March 5th

Well….it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t accomplish much…I did take the car over to wash it but it was too cold so it just froze into a huge block of ice and I didn’t really get it clean…so, I’ll probably have to do it again tomorrow…slept okay last night and had weird school dreams again and that is really strange since I am so old…feel okay today with being good last night and that will continue all week…I am still just depressed that there is no warm up in sight…it is supposed to be in the 50′s by now and I want to get the summer tires back on the car so I can get one more winter out of the winter ones….not much to do today…might meet up with G for one in the aft but that is about it…more later…

Isn’t this treasonous?

Well…as the Ukraine crisis unfolds, a thought has been rattling around in my head in regards to the constant right wing criticism of the president…isn’t it treasonous to try to undermine the president in time of crisis for purely political reasons? I think that this can be construed as giving aide and comfort to the enemy and making Putin’s position stronger by making the president look weak (not that he is weak)…what happened to the idea that was followed forever until these crazy-assed righties got to power that politics stopped at the waters edge? It just shows you that today’s right has no ideas in foreign policy that should even be listened to…their one and only idea is to use the military to attack no matter what the crisis…a one size fits all solution that fits the less than bright lights on the right…geez….

March 4th

Well…it was a nice, fun day yesterday with a road trip with T out to GH and lots of laughs and good conversation…and the snow piles out there are 30 feet tall…did get a photo of the Miata parked next to one and it is just funny…and, I found out that the car is a little too cramped with the top up, two people, a cooler, and warm clothes….will have to work on the logistics of it for the next one…..slept okay last night and I think some of it is from all of the traveling….and the walk out on the ice…can’t remember there not being any water visible….not much to do today…I do have some things to do around here but most of the day is going to be recovery from the busy day yesterday since I am still not over that damn bug I’ve had for the past month…more later…

Part two…

Well…it has been a long day today and I haven’t had the time to get to trying to find a political topic for the day…I do find it heartening that there is real pushback to the lies by the Koch brothers about the ACA…I just don’t understand why a couple of billionaire brothers give a damn if people can get affordable insurance…what is it to them? Do they feel better when they hurt other people? Or is it that they were given everything and lived a privileged life and have bought the idea that the rich constantly push that no one else deserves anything?  Along with buying ads to try to destroy the unions and the middle class…don’t they have enough already? Why can’t they just leave the rest of us alone and stop making the country a worse place to live? I have had enough of rich people just taking, taking, and taking, and rigging the system with their money so no one else even has a chance…they should be careful…when the winds of politics change, we progressive will have long memories…how does a return to the 90% tax rates of the 50′s sound to you Kochs? Geez…

March 3rd

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I was good last night so I feel pretty good this morning…didn’t sleep that well but that’s normal now and I’m not going to bitch about it…it’s another damn cold morning this morning and I need to fire the car up in a few minutes and let it run since it’s 7 below again…another new record for March and I am damn tired of it….at least the thing will start…I do have things to do today…have to get a haircut and then run some errands…then, it’s a road trip out to GH with T to have lunch and go out and look at the ice…the last time we did that was over 10 years ago so it should be fun….and, were taking my car…too bad it’s too cold to put the top down…so, I may not be back for another one later…who knows?

Obama derangement syndrome and the Ukraine..

Well…to hear the right howl and howl about the supposed inaction of the president on the Ukraine, you’d think he was drowning puppies or giving Putin Alaska to ensure he won’t invade. The only thing you need to remember, though, is this is just another instance of Obama derangement syndrome where the right will bitch about everything just because he is presidentin’ while black and, for the chicken hawks on the right, the only solution to any diplomatic problem is another war that will enrich themselves and their buddies in the war supplying business. One thing that pisses us off on the left is the fact that they call Obama weak because he is letting Putin push him around by not threatening war when ole GW let Putin invade Georgia and basically level the place….and without any squeak from the right saying that GW was weak….so, to me, these asses on the right have no standing to criticize when it is so nakedly political and devoid of any principle….geez…

March 2nd

Well…already getting behind for the month with being lazy yesterday but I had an excuse…I did get out to have a few with K and C and when I got back here, I was pretty burned out and didn’t feel like doing another one…slept okay last night but my back is giving me fits and that is causing some nerve pinching in my right leg that has the front of it burning….so, I need to keep the ibuprofen going to try to get the inflammation down so the nerves can rest…I did get a lot done yesterday with too may errands and stuff to do around here and today looks the same…with work around here, that is…still have some things to get done by the end of the day but don’t have to get started right now…going to have the second cup of coffee and hit the couch for some soccer…more later

March 1st

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but I lost at pool for the 7th time in a row and it is starting to get annoying…but, I made some cash so that makes it all better….after that, it was just a total veg day and I am starting to feel guilty about it…but, it is the weekend so I am not going to get too guilty…have been moving since 6 or so and have already been to Meijers and there will be more errands here in a few minutes so that is something…and, it looks like C is coming into town today so I may be meeting up with he and K for a couple this aft so it looks like a busy day…I do need to come back here for one more to get March off to a good start….and pay the rent but that won’t happen until later…

And the rich wonder why people hate them…

Well…just a short one on an article that I read in one of the papers this morning about how airlines are starting to put more space between first class passengers and the rest of the unwashed masses since surveys of these rich people made staying far away from normal passengers their top priority…it isn’t bad enough that first class passengers are first on and first off the plane, now they just never want to even see anyone who can’t afford to fly first class.  To add insult to injury, Delta is changing their frequent flier program to award rewards based not on the miles you fly but on the COST of your ticket, essentially eliminating any reward for anyone but first class passengers. Just like their gated communities, skyboxes, and having servants so they don’t have to mix with us poor folks…every day the rich do everything they can to make sure the rest of us know our place in the world…and it isn’t in first class…geez…

February 28th

Well…got to the last day of the month and it is 9 frickin degrees below zero …and the record for the day was 1 below…just got the car started, but barely, was barely turning over but I just love fuel injection and how the car runs when it’s cold…it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t do much but cook and clean but that’s okay…slept okay last night and, for some reason, I was not as cold as the other day…but after walking out to start the car in a t-shirt and shorts, I am now….not much to do today,,,well…I do have a few things, pool, of course, and I need to win one….and then back here to veg the rest of the day and get one more of these out to make the goal…more later….

What you never want to be….