July 11th

Well…the boating was fun and I am really sunburned and sore from the beating you take in a boat going 70 across Lake Michigan. Going to have to take the day off of riding even; I feel so beat up that everything hurts and that makes it hard to walk. So, today looks like taking it easy until the stiffness goes away…I hope later today but you know how that works…the real pain takes about a day to come so Monday is going to be the bad one. But what the hell..it was worth it to be out and having fun again…lake Michigan was as warm as I can remember it and the lack of waves made the boat ride at least a little easier.

I do have something to say later about the habit the repubs have about just making stuff up that goes all the way back to ole GW and is alive and well with Jan Brewer of Arizona….more later….

Oh, forgot to talk about the rest of the day…it looks like out to watch the World Cup final with K later…my predictions have not been too accurate but I think it’s going to be the Netherlands that wins it…so bet on Spain…

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