Tag Archives: Koch Brothers

The Koch’s are at it again….

Well….how damn dumb do you have to be to think the most important thing to do with your time is go out and protest against something that doesn’t exist? That’s just what it happening with all of the non-degreed white women who elected a trump clone for governor of Virginia….and have been  polled that critical race theory was the most important thing that got them to vote for the repub….and they don’t want it taught to their children…which it isn’t in any school across the country. So, why would they think it is? It’s the Koch’s again who have set up an interlocking network of “news” organizations. podcasts, and rallies that use that non-existent theory to stir up the racist whites and keep them agitated by bombarding them with crap like “all white kids are racist” according to the theory and that is what is going to be taught to them if CRT is allowed into the schools….and one of the messages that is repeated  by this network is that slavery wasn’t that bad and it wasn’t whites fault since every race has owned slaves in the past. If you remember, it was the Koch’s who were behind the astroturf tea party that came into being after Obama was elected…and that was no coincidence…they know they can gin up outrage in these people since they are primed for it by fox news, sinclair, and the rest. My question is history is history, shouldn’t kids be taught the truth? That this damn country was built on the backs of slaves and racism is still pretty prevalent…how do you fix something if you don’t let kids see the truth? I feel bad for people who are being used as foot soldiers in this war on progress in this country….but they have a responsibility to seek out the truth and it is just lazy on their part to take the easy path and just let fox news rot their brains….geez….

Crumbs for the workers…as always…

Well….everyone but the repubs knew that the great tax giveaway of 2018 would benefit corporations and the 1%, and now we see that we knew what was happening…and the first crumbs are being sprinkled on workers starting with the big banks. and manufacturers. The banks have been crowing that the huge tax cuts they have been given is trickling down on their workers as they announced bonuses to some of their workers of up to $1,000 dollars…but, when you look at the comparison of the size of the tax cuts to the banks, the bonuses that are going to SOME workers are equal to less than 2% of the tax cut that the top 1% is going to get…so this huge tax cut that is going to decimate tax receipts is not going to anyone but the rich…or to put it in the words of a repub senator: “We need to reward our donors or they are going to turn off the money taps”…and that is the problem…many manufacturers and banks have used the tax cuts to finance laying off thousands of workers that they would have kept on without the cuts….again, the result of the shoddy bill that no one knew what it contained….but, there is only one thing you really need to know about the cuts…that the day after the tax cuts passed, Koch industries wrote Paul Ryan a check for $500K …talk about “pay for play”….geez…

Now we know why….

Well….if you wondered why there is such a rush by the repubs to take health insurance away from 30 million people and kill thousands, now we know….three people…yep three people told them to do it or they will shut off the money taps that keep getting these idiots elected. And, I’ll bet you know who two of them are…yep, the Koch brothers…two people who have done more to ruin this country than anyone else and who are now going to buy the repeal of the ACA and kill thousands of people just so they won’t have to pay taxes. Now, I hope you folks out there understand how sick this is….repealing a law that has given people across this country peace of mind and saved the lives of countless thousands just to give billionaires a tax cut….I know I rant about this stuff almost every day but damn…how do people get to be this evil?

The Kochs will ruin anything…

Well….you know that I have written about the Koch brothers and all of the anti tax organizations that they fund…and the mischief these idiots do across the country…now they are even getting involved in local matters that have nothing to do with them…last year it was a bond issue for the Columbus zoo that they spent millions defeating…why they give a damn about that I’ll never know…and now a little town called Plainfield Illinois has felt the long tentacles of the Kochtopus. What was the dastardly thing the people there wanted to do? Raise taxes to pay for a new library for the town to replace one that was just too small. This small raise in taxes would pay for the new library and updating of technology, along with meeting rooms for the community to use. This project was proposed after years of surveying the city, of focus groups, and working with everyone who would have a stake in the new library…just how democracy is supposed to work…thanks Joan….but, not to the Kochs. They just HAVE to interfere everywhere…and they did…spending huge amounts of money on anti library robocalls and advertising…and the result of this attack on local self determination? The referendum failed and now the library will see a 20% cut in funding…ending many programs that were essential to the community. You could blame the voters, but I won’t do that here since we know that advertising is very effective in political campaigns and low information people can be easily swayed when only one side of an issue is covered. This is where we have to fight the Kochs…they don’t give a damn about America or democracy, they only care that their money and power is creating the kind of society they want…the regular folks get nothing while they take everything….geez…

