Tag Archives: life

June 21

Well…no Sunday Funday yesterday and I’m a little disappointed, but having 3 days off with no booze was probably a good thing for both me and my liver…I do feel better and I do have Monday with G to look forward to. Have a bunch of stuff to do today which, of course, include more World Cup but I have to work on the wreck a little…I think the sleeping pills are starting to work…not a long duration of sleep but much deeper and less flailing around…have not found a pillow in the hallway outside my bedroom in almost a week…hey, I’ll take my progress anywhere I can get it. Hope you didn’t get turned off about yesterday’s post…but if you’ve read any of this stuff before you’ll know that there are still lots of things that I struggle with…even at my age…and that is one of the problems that I see with life…you’re supposed to get better at it as you get older….just a big lie; I think everyone hides that they are still the unsure, confused people they were when they were younger and the extra experience just makes you more experienced…that’s it…more later.

I’m hoping the newspapers will give me a topic for later this morning, but working on the wreck will push the next post back til later in the aft….or not, you’ll have to come back to check…

Father’s day….

Hmmmm….don’t know where to start with this one…I could get philosophical and ruminate on what it means to be a father but I don’t know if I’m the person to do that since it has always been somewhat uncomfortable to me. The problem is I don’t know why…my kids are the best people I know, certainly better than I ever was.

Do you have clear memories of your father? I only have two; one really bad and one really good…I guess there was just not a lot of interaction between us; how could there be with 9 kids in the family? You can’t fault him for that, but as I get older I can see that we may have been more similar than I remembered until now. When I talked about my memories of Ernie Harwell, one of the clearest ones was of my father sitting in the red and white 55 Ford station wagon with the radio on listening to the Tigers; just trying to find some time to himself….something I find necessary for my mental health. Among the many thoughts that have recently worked their way into my consciousness is the fact that I am now the same age that my father was when he died…did he feel like I do now? It would be nice to be able to ask that question…I hope my kids feel comfortable enough to do what I never had the chance to….

June 20th

Well…up again at 5:13 this morning….this is getting old but slept okay really…there is a weird thing about the sleeping pills, when they shut off they shut off…and you wake up with no chance of getting back to sleep. Isn’t watching the sun come up supposed to be romantic? Oh, I guess if there is someone there with you…alone, not so much and after 5 in a row it’s stating to be a pain. So, I decided to get the post done early. Not much to do today except take care of C’s house and buy some groceries at least…I’m down to the last thing I had in the freezer…some turkey soup that I made after the last turkey around Feb or so…a long time but it still tastes great. Need to put some aloe on my head from getting sunburned over the last couple of days but at least I’m getting a little color. More later…

June 19th part two..

Well…I did get the newspapers bagged but not out to recycling…too much World Cup and naps to take so that won’t get done until tomorrow. It was just so nice outside that I had to get the chair out and sit in the sun for a while….and, as you know, I’m trying to even out the biker’s tan…similar to a farmer’s tan and I’m sure you know what that is. So, of course, I stayed out for too long and got scorched but damn, is 45 minutes too much? Oh, well….have done lots more stupid things. Hmmmm….you’ll have to wait for outrage until later…I know I still have the Jon Stewart thing to write about but I’m just not feeling it so I’m not going to fake it…the outrage that is….more later…

June 19th

Well…up early again this morning…but feel a little better now and hope that will continue for the rest of the day…no booze for the rest of the weekend since I really do need to take a rest for a while…need to do some cleanup around here…the leaning tower of newspapers is getting dangerously large and needs to be disassembled before there is mayhem everywhere….would probably register on the Richter scale if it falls over. I probably should go the the grocery store this morning, too, but just have no motivation to do it…so it may be fast food for the first time in about a month..or maybe more. Hmmmm…tacos from Taco Bell sound pretty good right now…I’m sure they’re not open at 6:30….they should be…haven’t you ever wanted a taco in the morning? More later…

It’s later…had what, at the time, sounded like a great idea for a new novel last night…I understand now how some of the great authors used booze to fuel their writing…but, I think you need the booze then to make sense of them…not a road I want to go down at this point but I may create a new category like new novel or something and try to write it in real time…would give me something to do.

June 18th

Well…four nights out in a row and I am starting to feel the effects…going to skip coffee and newspapers this morning since I feel like crap, and the US takes on Slovenia at 10….watching the Germany/Serbia match right now and Germany is down 1-0…quite a surprise but the reffing is kind of off with way too may yellow cards.

Not too much to do today since I have no money in my pocket…well…75 cents and I can scrounge up some more change; I do have some money coming in this aft so I guess I can survive until then if I don’t go out. Heading back to the couch to finish the match…more later…

June 17th

Well..had fun yesterday…won at pool but drank too much and feel kind of crappy this morning…so this one is not going to be groundbreakingly lucid by any means…in fact, I think I’ll end here for now…going to head for the couch and nurse my wounds a bit…ice water has just a huge attraction to me right now…more later…

Okay…I’m back….damn, it’s a pain to get old…literally…now I’ve hurt my back somehow to go along with the tendinitis in my elbow and shoulder…oh, well, I was going to write a post about how I feel pretty good for my age but I think I’ll hold off on that for now…did have a nice bike ride and the bike is still working perfectly even after riding it through the flood yesterday…had to even use a different pair of shoes since my normal ones are still soaked. Not much else to say today…well, right now, that is…I need to make lunch and you should, too…

June 16th

Well…it’s kind of early to be doing this…back up at 5:30 this morning…pretty normal when I think about it, but still a pain in the butt. My daughter did give me some prescription sleeping pills when I was in Chicago last week so we’ll see how they work over the next week or so. Was supposed to have last night off from drinking to get ready for pool with Tom this aft but didn’t…so we’ll see how that works out…only have about 8 bucks in my pocket so it may be a short night…need to get some money coming in…any suggestions? No other plans so far…I might treat myself to a new grill for Father’s day since I miss the one that burned to the ground and you can only bake chicken so many times before the mere sight of it makes you gag. I NEED a rare t-bone…..more later…

The topic for later is more on the torture thing and a recent refusal of the Supreme court to take the case of a Canadian who was kidnapped and tortured by the USA…by mistake…well, all torture is a mistake but you’ll love this one…geez…

June 15th

Well…feel like crap this morning after the night out with G…but had a ton of fun so it was worth it. I am getting so tired of hearing those damn horns from the World Cup matches that I may just stop watching. I know it’s kind of tradition for the Africans but they have to know they are annoying and the casual fans will tune out after listening for just a couple of minutes. Hmmm….that’s it for now…I do have some onion peeling to do later but I am happy I didn’t post last night when the depression was running rampant…I know, that might have been the time that I would be the most honest but I’m not ready to reveal that just yet….might sound like a whiner and then you won’t come back…it is kind narcissistic I know…not the least of my flaws believe me…more later…

June 14th

Well…not much to say this morning..spent all Sunday just lazin around here and getting rested from the traveling along with laundry, etc. The bike is the cleanest it has been in a year after the power wash it got on the back of the car coming home. Yeah…the brain is a little sluggish today…maybe one too many manhattans last night or the combo of two types of sleeping pills…not a good idea so don’t try that at home…more later…