got distracted with making lunch and the other important things….a big ole slab of ribs with fries….yeah, I know, not too healthy but damn, it tasted good…I’ll make up for it with a salad later. Trying to figure out what to do today but I’m not having a lot of luck…didn’t think of it until too late but it would have been nice to go out to GH today…but it is the weekend and way too many people…maybe I’ll wait until Monday…but that doesn’t help today does it? so, I think I’ll go sit on the couch for a minute and ruminate on this dilemma. More later …..

July 16th part two

Well…I know, I’ve been lazy today and the topic that I thought was going to be a good one just didn’t grow in my head so that’s why there hasn’t been more today. I’m still struggling with the whole idea of getting toward 60 and the existential angst that comes from it…so I’ve really not had any energy to go after anyone, or to reveal more of myself. I will say that the feelings of abandonment that I have are real and I know that I have to do something about it…but I don’t know what that is yet.

Not much going on this weekend as far as I know…might take the bike downtown for the “Bikestock” event tomorrow and see a few bands…but I would be tempted to have a beer at the beer tent and beer and biking just don’t mix well for me. And, it’s going to be hot again so by the time I got there I would be soaked and that is never a good look for anyone…let alone an old guy.

So….I’ll try not to bore you the rest of the weekend…I promise a topic for tomorrow…so come on back….Oh, maybe a Red Wings update since there is starting to be news there…

July 16th

Yeah, I know, I’m late this morning…feel kind of crappy and had a lot to do..it is grocery day after all and taking care of G’s and T’s while they are gone takes some time. I am a little disappointed that only three people remembered it was my birthday yesterday but I had fun out with K for drinks….but now I guess I can ignore everyone else. Not a lot to do today but I need to get on the bike in a minute so I’ll end here…I do have some comments for later so check back….

July 15th

Well…it’s here…so I thought I’d get off a short one before I get the morning routine going…no grand gestures for this year…last year I rode 56 miles to mark the 56th birthday but I really have nothing to prove any more…so today is going to be kind of low-key…maybe take in a movie or not…I will probably just do a completely veg day….I have to go out for coffee and newpapers but the rest of the day is pretty much open…I will be adding some posts as the day goes on so come on back to see if anyone remembers the day….

July 14th part two…

Well….Tommy Castro was much better this year; so much more engaged than last year…it was pretty cool to see him walk through the crowd playing his guitar….and it was so loud, my ears are ringing even though I had earplugs in…a marker of a good night. Ran into my brother who is turning 70 tomorrow..yep we were born on the same day 13 years apart…but that is not the weirdest part…I have two sons that were born on the same day 4 years apart…kind of looking forward to tomorrow but it is weird to be turning 57 frickin’ years old….what can I do to mark the day? Any suggestions?…well, that includes booze that is….no more later…

Oh, one last thing…ran into the republican that is running for Vern Ehlers seat in the House….I am not proud of going off on her..but damn….the repubs have ruined this country and should I just bite my tongue? Yeah….there are times I should….you know how I’m trying to be a better person? Big setback tonight….oh, well….

July 14th

Well….it may be shaping up to be a day of outrage so stay tuned….but, first, it looks like it may be a fun day today…Tommy Castro is playing at Blues tonight and since he is one of my favorites, I’m probably going to go down and brave the crowds and the heat to hang out for maybe one set…he was disappointing in his set list last year…playing some of his most obscure stuff versus the great hits that he has. But, I’ll give it a try if I can find parking that is not too far away….Not too much else going on except for T’s cats and the regular stuff….I am getting disappointed with almost everything right now so there will not be much humor…just can’t laugh when things are so weird…

July 13th

Well…it was a late night last night…didn’t get out to hang with G until almost 9 and didn’t get back here until almost 11:30…much later than normal but G had a soccer game and that pushed it back a ways. Don’t feel too bad today even though I should…don’t have a lot to do today except take care of T’s cats and of course, work out and get a ride in. I do need to clean this place up since I just haven’t been motivated for some reason…I did get out yesterday to the vegetable stand and got some real tomatos so I am looking forward to just slicing one of those later….I know…you’re bored but that is the life of an unemployed old guy…I’ll try to be more exciting at some point and write a couple of these that are more topical…don’t feel much outrage at this point but that can change like the weather…more later…

July 12 part two…

Well…survived the morning and the afternoon so far and do feel quite a bit better after eating pizza…I just get tired of cooking about once a month and have to have food that is bad for me…the question is, when can you stop caring about that kind of stuff? It does get old over time keeping track in your head of all of the calories you take in. I wonder if anyone else does that or is it just that I’ve had a weight problem my whole life? I’m sure you don’t care….

It looks like I’ll have some stuff to do this week…out with G tonight then with C tomorrow…Tommy Castro at Blues on the Mall Wed night…going to skip Ada this week…then Thurs, it’s my b-day and I guess K and I are going to Bonefish Grill for appetizers and martinis…that might be fun….more later….well…probably not but you never know…

I am a little disappointed that I didn’t hear from T before she left for vacation….

July 12th

Well…I was right…you should have bet on Spain…but the match was not a lot of fun to watch. We did go out to the Mex place to watch it….and were the only English speaking people in the place…had loads of fun with K but feel like crap again today. I’m trying to get moving for coffee but not having a lot of luck at the moment….maybe a shower will help but I’m not holding my breath…more later…

July 11th

Well…the boating was fun and I am really sunburned and sore from the beating you take in a boat going 70 across Lake Michigan. Going to have to take the day off of riding even; I feel so beat up that everything hurts and that makes it hard to walk. So, today looks like taking it easy until the stiffness goes away…I hope later today but you know how that works…the real pain takes about a day to come so Monday is going to be the bad one. But what the hell..it was worth it to be out and having fun again…lake Michigan was as warm as I can remember it and the lack of waves made the boat ride at least a little easier.

I do have something to say later about the habit the repubs have about just making stuff up that goes all the way back to ole GW and is alive and well with Jan Brewer of Arizona….more later….

Oh, forgot to talk about the rest of the day…it looks like out to watch the World Cup final with K later…my predictions have not been too accurate but I think it’s going to be the Netherlands that wins it…so bet on Spain…