It’s up to us…

Well….with the election coming up, I am going to keep hammering on the point that we outnumber the crazy asses on the right and it is up to us whether or not we want to win these elections…whether or not we want idiots like Snyder to continue to take away worker’s rights and give your tax dollars away to corporations while they treat women like second class citizens. It’s up to us who controls the senate and whether or not Obama is impeached…all we have to do is vote…take a couple of hours of your time on election day to deny the Koch’s from using their inherited wealth to buy our country and impose their crazy assed right wing views on the rest of the country…and, it is up to you whether or not the religious crazies can force you to adhere to their religion in the name of “freedom”…just vote…it’s not complicated, just vote…that’s all…

The invisible candidate…

Well…over the past couple of days, I have remembered and forgotten this topic a couple of times so I thought I’d better get it down here before it goes away completely. In the senate race here in Michigan, I have never seen a candidate like Terri Land, who I have started to call the invisible candidate since she has disappeared from the campaign trail…not doing any meet and greets, any interviews, any debates, or anything, with her office just blowing everyone off. This invisibility is being complemented by the 6.5 million dollars that the Koch’s have spent trying to buy this seat for her…what else can you call it when the only people she meets with is the Koch’s and their minions…and that shows just who she is planning to represent if she gets elected…surely not you or me. I think this invisibility is part of their strategy since they know she is not too bright and can’t think on her feet…and her grasp of the issues is Palinesque…she didn’t even know what net neutrality is….I guess this is a requirement to be the senator from the Koch’s…but not from Michigan…geez…


Lying liars and Walmart…

Well…over the past 6 months or so, one of the topics that has been in the news a lot is the push to get the minimum wage raised across the country…some thing that repubs and the rest of the conservatives have fought with every tool they have…and, by tools I mean lies and economists who are in the tank for business. The latest one comes from an “analysis”  of the wages at one Walmart in a North Dakota oil boom town where the shortage of labor has driven the price of labor even at Walmart to over 17 dollars an hour….and the first thing the “economist” from AEI (yep, Koch funded) says is “see, there is no need for a minimum wage if Walmart has to pay more in a tight labor market.” Now, either this PHd is stupid or he is just cherry picking numbers of one Walmart in one town to drive his political agenda…the political agenda of the Koch brothers who hate, just hate having to pay a minimum wage and have spent hundreds of millions trying to block any raise. His assertion only works in this tight labor market…in others where there is a surplus of labor, a minimum wage is needed or the surplus will drive labor cost continually down until it reaches essentially zero….now, this guy should know that…and I’m sure he does, he just doesn’t care and is lying his ass off to keep getting paid millions by the Koch’s…what a bunch of crap….

Trying to think…

Well…have been working around here today trying to get caught up on the stuff that I put off before the wedding with some luck..not much, but some…I did have a topic but forgot it..oh, maybe a short one about the Kochs again? One thing that all of us that are on the side of rationality have to do when the right tries to equate the Kochs spending on trying to buy themselves a government to the contributions of people like Soros on the left is just this: in the last election cycle the Kochs spent 411 million dollars while George Soros spent about 4 million….which of these is more? 411 million or 4 million? Are they equal? Not in any way shape or form…we on the left need to keep talking about this, this purchasing of the government by the Kochs…they are starting to flinch from the sunlight like any good vampire….geez…

Need to keep up…

Well…the day turned out better than expected and I made a little cash so that is cool…and I got to put the top down out and back for pool and that always makes me smile….but, I think the clutch cylinder I replaced is going bad again…just doesn’t feel right…damn….one political thing that I am smiling about is the pushback the Koch brothers are finally getting on the lies they are spouting across the country…people are starting to recognize their ads when they come on and are skipping them…they have already spent over 30 million dollars on trying to buy the senate in this election but have not moved the needle one bit…that even makes me laugh out loud…couldn’t happen to “nicer” people…that was snark if you didn’t know….

The problem with Koch money…

Well…int he wake of Citizens United and the McCutcheon decision, the supreme court has torn away the last vestiges of control of the government for and by the people and replaced it with one for and by the Kochs…let me explain…when the Kochs started out, limited by campaign finance laws, they concentrated on national issues since they were limited in how much they could spend…but now, since the supreme court has taken any limits away, these asses are now taking away the right to self determination across the country by getting into races as local as school boards. And, this is done with the single mindedness of hatred for unions, democrats, and the middle class that is just breathtaking…with them going so far as to spend millions in Tennessee to defeat a mass transit proposal that would have allowed people to leave their cars at home…something the oil rich Kochs could not stomach. This same interference and hatred for unions is seen in their assault on local school boards where they are buying seats for their tea party cronies on the boards and then instructing them to fight the unions, ensuring that teachers fall out of the middle class….so, when someone says the Kochs are not the problem, they are lying, lying, lying….geez…